At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

360 Daming shame Zhu Qizhen? Isn't it funny? [3/6, please subscribe]

"Thank you immortals for your help, thank you all for your help!"

Zhu Qizhen behaved modestly and politely, and he already believed Chongzhen's explanation in his heart, so he also bowed to the crowd again and again.

Ying Zheng and others looked at Chongzhen's face and nodded, the atmosphere was not bad.

"Sit down, you're welcome. Ji Han ordered.

"Yes! Thank you fairy!"

Zhu Qizhen then sat down again with a sigh of relief. Chongzhen was also in a complicated mood when facing this old ancestor, and just silently toasted him with a glass of wine.

"Zhu Youjian? Good name, has my Ming Dynasty passed down to sixteen generations? I really can't believe it! 35

"If I guessed correctly, these people who just used firearms should be my soldiers in the Ming Dynasty, right? I didn't expect that I would have such soldiers and horses in the Ming Dynasty, and they will definitely be passed down for thousands of years in the future!"

Zhu Qizhen drank a glass of wine, and couldn't help but sigh~ Connected!

Seeing this, Chongzhen was a little embarrassed and replied: "Don't blame Yingzong, I am the last emperor of Ming Dynasty."

"The last emperor? What do you mean?" Zhu Qizhen exclaimed: "Is it possible that I will destroy the country? 35

"Hahaha! It's more than destroying the country, Lao Zhu has to be hanged in the coal mountain."

"If it wasn't for the help of the immortal masters to change his fate, he would have been defeated by the rebel army at this time, how could there be so many elite soldiers and strong generals!

Ying Zheng and the others laughed and joked.

Zhu Qizhen was immediately stunned.

What's going on? Could it be that the future of the Ming Dynasty is so troubled?

"In history, my Daming was destroyed by Jiannu, and I was useless. Fortunately, the immortal master helped me to change my destiny." Chongzhen explained: "Now I have reorganized the mountains and rivers, and the people of Daming are hundreds of millions, and everyone has enough food and clothing!"

"The army in my hands is one million, all equipped with elite firearms, and it has swept across Goryeo, Dongying, and all the foreigners in the world. Now my Ming Dynasty is at its peak national strength, and it is no longer a problem to inherit it for ten thousand years.

Chongzhen's remarks made Zhu Qizhen secretly relieved, and at the same time, his blood boiled secretly.

What a legacy for thousands of years!

If Da Ming in later generations had such strength, he would be dead.

"Thank you again, Immortal Master!"

Zhu Qizhen got up excitedly to toast, and even drank three glasses for himself, and his mood became very good.

Ji Han smiled and said, "Don't thank me, if it wasn't for Chongzhen's insistence on coming to help, you would have been captured and taken away alive by the Tashi people!"

"What? It's impossible! 35

"I have an army of more than 200,000 people, so how could I lose to the Vassars?"

Zhu Qizhen exclaimed again and again, and Wang Zhen and the others who were kneeling in the tent were all terrified and shocked.

Will the Ming army be defeated by the tile thorns?

Will Zhu Qizhen be captured alive?

Isn't this fairy joking?

If so, wouldn't everyone be screwed?

"Sir, you're not kidding!" Chongzhen sighed and explained: "The battle of Tumubao was the most tragic defeat of my Ming Dynasty. History records that the Ming army was defeated by Tashi, and Yingzong was also captured and taken away alive. Shame of the Ming Dynasty!


Zhu Qizhen's face flushed red, and his heart was in a panic.

He was ambitious and wanted to imitate his great-grandfather Zhu Di's defeat of Tile Thorn, but the result was such a result, and it was regarded as a shame of Daming?

How could this make him accept the result?

"Impossible, it's impossible!" Zhu Qizhen roared in grief and indignation.

"How impossible!" Chongzhen said with a wry smile: "You are indecisive and indecisive in the military, and all decisions are handed over to a eunuch. You can't even dig out a drop of water in this civil fort, and the thorns trap you for two days before you have to fight. Collapse!""

"In the end, these hundreds of thousands of troops will be buried here by you, and an emperor is like a pig and a dog to be taken away by aliens and humiliated. Isn't this a shame for me in the Ming Dynasty?"

"Because of your connivance and arrogance, my descendants of the Ming Dynasty can't lift their heads, isn't this a shame?


Zhu Qizhen's heart trembled.

He almost vomited blood in embarrassment.

Although I don't want to admit it, it all seems to be true.

If Ji Han and others didn't suddenly appear, then this Tumu Fortress battle might really have been a shameful battle for the Ming Dynasty.

··For flowers·.....

When he thought that he was likely to be kidnapped by the Tashi people like pigs, cattle and sheep, he couldn't help but blushed.

"You have a very famous name in later generations. Guess what?" Ji Han suddenly laughed and said, "The descendants call you the Great Ming God of War! 55

"Daming God of War?"

Zhu Qizhen's scalp went numb in shock.

Does he deserve this name too?

Wait, that doesn't seem like a positive review.

He has no power to tie the chicken, and he doesn't even understand the military. This is clearly a mockery.

What did the ancients pay most attention to? Naturally, fame!


When he thought that he would be mocked by later generations as the Great Ming God of War, he couldn't help but want to vomit blood. Isn't this too humiliating?

"Records in the history books!" Ji Han said eloquently: "In the battle of Daming's northern attack on Tara, all the important military and political affairs were handled by the eunuch Wang Zhen arbitrarily.

"This is unreasonable for the military's domineering character. The military, Chinese and martial arts are all obedient and obedient. Cheng Guogong Zhu Yong has to walk on his knees in front of him.""

"It changed the marching route many times, which caused the soldiers to be exhausted, and then resolutely marched into the Tumu Fort, causing the soldiers to be hungry and thirsty and defeated like a mountain!

"Everyone knows that Emperor Yingzong favored eunuchs, and such a god of war, isn't it ridiculous?

After Ji Han's words, Zhu Qizhen was in a cold sweat, and Wang Zhen, who was kneeling on the ground, was stunned.

He never thought that the reason for the final defeat was actually because of him.

"You are wronged!" Wang Zhen shouted with a pale face: "Your Majesty is wronged, how could this old slave cause our army to suffer a great defeat, and the old servant ordered to stick to the Tumu Fort because there is an old servant's reason, how can it be defeated? Trust them."

"You bastard, are you saying we're lying?"

"Do you dare to disagree with what the immortal said?"

"Someone, drag it out and chop it into meat sauce to feed the dog.

When Lu Bu, Zhang Fei and the others heard the words, they were furious and waved their hands. Several soldiers rushed in and directly held down Wang Zhenqi.

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