At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

361 Indecisive people, it is difficult to achieve a great cause! 【4/6, please subscribe】

"Holy Lord, help, help me!"

"The old slave is loyal to you!"

Wang Zhen screamed in horror and screamed desperately!

Seeing this, Zhu Qizhen hesitated immediately. He trusted Wang Zhen very much, and he could even say that he entrusted Wang Chen with all the affairs of the court, which caused the eunuch to be in power.

Now that Wang Zhen was about to be beheaded after a few words, he couldn't help but feel entangled in his heart.

"Master Immortal, isn't this a bit hasty." Zhu Qizhen's good-natured and indecisive personality couldn't help but plead: "Wang Companion is a good companion, is there any misunderstanding?"

"Misunderstanding? 35 Ji Han's eyes froze, and he pointed at the civil and military officials behind Wang Zhen and said, "Tell me, is this a misunderstanding?

"Forty Seven"

"No! It's not a misunderstanding, the sage doesn't know something. Over the years, the old thief Wang Zhen has relied on your trust, and it can be said that he is doing a good job!"

"Yeah, he ordered someone to steal the iron monument erected by Ming Taizu to prohibit internal ministers from interfering in the government's affairs, to take power and to plant private parties!"

"His nephew Wang Shan is in command of Jinyiwei, Wang Lin is in charge of Jinyiwei, and his party members have been promoted and promoted, and he has also rejected dissidents and framed Zhongliang.

"Since we set out on the expedition, we have been deeply hurt. The Minister of the Household, Wang Zuo, was punished by him kneeling for a long night just because he proposed to return to the army. This is not a eunuch, this is clearly the Supreme Emperor!

"My minister, please kill this flirt!"

The civil and military officials of the Ming Dynasty all denounced in anger!

Kuang Ye, Minister of War, Wang Zuo, Minister of Household, Cao Nai, a cabinet scholar, all jumped out.

In the past, Wang Zhen was so powerful that everyone dared not say a word, but now there are immortals present, what are you afraid of?

Only the fool helped this Wang Zhen out of the siege, when would he wait if he didn't fall into the trap at this moment?

After everyone's remarks, Wang Zhen was in a cold sweat, and Zhu Qizhen was dumbfounded.

He never thought that he thought that the honest and loyal Wang Zhen had such an image behind his back, which made him too dumbfounded.

"Brother Chongzhen, the ancestor of your Zhu family is not a smart person. It's ridiculous to be played around by a eunuch."

"Fortunately, Mr. didn't let him go to Wonderland. If I drink and have fun with this idiot every day, I will feel nauseated just thinking about it."9

"The indecisive generation is difficult to achieve a great cause, no wonder it will become a shame for the Ming Dynasty!"

Ying Zheng, Li Shimin, and Cao Cao all had ugly expressions on their faces, and they scolded and ridiculed them again and again.

Zhu Qizhen was scolded and his face flushed, and even Chongzhen was embarrassed.

However, these three people are all emperors of a dynasty, and none of them have a lower status than Zhu Qizhen, so it is impossible to refute these words.

"To kill or not to kill this person now, it's up to you!" Ji Han sneered.


Zhu Qizhen gritted his teeth and decisively sentenced Wang Zhen to death.

He knew that he was already looked down upon by Ji Han and others, and he had to do something. If he was indecisive, then he would definitely have bad luck.

"I have so many doubts just now, I'm really sorry for the Immortal Master's guidance!" Zhu Qizhen said embarrassedly: "I also ask the sergeant to drag this old thief out to beheaded.

"No no no!

"Your Highness, spare your life, spare your life!

Wang Zhen was so frightened that he screamed desperately, but in the end he was quickly dragged out by the soldiers, and after a while, his shrill screams rang out from outside the military tent.

This eunuch who brought disaster to the country and the people died.

This naturally made the civil and military officials of the Ming Dynasty secretly excited.

"Wang Zhen is dead, and the vanguard troops of Waja have been wiped out all the way!" Ji Han continued: "Tomorrow morning we will go north to conquer Waja and destroy his entire clan. You should go back to Peiping and be your emperor." "

"Master Immortal!" Zhu Qizhen suddenly became anxious: "Can I lead the army to help? Although the Waza tribe seems vulnerable to you, I also want to contribute."

"Hehe! 99

Everyone laughed when they saw this.

Zhu Qizhen said that he wanted to contribute, but who could not see that he wanted to hug Ji Han's big thick leg and take the opportunity to develop..

But Ji Han has no interest in him.

This kind of person is not worthy of entering the fairyland and drinking at the same table with everyone. After helping him to smash the thorn, Ji Han will leave this time and space and have no contact with him since then.

"You don't need to worry about the battle of Oara. 33 Ji Han said impatiently: "If these old soldiers of yours go, it will only be a hindrance, and we will be too lazy to take care of you!

"Then you can just go back and sit in Peiping, you don't have to worry about food and grass at all, we will leave here forever in ten days.

"As for you want to get some pointers, you can also ask Chongzhen. He is your descendant, and he is also from the Ming Dynasty. It is impossible for him not to help!"

In just a few words, Ji Han arranged the matter clearly and cut off Zhu Qizhen's idea of ​​clinging to it.

"Thank you sir! 99

Zhu Qizhen was secretly lost, but he didn't dare to say anything more.

After all, this is an immortal, and even if Ji Han doesn't look down on him, he doesn't dare to have any complaints.

But he won't get a little benefit.

As Ji Han said, it is impossible for Chongzhen to see his ancestors being bullied. Zhu Qizhen is also a Zhu family member, and he vowed not to bow his head when he was captured by Oara, which can be described as a hard bone.

Even if such a person has shortcomings, it is enough for Chongzhen to help, otherwise Lao Zhu must abolish this old ancestor in 4.3, and establish a new emperor for the Ming Dynasty of this time and space.

"The ancestor of Yingzong doesn't need to be concerned, we will not stay here, this time, Mr. can come to the Orthodox years to change history, it is the result of my hard pleading!

"I have three treasures here, and now I give them to my ancestors. If you can use them diligently, my Ming Dynasty will definitely become stronger and stronger!"

Chongzhen smiled bitterly and comforted, and then handed over the three kits, obviously this was the great gift he prepared for Zhu Qizhen.


Zhu Qizhen opened the kit and took a few glances, his face changed greatly, and there was a hint of surprise and shock in his eyes.

After a while, he became beaming.

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