At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

363 Hell-level siege, tile thorns collapse! 【6/6, please subscribe】

Deep in the desert

The largest of the thorns also entered the tribe first, and it was already a panic at this time!

As one battle report after another was sent to the tribe, a wave of despair began to envelope the Waja people, these brave people in the bitter cold land of the desert, at this moment, their scalps also became numb!

"Damn, are these Ming dogs crazy? How could they suddenly send hundreds of thousands of troops into the desert?

"More than a dozen tribes such as Hash and Pato were wiped out. I heard that even three-year-old boys were not spared. All the cattle and sheep in the tribe were killed. These lunatics!"

"Damn Han people, this bloody feud can't be avenged, hasn't the leader ordered a war yet? We're going to kill them all!"

"These beasts, the great gods will never let them go!

There are all kinds of discussions in the tribe!

Many warriors with tattoos angrily invited to fight, but Ye Xian Khan did not order a counterattack, but kept shrinking his troops and horses.

Because he has long seen that this is not a simple soldier.

It was absolutely impossible for the Ming Dynasty's army to destroy one of his leading troops so easily.

"How is the situation now?"

Inside the largest tent in the tribe, he looked at the map with sweat and frowned, with a hint of worry flashing on his face from time to time.

Saikan Wang, his younger brother, said: "All of our people have been withdrawn, these damned Han people are too fast, they swept across the desert in just a few days, the brother tribe has suffered heavy casualties, not one out of ten!

"I know all this!" Xian Xianhan roared angrily: "I asked how many people we have now and how long it will take for the enemy to arrive.

"The fastest afternoon, the latest before dark!" Saikan Wang was startled, and quickly replied: "The warriors in our tribe, plus the evacuees, and the surrounding evacuees, there can be about 150,000 people. Left and right~々.

"Not enough, definitely not enough!" He also shook his head profusely, and roared hysterically: "Order the tribe, men over the age of sixteen, no, no, no, men over the age of 12 to gather immediately, hurry up!"


The King of Saikan hurriedly led the way.

There was a rush of urgency in his heart.

All men over the age of twelve gathered, this is the rhythm of fighting with all their strength, even when they were conquering the Jurchen tribe, they had never been so crazy before.

It seems that the enemy this time has brought him too much pressure.

An emergency conscription began in the tribe, and a large number of childish teenagers were forcibly conscripted into the army and prepared to participate in the war after being compiled into reserve service.

There were also many old men in their 50s and 60s who were already very old, and began to sharpen their swords and prepare to fight.

This time, all the people are soldiers, and the bloody battle is over!

In the evening, an army of 400,000 people came in a mighty attack.

Also, the 300,000 army that King Saikan brought together, which he barely managed to get together, was densely arranged in front of the tribe, which looked quite terrifying.

These Oirat people don't know how powerful their opponents are. In the past, they could easily win against Da Ming people who were several times their own. Therefore, even if they were few at the moment, they were all eager to try and excited.

"Let's fight!" Ji Han said impatiently: "Quickly fight and end the fight before dark.

"Yes!" Chongzhen laughed and ordered: "Everyone, kill!"


Hundreds of thousands of troops roared and roared in unison, and a big battle started so brazenly.

At this time, it is the final decisive battle, and the four dynasties have no spare power, so everyone naturally shot together!

Blocking the front were the 100,000 cavalry of the Great Wei Dynasty. Lu Bu, Zhang Fei, Guan Yu, Dian Wei and others were armed with weapons, ready to charge at any time.

The 300,000-strong army of Daqin, Datang, and Daming scattered from both sides in an array of geese, and while they were scattered on warhorses, they opened fire frantically.

At this time, the soldiers riding on horses and holding Shenwei rifles were somewhat similar to the horse bandits of the 19th century. They not only moved at an amazing speed, but also had amazing firepower. They ran on horseback and opened fire.

bang bang bang!

The densely packed bullets immediately ravaged the Tara people from both sides. Before the Tara people who were seven or eight hundred paces away were ready to charge, they screamed in agony, causing a large number of casualties.

"Damn, what weapon is this?"

"It's a firearm? Impossible, how can the range be so far?

"Charge! Charge me!"

Also, sweating and roaring in exasperation, he directly ordered a charge, ready to be strangled with the enemy.

If he encounters ordinary Ming army, his tactics are absolutely right, just one charge can smash the enemy's footsteps.

It's a pity that they met the big Wei Tieqi.

Facing the charge of 300,000 people, Lu Bu and the others not only showed no signs of fear, but instead showed a trace of excitement.




Dawei's 100,000 iron cavalry started brazenly, rolled over like a torrent, and collided with the Tashi people in the next moment.

If you look at it from the sky, you can easily see that the two are like an iron plate that hit a pile of ants, and the pile of ants was hit and killed on the spot.

Especially Lu Bu, Zhang Fei and the others, whoever approached within a dozen or so meters around them were swept away by the energy, killing people like mowing the grass, frantically reaping their lives.

At this time, the three great dynasties of Daqin surrounded them from all directions again, and fired wildly at the Tashi people. There were enemies in the front (or Zhao), one behind, one left and one right.

The Tashi army was suddenly attacked by a hell-level madness. The four dynasties could not bear the army of the four dynasties. They were besieged and killed together.

"No! How could this be? How could this be?"

"Children, kill, kill their soldiers!"

"Damn, how can these Han people be so powerful?"

In the tile thorn army, all kinds of desperate screams sounded.

Ji Han, who was watching the battle from a distance, showed a smile on the corner of his mouth. He looked up at the afterglow of the sky that was about to fall, and smiled with satisfaction.

The strength of the four dynasties is like a giant facing a child to the Waja people, and this battle is destined to be without any suspense.

"Chapter 6 Today, Ask for Flower Evaluation Tickets".

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