At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

364 Weeds must be rooted, the largest sacrifice! [1/6, please subscribe]

As Ji Han expected

This battle is completely bullying.

In less than a single stick of incense, more than half of the 300,000-strong army of Tachibana was crippled.

The 100,000 iron cavalry of the Great Wei Dynasty was constantly crushing like a tank. Wherever they passed, the enemy suffered heavy casualties and was unstoppable.

The 300,000 people in Daqin, Datang, and Daming gathered around to open fire calmly.

This slaughter can be described as shocking.

The bows and arrows and machetes of the tile-stabbed people are like scrap metal in their hands, and they are useless at all.

The casualties of the four great dynasties were almost zero, and they were crushed and broke down in despair.

"Devil, these devils, help, help!"

"What shall we do? God, what shall we do?"

"We surrender, here we surrender!

"Don't kill me, don't!

One after another, the stabbed people were so frightened that they collapsed and knelt on the ground, desperately hiding under the 407 warhorse, for fear of being beaten into a hornet's nest by the bullet.

The situation on the entire battlefield quickly stabilized!

No matter how Ye Xian profusely roared and roared, the remaining Tashi army could not summon any courage to resist, and in the end, more and more people chose to kneel on the ground.

"Hehehe, want to surrender? Dream?"5

"Kill me!

"Kill them!

Ying Zheng, Chongzhen and others grinned again and again!

After a big wave of the hand, the army quickly dismounted to fight, and the bayonets were installed on the rifles.

They surrounded and killed people, shooting people when they saw them, and making up for them when they saw bodies. No matter whoever knelt down and surrendered, they were all killed in the end.

"Demon, you demons!

Ye Xian sweated and screamed in horror. With more than a hundred guards, he watched this terrifying scene in a panic, and felt powerless in his heart.

He had never encountered such a terrifying enemy.

Where did these people come from?

Are they so scary?

"We are not demons!" Ji Han rode a tiger domineeringly and said with a sneer: "You can add me a fairy god, this time I will destroy you, just because you are too jumpy.

"Fairy God?"

"Have we sinned against God?

"why why?

Ye Xian sweated profusely and knelt on the ground in pain and panic, his eyes were blank, and his heart was already full of despair.

"Seize yourself, don't force me to do it." Ji Han snorted in disgust.



Ye Xian sweated desperately and laughed wildly, looking at this man riding on the back of a tiger, his heart was already going crazy.

"Damn god, I cut you first!

"kill him!"

Ye Xianhan roared and drew his sword, and brought his more than 100 personal guards to kill him, wanting to cut Ji Han down under the sword.

It's a pity that Ji Han didn't need to take action at all, they couldn't even get close, and the soldiers guarding their sides had already raised their guns.

bang bang bang!

The dense gunshots continued to sound, and the Shenwei rifle combined with the power of the shotgun directly turned all the more than 100 people into a hornet's nest.

Ye Xian was also heavily cared for. First, he was hit with hundreds of bullets, and his body was covered in blood. He was also blasted into the air by a shotgun. When he fell to the ground, he was twitching desperately, and he couldn't stop breathing.

Ye Xian Khan died tragically, and the army of 300,000 thorns was also slaughtered. This frightening scene made the old and weak women and children in Xian tribe tremble.

They gathered together in fright, wanting to escape but not daring to escape, wanting to run but not knowing where to run, and in the end they could only wait for fate's punishment.

Murderers are always killed!

The desert steppe is such a society where the weak eat the strong, isn't it when they usually conquer other tribes?

Many Tashi people sighed and already accepted their fate.

From today, the thorns will become history!

"Keep killing!"

Ji Han raised his hand and waved, and the army rushed into the Yexian tribe again and carried out a brutal massacre.

This time, no matter whether it is old or young, women and children, there is no one left alive.

This is the base camp of the Vassars, and it is very likely that there will be several royal families hidden in the crowd, so these people are considered unlucky, and none of them can stay.

Everyone knows the truth that weeds must be rooted out.

If we don't cut the grass and root, it won't take 20 years for the thorns to come again, and I'm afraid it will be more troublesome than today.

Therefore, hundreds of thousands of people in this tribe, plus more than one million cattle, sheep and horses, were all beheaded and slaughtered, and the blood stained this place as blood red as hell.


Chongzhen, Yingzheng, and the others screamed in excitement!

In this hellish scene, everyone kneeled on one knee reverently, silently expecting and longing.

The next moment, Ji Han swayed billions of divine light.

The power of sacrifice erupted again, and the blood and souls of more than one million creatures were all absorbed and purified, and then quietly injected into everyone's bodies.

"Roar! 35

One by one, the soldiers excitedly roared with inhuman excitement, their muscles became stronger and stronger again, and their bodies were a mess.

This sacrifice was the most powerful one in history, and the power was so powerful that it was terrifying, and even the tiger under Ji Han gained enormous benefits.

Its physique has grown bigger again, and it has become a behemoth three or four meters long. The tiger's head alone is the size of a large oil barrel, all kinds of hair are fluffy, and the tiger's eyes are like copper bells, which is very scary. people!

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for slaughtering the Tashi family and obtaining the title of alien butcher. From now on, your four dynasties will fight externally, morale +50%, combat power +50%, and soldier loyalty +100%! 35

One after another system prompts keep appearing.

A smile flickered on Ji Han's mouth.

He likes such a butcher, and it is not in vain to call this Kyushu's patron saint, guarding the Kyushu bloodline of all time and space, so as to make the alien race even more trembling.

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