At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

365 suddenly enlightened, Ji Han's new idea! 【2/6, please subscribe】

Battle of the Orah

It took about eight days before and after, and it has officially ended!

From the beginning to the end, this northern nation with hundreds of thousands of people and countless cattle and horses was easily erased.

This made the surrounding aliens frightened ~ trembling inexplicably!

After the news came back to the Ming Dynasty, it also shocked countless people.

Although Ji Han looked down on Zhu Qizhen, his move did bring him great benefits. After returning to Peiping, this kind-hearted and good-natured man quickly promoted loyal ministers to suppress traitors, sweeping away the filth and bad luck.

The Ming Dynasty during the orthodox years also quickly rejuvenated!

This firearm technology also made Zhu Qizhen full of confidence.

Moreover, in order to thank Ji Han for his kindness, he has built many temples around the country to worship, so Ji Han has gained a lot of followers.

After the war

The door of light appeared again, and the armies of the four dynasties quickly returned.

Ji Han also took Lao Zhao, Lao Zhu and others back to his small manor. After everyone drank a celebratory drink, they dispersed.

In just a few days, the benefits obtained by the four dynasties are simply uncountable.

Not to mention the plundered wealth and ore sheepskin, these are not seen by everyone, just this time and again sacrifice makes everyone smile.

Now any soldier has the ability to lift a thousand jins powerfully, to knock out a buffalo with one punch, and any war horse can run a thousand miles and carry a thousand jins!

Combined with the benefits of this firearm, Ji Han's vision of sweeping the time and space of World War II should soon be realized.

After Ying Zheng and others left!

Ji Han was silently brushing the fur of his two newly bred tigers beside the creek, while contemplating.

These two fierce tigers have now been brought back to the fairyland by him. In the future, when they go to various places, they can be considered to have a mount by their side, so they will not go to the strong man every time.

As for Ji Han's contemplation, it is nothing more than the next strategy and layout.

Since the opening of the second-level light gate, Ji Han has been preparing to intervene in the time and space of World War II. First, he wants to exterminate foreigners from all over the world. Second, there are also a large number of scientific and technological talents and weapons hidden during World War II.

These are urgently needed by the four dynasties.

Therefore, this time, Ji Han was familiar with the strength of the four dynasties, and at the same time, he was constantly enhancing their combat power.

Through various evaluations, he believes that the four dynasties today can compete with the great powers of World War II in some aspects, but they are still inferior in overall strength.

For example, the suppression of tanks, aircraft, and anti-aircraft artillery, such as the advanced level of automatic rifle communication equipment, such as the literacy of modern warfare, all have a big gap.

Unless the enemy is fighting in complex urban areas, mountains and forests, the soldiers of the four dynasties who have been strengthened by sacrifices will have an overwhelming advantage.

So now Ji Han has to continuously train troops by looting the various time and space alien races, and continuously strengthen the troops of the four dynasties in batches, and secondly, he has to prepare some restraint methods.

"Has Lao Zhu's Firearms Bureau developed this automatic rifle? Heavy artillery or something, it's better to improve it!"

"Aircraft and tanks will not be available in the Ming Dynasty. They can only be plundered after World War II is defeated, or they can take scientists from various countries back to develop them. 39

"Communications can develop a radio station, but is it necessary to develop these yourself?

Ji Han frowned secretly, he felt that he had fallen into a misunderstanding.

Technology and martial arts can develop together and complement each other. In many cases, technology does not require hard research and development on its own, and can be accomplished through plundering.

For example, if he wants to fight World War II, he doesn't need to start a large-scale war at the beginning. He can come in a small area, and after he has plundered a place, quickly withdraw and digest his achievements to become stronger.

What's Ji Han's biggest advantage? Naturally, it's ghosts and ghosts, and time and space come!

That is to say, in the beginning, he didn't need to fight recklessly and directly start a full-scale war with the great powers of World War II.

·For Flowers····

"Interesting, it's a good idea! 35 Ji Han chuckled lightly, but the idea made him suddenly enlightened.


The two tigers roared and rubbed against him from time to time, causing Ji Han to burst into laughter!

The two tigers were lucky, they were able to make sacrifices and strengthen them several times in this battle. Now that their physique is so scary, if they let them out, they might scare many people into confusion.

"Looks like I forgot to give you names, so you can call them Xiong Da Xiong Er! 35 Ji Han laughed and joked.


The two tigers shook their heads in dissatisfaction.

They are now very intelligent and can understand Ji Han's words, so they are obviously not satisfied with the name.


"Pfft! I'm afraid it's not appropriate to name this sir? They are clearly tigers.

"Yeah, how can you take the name Xiong Da Xiong Er, even if it's Hu Da Hu Er."

"If the gentleman raises a few more bears in the future, what name should he choose?"

Diaochan, Zhen Mi and others snickered by the creek, obviously feeling very speechless about Ji Han's naming art.

"Sir, why don't you call them the king and the king, the tiger is the king of the mountain!" The little girl Wu Meiniang said in a milky voice, "They are so cute, can Meiniang play with them?

"Of course!" Ji Han nodded seriously: "Just listen to you, from now on they will be called the big bastard and the little bastard.

Wu Meiniang: 66...99

Diao Chan:

Zhen Mi:

"Big Wang Ba Xiao Wang Ba?" Wang Mushi smiled and said, "Sir, do you have any misunderstanding?"

"No misunderstanding, I will be called the big bastard and the little bastard in the future. 35 Ji Han made a decisive decision.



There were all kinds of laughter in the small manor.

The two tigers groaned aggrievedly and looked at Wu Meiniang with resentment. They suddenly felt that Xiong Da Xiong Er was a little better.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket" begging.

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