At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

366 Shenwei sniper rifle, a new craft in the Ming Dynasty! 【3/6, please subscribe】

After playing around for a while

Ji Han decisively gave Chongzhen an order - to step up the development of automatic rifles.

This can be related to his next plan, not only to step up research and development, but also to equip the entire army.

Chongzhen did not dare to neglect after receiving the order.

He hurriedly put on a holy car and went straight to the battlefield.

At this time, the Ming Dynasty's military situation has already undergone earth-shaking changes. As the scientific and technological center of the entire Ming Dynasty, this is the most troublesome place for Chongzhen.

He had already relocated the Battle Bureau and Artillery Bureau to an open space a few miles away from the capital, and then ordered someone to build a huge new city.

This new city, called Firearms City, was definitely the most heavily guarded place in the entire Ming Dynasty. Not only was the city high and deep, but it also covered a huge area of ​​"407", surrounded by a large number of soldiers and horses.

The artisans of the War and Artillery Bureau and their families all live in the city, and all food and vegetables are supplied by special personnel.

No one is allowed to enter and exit at will, and if a fly wants to fly in, it will be strictly interrogated by Jinyiwei and Dongchang, and absolutely no one can steal the secrets inside.

Under these strict confidentiality and security measures, the Bureau of War and the Bureau of Firearms has continued to expand production, and can produce a large number of firearms and artillery every day, which is also the strength of Chongzhen today.

After hearing that Chongzhen's imperial car was coming in person, Sun Heding, the person in charge of the new city, and Bi Maokang, hurriedly brought a group of high-level officials to pay their respects.

"We pay homage to the Holy One.

Everyone saluted respectfully, and all of them were blushing.

Today's Ming Dynasty has raised the status of artisans unprecedentedly, and the treatment of any artisan is enough to make ordinary people drool with envy.

Moreover, once many good weapons are developed, there will be rewards for the title of marquis and nobility, so everyone's enthusiasm is very high every day.

"Yeah!" Chongzhen nodded with satisfaction, waved his hand and said, "No gift, I came here mainly to ask about the progress of the research and development of this automatic rifle, Sun Aiqing, I asked you to allocate manpower for research and development a few months ago. How's it going?

"Return to the Holy Master. Sun Heding quickly replied: "After I received the order, I asked the master craftsmen of the more than 20 R&D teams in the Bingjing Bureau to conduct research and development day and night, and now there has been a breakthrough.

"Oh? Years

"Quick! Quickly show it to me."

Chongzhen immediately became interested, and after some urging, Sun Heding hurriedly ordered three long spears to be sent.

The shapes of these three long guns are quite different from the previous firearms, and are closer to the guns of later generations. Two of them are automatic rifles, one is long and the other is short!

There is also a modified version of the Shenwei rifle, which looks like a telescope has been added, and it has the feeling of a sniper rifle.

"Is this the professional sniper rifle that Immortal Master once said?" Chongzhen's eyes lit up, and he picked it up immediately.

Since Ji Han launched the firearm movement in the Ming Dynasty, Chongzhen's love for firearms was stronger than that of women, especially after he was strengthened by sacrifice, he was already a sharpshooter.

The training of snipers has been in full swing recently.

Chongzhen likes to play sniping very much, but unfortunately, professional sniper rifles have been lacking before, and can only be replaced by Shenwei rifles.

Now that he has this sniper rifle, he is naturally very excited. After playing with it for a while, Chongzhen couldn't help but ask: "When was this thing made?"

"It has just been completed, and it is still in the testing stage." Sun Heding explained: "I named this sniper rifle the Shenwei sniper rifle. It was born out of the Shenwei rifle, with only some minor modifications."

"According to the previous instructions of the immortal master, I thought hard and led several groups of master craftsmen to continue to study, and finally fiddled with this sniper rifle."

"The barrel of this gun is specially manufactured to use ordinary rifle bullets, with a six-fold monocular, and an effective range of 1,600 paces.

"One thousand six hundred steps?"

Everyone exclaimed in unison, and Chongzhen was also stunned.

This is not fake, right? Ordinary Shenwei rifles only have a range of 600 to 800 steps.

Can this gun really reach a range of 1,600 paces?

"Sir, you can try it!" Sun Heding handed over a few bullets and said with a smile, "This place is about 1,400 steps away from the city wall in the distance.."


Chongzhen was eager to try, he loaded the bullet decisively, and then aimed at a lantern on the distant city wall.

With the blessing of the six-fold mirror, everything in the distance was clearly visible, which made him full of confidence in this shot.


Chongzhen shot out by feeling.

The bullet passed through a distance of more than 1,000 paces, and exploded the lanterns on the city wall on the spot.

"Okay! Good marksmanship!

"Okay, great!

"This gun is so powerful that it can hit more than a thousand steps, and the marksmanship of the Holy Master is shocking.

When the crowd saw this, they were naturally shouting and boiling again.

Chongzhen automatically ignored these flattering voices, looked at the sniper rifle in his hand, and fired several shots in succession.

"Okay! Hahaha, this gun is very good!" Chongzhen laughed with satisfaction, and said, "Wang companion has drawn up a decree to reward all the craftsmen who participated in the research and development.

"Yes!" Wang Chengen agreed.

"Thank you my lord!"

Sun Heding and the others smiled happily and quickly thanked them.

"You don't need to thank me, these are the 4.3 you deserve." Chongzhen said: "From now on, we will mass-produce Shenwei sniper rifles. Every sniper in our army must have one sniper, do you understand? ?


Sun Heding promised again and again!

Immediately afterwards, Chongzhen picked up the other two firearms to check.

There is a big gap between these two guns and the Shenwei rifle.

Chongzhen had seen pictures of later generations' automatic rifles, but now the two guns in his hand are obviously not as good-looking as later generations' automatic rifles, and they are more cumbersome and heavy.

However, he always had to eat one bite at a time, which Chongzhen was very satisfied with.

"Sun Aiqing, let me introduce. 35 Chongzhen urged.

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