At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

367 automatic rifles and heavy machine guns, shocking! 【4/6, please subscribe】

"Sir, these two firearms are the automatic rifles that you are most concerned about. They are still based on our existing rifles as a rough prototype, and then modified with many details instructed by the fairy."

"At present, they are all semi-finished products, and the specific details have not yet been really finalized, and the finished products can be produced in about half a month at most!"

"But you can see from these two semi-finished products that the master craftsmen have done a lot of homework, and they have already completed the initial burst of fire. 35

Sun and Ding talked eloquently and kept introducing these two rifles.

One of the rifles is slightly shorter, with a magazine that can hold 24 rounds and has a range of about 600 to 800 paces.

As for the longer one, it was a little heavier. Sun Heding actually designed a long ammo supply chain, which looked like a heavy machine gun.

After playing for a while, Chongzhen decisively shot at 11 not far away.

Da da da!

After a burst of gunfire, dozens of bullets exploded wildly, and a wall a few hundred steps away was suddenly turned into a hornet's nest.

Immediately after that, he picked up the heavy heavy machine gun again, pulled the trigger frantically, and bursts of heavy gunshots erupted, and the walls in the distance were punched into deep holes one after another.


Everyone took a deep breath, and all saw the extraordinaryness of these two types of firearms.

If it is applied to the battlefield, only a thousand of these firearms are needed, then no matter how many people come on the opposite side, they will die.

This firepower and lethality are much more powerful than ordinary Shenwei rifles.

"Not bad, not bad!" Chongzhen said with satisfaction: "Sun Aiqing, this gun is obviously not bad, why do you say it is a semi-finished product?"

"Reporting to the sage, this burst gun sometimes gets stuck, and the automatic ejection case is immature, and it needs constant debugging!" Sun Heding said: "I have studied it for a long time, and I can completely solve this problem recently!

"One of these two repeating guns is lighter and less powerful, but it is suitable for carrying, especially when facing large-scale enemies! 35

"The power of this heavy gun is amazing. If the supply of bullets is sufficient, it can launch intensive firepower. There is already a prototype of the heavy machine gun that the fairy said! 99

"At present, these two firearms have not been named, please give them names!"

Sun Heding pleaded proudly.

Seeing this, Chongzhen nodded with satisfaction, and said in love: "I'm not good at naming things, but these two guns were developed by you, so let's call them Heding Rifles! 99

"The light one is called Heding automatic rifle, and the heavy one is called Heding heavy machine gun, how about it?

"Thank you for your name."

Sun Heding knelt down and kowtowed excitedly.

The surrounding craftsmen also showed envious expressions.

Naming a firearm by name is the greatest affirmation and support for a craftsman, and it excites everyone more than the honorary title.

This also represents the status of craftsmen, which will be more noble, and Sun Heding will also become a leader in the field of craftsmen in the Ming Dynasty.

"Don't be complacent, keep working hard." Chongzhen urged seriously: "Since you have mentioned the problem of jamming and ejection, you must solve it with your heart, and don't make a bunch of waste products to tarnish your reputation!"

"In the future, every gun on the battlefield may be related to the lives of soldiers. Your responsibility is very great!"

"There is also a fairy who once said that automatic rifles do not pursue accuracy, but only pursue fire suppression, so the magazines for these two types of firearms should be lengthened and enlarged.

"For example, this Heding automatic rifle has only 24 rounds of magazines, which is obviously not enough, and it will be gone after two clicks. Therefore, the capacity of the ammunition must be increased, preferably more than 36 rounds!

"I remember that the fairy teacher taught how to expand the magazine, you go back and study!

Chongzhen instructed patiently and put forward a lot of his own suggestions for improvement. Sun Heding nodded again and again and recorded all this.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, these are not difficult to do!" Sun Heding assured with a solemn face: "I will lead people to work overtime to do tests and improvements later, at most half a month, oh no, seven days, at most seven days, I will be able to test them. Completely remodeled!"

"In a month or two, I promise to have one for every company in the entire army!""

"it is good!

Seeing this, Chongzhen smiled with satisfaction.

However, after he pondered for a moment, he shook his head: "This thing will not be distributed to the entire army for the time being, the immortal master will have a big move soon, save it first, the more production, the better, and let the expeditionary army bring it to the next battle. "


Sun Heding hurriedly agreed!

At this time, Chongzhen looked at Bi Maokang again and asked, "Aiqing, how successful are the heavy artillery, rocket launchers and rockets recently developed by the Artillery Bureau?

"Your Highness, forgive your sins!" Bi Maokang said slightly embarrassedly: "The heavy artillery proposed by the immortal master that can fire hundreds of miles away, we cannot develop it for the time being, and there are many technical difficulties that we do not understand, and there are more than 420 pieces of steel. But close.""

"As for the rocket launcher and the rocket, it's almost finished. The rocket is similar to our previous Shenhuo Flying Crow, and it has been completed after a little modification!"9

"Bazooka is like a mortar, but the shell is longer, can be carried on the shoulder and fired hundreds of meters away, and then a big explosion will occur.

"According to the previous teachings of the immortal master, we designed the cannonball into a sharp shape, which can bombard relatively solid objects, and the results are good so far!"

After Bi Maokang explained and introduced, he waved his hand and someone quickly presented two new weapons.

One of the two weapons is somewhat similar to the rocket launchers of later generations, and the other is in the shape of a cannonball, which feels like an upgraded version of the God-fire Flying Crow.

Looking at these two new weapons, everyone can't help but wonder, is this thing reliable? How is the power?

"Sir, do you want to try it?" Bi Maokang asked with a smile.

"Try it!" Chongzhen waved his hand and said, "This place is too narrow for experimentation, let's go! Go up the city wall!"


Everyone agreed again and again, and the group quickly walked towards the city wall.

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