At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

368 Daming Bazooka, a necessary artifact for murder and arson! 【5/6, please subscribe】

The walls of the new city are tall and broad

From the top, you can see the style of the whole city, as well as everything in the surrounding dozens of miles, and there is a big mountain and some wasteland nearby.

Chongzhen wanted to test new weapons here, which naturally attracted many people to watch. Hundreds of craftsmen from up and down the new city came, and everyone was looking forward to it.

"Bi Aiqing, I'm not familiar with this thing, how about you try it out for me?" Chongzhen said with a smile.

"It is my honor!" Bi Maokang bowed and said, "It's just that this firearm is flammable and explosive, and it is very dangerous, so I ask the sage to step back a little, so as not to accidentally blow up your golden body.

"Hmm! Let's start!"

Chongzhen nodded with satisfaction, and after stepping back a little, motioned for him to start.

In front of so many people, Bi Maokang picked up a bazooka and introduced it: "Everyone, this is the bazooka just developed by the Artillery Bureau. The Immortal Master's Manual calls it a single-soldier bazooka, which means that one soldier can carry it. Good stuff to go!

"Its structure is very simple, it consists of a launcher and shells, it is carried on the shoulder and aimed at it when it is fired!"

As Bi Maokang introduced, he pulled the trigger at a soil slope more than 100 meters away.

call out!

There was a flash of fire on the rocket launcher, and the next moment the shell dragged a long tail of flame and quickly shot towards the soil slope.

Immediately afterwards, it had an earth-shattering explosion.


In a burst of fire, the small soil slope was directly blasted into a deep pit several meters wide.


Everyone gasped in fright, and everyone couldn't help but frown, the power of this thing is not small.

If this kind of bazooka was used when attacking the city, the city wall would have to be smashed to pieces, which is horrifying to think about.

And listen to Bi Maokang's meaning, this thing is very cheap, and can be equipped on a large scale?

If that's the case, then it's really a good thing.

"Okay! Hahaha~々!" Chongzhen laughed and waved his hand to signal him to continue the experiment.

After Bi Maokang nodded, he picked up a rocket!

This kind of rocket is still very backward at present. It is an improved version of Shenhuo Flying Crow. A multi-layer gunpowder injection device is designed at the tail, which can make it fly extremely far.

However, it has a fatal flaw, that is, it requires a launcher, and it is difficult to aim.

"When we launch this kind of rocket, we need to use a wooden stand. If the environment does not allow it, we can also find a wooden box or lean on the mound or the city wall. In short, it is impossible to carry it on our shoulders!

Bi Maokang lit the rocket while explaining.

Due to the design of the launch, this rocket can not use the mercury ignition device, so it can only be fired into the original lead ignition, so that the soldiers can evacuate after ignition.

I saw a burst of sparks ignited!

In the next moment, the rocket flew high into the sky and flew farther and farther in flames.

You can clearly see that it clearly had a secondary ignition jet at high altitude, and then its speed surged, and finally it shot a perfect parabola towards a mountain three miles away.

The next moment, the rumbling big explosion sounded again, the fire in the mountain was soaring into the sky, and the rocks were rolling, scaring many birds to flee desperately.

"What a powerful rocket that can fly several miles away, it's unbelievable, it's unbelievable!

"This thing is used well, I'm afraid it will have a miraculous effect against the enemy!"

"It's just that the launch method is a bit backward, and the explosion point is difficult to control accurately."

Everyone was talking and pointing.

All present were experts in firearms.

To put it uglier, they were master craftsmen. If they were to be in later generations, they would all be at the level of scientists, so their eyes were still very sharp.

Let's analyze the pros and cons of this rocket.

Although the launch is primitive, and the explosion point is not easy to grasp, if a large number of these rockets are rushing from miles away, it is still very useful under certain conditions.

"Congratulations to the sage, congratulations to the sage, I have added a few more divine weapons, my Ming army is even more powerful!

"With such an artifact in hand, who in the world would dare to oppose me, Daming?"

"Yeah, these foreigners want to get out of our control, they will only be more desperate!"

Everyone laughed and bragged about it.

Chongzhen was not disgusted by this, but showed a satisfied smile.

66 Rewards!" Chongzhen waved his hand in a good mood and commanded: "All the people from the Military and Firearms Bureau will be rewarded heavily, and those who participated in the research and development will be awarded titles.

"Thank you, St. Ron! 99

"Long live my emperor!

Everyone excitedly bowed their heads and worshipped, and they were all excited.


Chongzhen smiled with satisfaction.

He was very satisfied with this visit to the new city. With these good things in his hand, he would have the qualification to challenge anyone, and at the same time he could become the most influential dynasty under the Immortal Master.

Only in this way can he go further.

Only by relying closely on Ji Han's side can the Ming Dynasty become even more brilliant.

"Two loving ministers, take the time to organize a copy of the latest information on firearms, artillery, and ironclad ships in the Ming Dynasty, I will use them!" Chongzhen suddenly ordered.

"Yes! 35

Sun Heding and Bi Maokang quickly agreed to Yang.

They didn't ask Chongzhen what he wanted to do.

In fact, he wanted to give it to Cao Cao. The Wei Dynasty has just started to develop firearms, and it is impossible to provide some support.

The four dynasties are now both prosperous and damaged, and Chongzhen will naturally not hide it.

Only if Cao Cao develops well, everyone's overall strength can be improved, and it will be easier to crush various enemies next time.

"According to what the Immortal Master said, in the future, we will also invest in the time and space where firearms are developed. If our weapons are backward, how can we compete with the guns of foreigners? 99

"It must be developed, the more weapons the better, the more powerful the better!

Chongzhen whispered silently in his heart.

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