At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

369 Sun Jian offers his daughter, Zhuge Liang's anger! 【6/6, please subscribe】


The data has been organized!

Chongzhen quickly passed the information to Ying Zheng and others through the trading ring.

As the most advanced existence in the development of science and technology among the four dynasties, the materials and samples passed down from the Ming Dynasty immediately attracted everyone's attention.

After confirming the awesomeness of these new weapons, everyone was in an uproar!

"Hahaha, Lao Zhu is very interesting, the weapons newly developed by you Daming are quite good."

"Indeed, I especially like this sniper rifle. 35

"And this bazooka, according to the master, this is a good thing for sieging the city!

"Thank you Lao Zhu, our Daqin will give birth soon!"

Ying Zheng, Li Shimin, and Cao Cao smiled and thanked them one after another.

Daqin and Datang are easy. They have developed firearms for so long, and they already have their own set of mature systems. It is easy to copy this sniper rifle rocket launcher.

It can be said that in addition to the research and development capabilities not as good as the Ming Dynasty, the firearm productivity of these two dynasties is definitely not weak, and even more powerful in some aspects.

As for Cao Cao, it's a bit embarrassing at the moment!

His firearms bureau was just established a few months ago, and a new city was built outside Chang'an City. Everything was built in imitation of the Ming Dynasty, and a large number of craftsmen were dispatched to start production.

Unfortunately, getting started is difficult.

The training of craftsmen is also extremely difficult.

Even if Cao Cao had nothing to do and went to the Firearms Bureau, at present they could only simply produce some gunpowder, explosive packs, wooden handle grenades, and ordinary shotguns.

This time, Chongzhen came up with a lot of information. Cao Cao was not to be outdone, so he led his people to work hard again, and quickly made a breakthrough.

at the same time

Great Wei Dynasty, in Chang'an City

In the private room of a restaurant, there were several men with extraordinary bearing. Among these people, five were slightly older, and three were younger.

These people are naturally Sun Jian and Huang Gai and others under his command, and the three young people are Sun Ce, Zhou Yu, and Zhuge Liang.

Several of them are the heroes of the world.

Especially Sun Jian and his son are quite extraordinary.

But before they can make a name for themselves in this chaotic world, Cao Cao has quickly swept the sky (bbed), and the growth rate is so fast that it makes people desperate.

In the last crusade against Cao Cao, Sun Jian's troops were almost wiped out!

After returning to the south, he wanted to recruit troops and buy horses to make a comeback, but Cao Cao quickly swept the prefectures, and he was very embarrassed by hiding in Tibet.

The reason why he dared to come to Chang'an this time was mainly because Cao Cao let out the wind through his old friend, saying that as long as he sacrificed his little daughter Sun Shangxiang, he would be forgiven.

Not only did Cao Cao not pursue and kill their Sun family, but he also let go of what happened in the past, and he could even offer high officials and generous salaries.

Therefore, Sun Jian's heart was moved, and he quietly came to Chang'an with his people.

As for Zhuge Liang, it is even more funny. In order to curry favor with Ji Han, Cao Cao has to search for the top beauties from all over the world. In addition to Sun Shangxiang, Cai Yan is also indispensable.

Cai Yan's father was Cai Yong, a great scholar. Zhuge Liang had studied with Cai Yong when he was young, and he admired this senior sister quite a bit.

Now that Cao Cao kept persuading Cai Yong to offer his daughter, Zhuge Liang heard the news out of nowhere, and rushed to the city of Chang'an in a hurry, so there was this reception.

In the private room, everyone seemed a little silent, most of them were drinking alone, and no one spoke for a long time!

Obviously everyone's mood is very complicated.

"Father!" Sun Ce said unconvinced: "Do we really have to sacrifice our little sister in exchange for family peace? I'm not convinced!"

"Dissatisfied? Are you dissatisfied with this round?" Sun Jian said angrily: "Cao Cao now has the help of immortals and gods.

"The soldiers under Cao Cao's hands are so fierce these days that any ten or so of them can surround and kill first-rate generals. How can you fight?"

"My Sun family has a great career, you want to hide for the rest of your life, what about the other clansmen? Your little sister is willing to suffer grievances for the sake of the clan, what qualifications do you have to disobey?

Sun Jian suppressed the anger in his stomach and let it out at this moment.

Sun Ce was scolded for a long time and did not dare to say a word.

How could he not know all of this? At this time, Cao Cao was already so powerful and desperate, what could he do if he refused to accept it?

He has seen miracles with his own eyes, how can he fight with the help of immortals and gods?

Do you really want to let the people of a large family hide their heads and show their tails from now on, and dare not be open and honest for the rest of their lives?

"Actually, it's not necessarily a bad thing for my little sister to serve the immortals." Zhou Yu smiled bitterly and comforted: "I heard that this immortal has a harmonious temperament and is also very good to women. The women who go to serve in the fairyland are all happy!"

"And why didn't Cao Cao force the beauties to go to the fairyland, but chose to use all kinds of enticements? Let the beauties go voluntarily, this must be because the immortals forbid it, it can be seen that the immortals are very noble!

"So if the little girl goes to the fairyland, maybe she can have a good home, which is also good for the Sun family.

Zhou Yu's words made everyone subconsciously breathe a sigh of relief.

Everyone could only comfort themselves like this, otherwise Sun Jian would not be able to bear the charge of sending a daughter for honor.

"Hehe, voluntarily?" Zhuge Liang gloomily took a sip of strong wine. At this time, he had not yet become a famous top advisor in later generations. He was still childish and a little impetuous when he was young.

"General Sun!" Zhuge Liang asked, "I heard that you have asked an old friend to send a greeting card? I wonder when this thief will see you? Can you take me with you? I definitely don't want to see my senior sister fall into the hands of this evil god.

"Kong Ming, don't get excited." Sun Jian comforted: "You are still young, if you collided with Cao Cao, wouldn't it be life-threatening?"

"I can't take care of that much!" Zhuge Liang said bitterly: "The teacher has the grace to teach me. If I can't prevent my sister from falling into the devil's lair, how am I different from the beasts? Please General Sun take me with you."

"Okay! 35 Sun Jian was silent for a moment, then said: "We are also waiting for the call, you wait.

"Chapter 6 Today, Ask for Flower Evaluation Tickets".

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