At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

370 Cao Cao turned into a forceful king, who can stop this artifact? [1/6, please subscribe]

Sun Jian and Zhuge Liang

The wait is half a month!

Cao Cao spent every day in this firearms bureau, supervising the imitation work of the craftsmen.

In the past half a year, the craftsmen have gradually mastered various techniques, and together with various equipment and die-casting machines of the Ming Dynasty, he has made a breakthrough in just half a month.

He can basically imitate all kinds of firearms in the Ming Dynasty.

Although this detail is not as refined as the Ming Dynasty, it is still sturdy and durable. Mortars, Shenwei rifles, sniper rifles and the like can already be mass-produced on a small scale.

The next step is to continuously improve this technology, then cultivate more craftsmen, continuously expand the production line, and then equip the entire army.

In this regard, Cao Cao is naturally smiling.

"Okay! Hahaha, be a reward!"

Cao Cao waved his hand excitedly, and all the craftsmen of the firearms bureau received generous rewards.

The little eunuch who served on the side congratulated him: "Congratulations to your majesty, congratulations to your majesty, for obtaining this artifact, my great Wei will surely prosper for ten thousand years. However, there have been many chores in the court recently, please go back to the palace first. Governing ah-.

"It's okay!" Cao Cao waved his hand indifferently: "Guo Jia, Jia Xu and others are all good talents in the world, and Xun Yu and Xun You help each other, how can there be any trouble in this world? But I heard that Sun Jian has arrived in Chang'an?

"Yes!" The little eunuch hurriedly replied: "He has asked several senior officials in the court to hand over memorials, saying that he wants to meet the saint and offer his daughter, but His Majesty has never had any chance."

"Let him come to the school grounds of the Firearms Bureau!" Cao Cao ordered with a sneer.

"Yes! 99

The little eunuch trembled, and hurriedly went down to give orders.

Cao Cao arranged this, even a fool knows what it means. He clearly wanted to show off in front of Sun Jian, and by the way, he wanted to shock his old rival.

This guy Sun Jian is not an ordinary person. He was once known as the most capable character among the 18 princes, and his descendant Ce is also the future little overlord of Jiangdong.

Although today's Cao Cao has long ignored him, it is inevitable that he wants to suppress his arrogance in his heart.

After a while, Sun Jian and his party were taken!

Lü Bu and Dian Wei led a group of murderous black armored guards and stared at them coldly. If one of them dared to make trouble, they would be torn to shreds on the spot.

"Sinner Sun Jian, meet Your Majesty!"

Sun Jian immediately clasped his fists and saluted, with a respectful attitude.

However, Cao Cao did not pay attention to him immediately, but waved his hand to signal the start of the test.

Dozens of craftsmen and soldiers began to fiddle with the good things just developed, all kinds of mortars, Shenwei rifles, sniper rifles, and bazookas, bombarding targets in the distance.


All kinds of earth shakes, and the wooden boxes, straw figurines, and many dummies in armor arranged in front of them were all beaten into a hornet's nest by bullets and blown to pieces.

Even the thick city wall of the school grounds was directly smashed to pieces, and the scene could be described as a brutal one.

Lu Bu Dianwei and the others can say that, after all, they have seen the world, so they all have the same expression.

But Sun Jian and the others were stunned!

"Damn, what kind of artifact is this? Why is the fire so bright? 35

"They can also explode at long distances? What if it exploded in a crowd?

"This, this kind of artifact, who can stop it?"

"Can even such a thick armor penetrate? Then what is the use of our bravery?"

Sun Jian, Sun Ce and the others were so frightened that their scalps were numb, and there was a lot of discussion. Zhuge Liang, who was in the crowd, also changed his face greatly.

Because no one thought that Cao Cao would be so fierce, he displayed these strange weapons, clearly wanting to stand up.

"Hahaha!" Cao Cao laughed in satisfaction, and said, "Here comes Wentai? You don't need to be so polite. We were good friends before, and we often talked and drank wine at candlelight nights. Let's see if these guns and guns can be repaid?"

"Guns? This thing is called guns?" Sun Jian sucked in a breath and couldn't help sighing: "This kind of artifact must be an immortal treasure bestowed by immortals, it's really scary.

"Hahaha! 35

・・For flowers...  

Cao Cao burst into laughter again. The crushing of his vision made him feel dark. Sun Jian, who used to be better than him, was no longer in his eyes at this time.

"This is indeed a gift from the gods!" Cao Cao forced the king to possess the body, and pretended not to care, explaining: "But this is not some kind of fairy weapon. My Great Wei Firearms Bureau can already mass produce it. Will be fully equipped with these goodies too!”

"Hi! 35

Sun Jian and the others gasped in fright.

Holy crap, isn't this true?

A million troops are all equipped with this kind of thing?

If this is the case, then who in the world can fight against him?

Sun Jian couldn't help but feel a surge of despair in his heart, and at the same time, he couldn't help but secretly rejoice at his decision to sacrifice his daughter.


If he is still lucky and wants to fight stubbornly, then the final outcome will only be miserable.

At the same time, Sun Ce, Huang Gai, and others also put away their arrogance. In front of this epoch-making weapon, no one is qualified to be arrogant.

Even if you are a fierce general against ten thousand enemies, can you escape with a shot of gunfire?

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, congratulations, Your Majesty!" Sun Jian gritted his teeth and said: "I know that I have sinned deeply, and I dare not ask for forgiveness. This time I present my little girl to Your Majesty, and I ask you to forgive the Sun family!

Having said that, Sun Jian endured pain and looked at the fifteen-year-old girl beside her!

This is his daughter, Sun Shangxiang. This girl is fair-skinned, beautiful, beautiful, and charming. She has the gentleness of a Jiangnan woman and the stubbornness of a family of military commanders. She is truly a rare beauty in the world.

Her face was pale and unwilling, and in the end she could only bow down to Yingying: "Meet Your Majesty!

"Hey, hey, it's impossible!"

"Don't worship me, please don't!"

Cao Cao was taken aback and hurriedly bowed.

"Wentai, you are wrong, your daughter is not to be dedicated to me, but to the gods! Cao Cao quickly explained: "If she is favored by the gods, I will also see her. You have to be polite, how dare you let her salute me?" Qi.

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