At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

371 Hot-blooded young Zhuge Liang, scolding Cao Thief! 【2/6, please subscribe】

Cao Cao's exaggerated reaction

Immediately, the eyes of Sun Jian and the others lit up!

This also made Sun Shangxiang's suffocation quickly dissipated, and turned to a little surprise and expectation.

Everyone is smart, and they still don't understand.

Cao Cao was extremely awed by this legendary fairy. If Sun Shangxiang really won the favor of the fairy, then she might really soar into the sky.

What does this mean, it's self-evident, right?

This means that one person has attained the Tao and ascended to heaven. Once Sun Shangxiang is favored, then the status of the Sun family in this Great Wei Dynasty will be at its peak.

At least the wealth of the Sun family for dozens of generations is guaranteed, and Sun Jian, Sun Ce and others no longer have to worry about being hunted down. This is a big happy event.

Therefore, Cao "420" said a word, and the Sun's family's mentality immediately changed from the victim's forced sacrifice to a face full of hope.

"Your Majesty has made me wait!" Sun Jianqiang suppressed the joy in his heart and said humbly: "The little girl has a shallow appearance and lacked discipline since she was a child. How can she be qualified to serve the gods?"

"Don't worry, it's up to you whether you are qualified to be an immortal master!" Cao Cao comforted with a chuckle: "You don't have to worry that your daughter will be criticized for going to the fairyland. They are all reluctant to think about Shu, and they have holidays every year to go home and meet their relatives.

"One day in fairyland, one year for my big Wei, then your daughter may still be immortal, but you have made a lot of money!"

"And don't worry, after offering your daughter this time, your Sun family will be exempted from all guilt, and your Sun family can also serve in the imperial court in the future, and there is absolutely no shortage of wealth, honor and glory!"

Cao Cao's explanation made the Sun family's heart beat again.

In order to find beautiful women for Ji Han, Cao Cao spent a lot of thought, not only to ensure that every beauty he sent was of sufficient quality, but also absolutely voluntary, he had to promise a lot of benefits.

And if it wasn't for Ji Han's dislike of wives, he would have to send over several of his best collections.

"Brother Wentai!" Cao Cao said with a smile: "If you will be favored by gods and gods in the future, you must thank me very well.

"Hahaha!" Sun Jian hurriedly laughed: "Thank you Your Majesty for your love, my grandson's family is at the mercy of the imperial court.

"it is good!"

Cao Cao smiled with satisfaction!

Once Sun Shangxiang went to the fairyland to serve the immortals, the Sun family would be the meat on his chopping board, and he would pinch as much as he wanted.

No matter how ambitious the Sun family is, they will never dare to be presumptuous, because they know that there is an immortal on top of their head, and they do not dare to mess around.


Zhuge Liang looked more and more angry.

He originally wanted to count on Sun Jian to have a conflict with Cao Cao, and then the two sides would make a fuss, and he would occupy the righteousness and fight against Cao Cao together to prevent his senior sister Cai Yan from being sacrificed to the fairyland.

Who knew that Sun Jian's family could be dealt with in just a few words, this would drive him crazy too?

The young Zhuge Liang was still not at home with the Chengfu, so he was so angry that he couldn't help but snorted coldly.

"Xiaowei Cao, what you said is so hype, it's really heart-wrenching." Zhuge Liang sneered.

"Bold! Who is arrogant again? 99

"This general killed you!"

Lu Bu Dianwei and the others were furious, and even Cao Cao's face darkened, and Sun Ce's family was even more terrified.

Is this Zhuge Liang crazy? Isn't he known for being resourceful? Why is he so reckless today?

No one in the world knows that Cao Cao has become emperor.

Now he is the emperor of the Great Wei Dynasty, no longer Cao Xiaowei of the Great Han Dynasty.

When Zhuge Liang called "sarcasm" like this, didn't he just expose Cao Cao's scars and satirize him for seizing power and conspiracy to rebel?

Isn't this the same as hitting Cao Cao in the face in public?

"Kong Ming, are you crazy?" Zhou Yu shouted.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty, Kong Ming begged me to bring him here to see him. I didn't know he would do this! This, this..."

Sun Jian hurriedly defended and wanted to clear the relationship.

Cao Cao raised his hand to appease him, and said with an expressionless face: "It's okay, no one has called me Captain Cao for a long time. This name really makes me kind."5

"Ha ha!"

Zhuge Liang sneered disdainfully.

He was not afraid, not afraid of death.

Today, he came to scold Cao Cao and prevent senior sister Cai Yan from being harmed.

At this moment, he has not yet become a famous strategist in history, he is just a warm-blooded young man who wants to repay the teacher's kindness, and besides a scolding, he can't think of any way to take revenge and stop the powerful Wei Dynasty.

So today he just wants to die!

Even if he dies, he will leave his name in the history.

Even if he died, he would have to repay the great kindness of his teacher.

"Cao Thief, are you trying to kill me?" Zhuge Liang sneered and scolded: "Come on, kill, do you think that killing people can stop the world's lingering voices? Who knows that you are planning to usurp the throne, and their hearts can be punish?"

"Even if you kill everyone in the world, it won't change the fact that you are a thief! 35

"My Han Dynasty has been established for more than 400 years, how can you be such a disloyal, unfilial and unrighteous dog! 35

"In order to curry favor with this so-called evil god, you actually offered sacrifices to all the beautiful women in the world, do you think this will cover up your evil deeds?

"Are you worthy of the imperial court and the people of the world? You, Cao Cao, are destined to be infamous for thousands of years, you are a national traitor!

Zhuge Liang's tongue was like blue, and a series of scolding continued to burst out, so that everyone present was furious.

Cao Cao snorted coldly, his eyes narrowed, and 4.3 sneered: "Zhuge Liang, right? What a Zhuge Kongming, he really isn't afraid of death!

"Originally, I wanted to recruit you to become an official in the court, but now it seems that there is no need! Come on, drag it down and chop it up and feed the dog!


Lu Bu Dianwei and the others clasped their fists together and agreed, and immediately slaughtered them and prepared to drag this daring fellow away.

But at this moment, the trading ring in Cao Cao's hand swiped with a flash of divine light, followed by a video call quietly appearing.

A clear image projection appeared in the void, and it was Ji Han who was fishing in Wonderland.

"Wait a minute!

Ji Han spoke indifferently, and Cao Cao gasped in fright.

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