At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

373 Who is worthy of being an emperor is up to you? 【4/6, please subscribe】

"Impossible, it's impossible!"

"It's not like that, absolutely not.

Zhuge Liang knelt on the ground with a pale face, his eyes were blank, and he only felt that his beliefs had been collapsed.

He has always taken it as his duty to help the Han family, and wanted to change the world with his intelligence.

But Ji Han told him that it was all a dream, even after decades of chaos, the Han Dynasty would still cease to exist.

He thought that he was here to help Cai Yan and repay the teacher!

But Ji Han told him that Cai Yan promised to serve in Wonderland, and everything was voluntary, just in exchange for an elixir that would make his father live a hundred years.

And her life in history will be very miserable, and she will be kidnapped by the Huns? How is this possible?

Could it be that what Zhuge Liang came here today, even if he stopped this incident, did not help Cai Yan, but harmed her?

In other words, is he really a frog in a well, or is he a frog in a well who has done bad things with good intentions?

This blow to Zhuge Liang's beliefs is extremely terrifying. This kind of smart person is like a middle-school 2-year-old. Once his beliefs collapse, he will fall into endless self-blame and doubt.

At this time, Zhuge Liang had not yet grown to the heights in history, so Ji Han defeated his psychological defense line with just a few words. This kind of crushing made everyone secretly surprised.

"Haha!" In the end Zhuge Liang gave a miserable laugh and said, "The evil god is really good at making excuses. You keep saying that you are for the sake of the world, but why did you choose someone like Cao Thief to be the emperor? Is he worthy?"

"He doesn't deserve it, doesn't he?" Ji Han sneered disdainfully: "In history, you chose Liu Bei to be the lord, but what? You have worked hard all your life, and in the end you are exhausted and have not achieved anything. Who is worthy of being an emperor or not? It's you who has the final say~々?"

"Go and see what the people of this world say, go and ask everyone if they have enough to eat, and if they don't wear warm clothes, let's talk about it! 99

"I thought you were a smart person, but I didn't expect you to be so pedantic and ridiculous, I really don't know what it is!"

Ji Han's series of contempt made Zhuge Liang's psychological defense line collapse again. He was silent for a while, but he didn't dare to say anything more.

"Sir!" Cao Cao said with a sneer: "This son is just a scumbag, and he is no different from a rotten Confucian. Let's kill it, and it is a scourge to keep it!

"Well, it makes sense!" Ji Han nodded and suddenly said: "Since he wants to die, then let him do it, and send his teacher Cai Yong's family to Huangquan to accompany him, so as not to be lonely!


Cao Cao smiled and nodded in agreement.

Zhuge Liang's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Cao Thief, how dare you? Heretic God, why are you so cruel? Didn't you promise to take my senior sister as a maid? Why did you kill her whole family? Zhuge Liang roared anxiously.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Ji Han laughed dumbly, showing disdain.

He looked at Zhuge Liang as if he was looking at an ant, and the coldness in his eyes made Zhuge Liang calm down quickly.

He knew he was being tricked!

Ji Han didn't really kill Cai Yong's family.

He was just playing Zhuge Liang.

He was like watching an ant jumping around, playing Zhuge Liang casually.

"Hehehe, is this a god?" Zhuge Liang was full of suffocation: "If you want to kill, kill, why humiliate?

"Don't worry, why would it be difficult to kill you?" Ji Han shook his head indifferently, and said, "You can still be used for waste, and you will stay in Chang'an City in the future to contribute to the development of the Great Wei Dynasty. Power!""

After speaking, Ji Han casually raised his hand!

An astonishing ray of light erupted from a nearby deity statue, which soon enveloped Zhuge Liang.

A drop of Tiannu's blood and some mysterious messages began to quickly sink into Zhuge Liang's body, causing him to faint on the spot.

The reason why Ji Han kept hitting him and irritating him just now was to make some arrangements.

I have always heard that Zhuge Liang is a master of formations, proficient in various battle formations, and also knows how to call the wind and call the rain.

But in fact, most of these are fake, it's just legends of later generations, and the more they spread, the more exaggerated they are.

But Ji Han wants to make this legend come true!

He deliberately injected a drop of Tiannu blood into Zhuge Liang to enslave him, and then injected into his mind some of the primary formation abstracts of the fantasy world that were exchanged from the system.

These things are very useful. For this world, they are already extraordinary existences. If they can be used well, they may not be able to bring benefits to the Great Wei Dynasty.

Moreover, Zhuge Liang was passed down to future generations by descendants. If these things can be passed down, it may be of great benefit to later generations.

In short, didn't Zhuge Liang hate Cao Cao and Ji Han?

Ji Han just wanted to forcibly enslave him, let him live in the conflict between reason and blood for the rest of his life, watch the Wei Dynasty become stronger step by step, torture him step by step, and squeeze every drop of his use value. .

Didn't he want to help the Han family?

But Ji Han didn't let him get his wish, and injected two seeds of hatred and loyalty into his mind. From then on, a smart person like him would live better than death.

.Zhuge Liang has been transformed by me, and his temperament will change when he wakes up!" Ji Han commanded: "You should make good use of it, and use your teachings to brainwash him!"5

"Yes, thank you sir!

Cao Cao was surprised and grateful. After Ji Han nodded, his eyes turned to Sun Jian and his party.

"Sun Jian and Sun Ce, your father and son are brave and resourceful, and they can help Cao Cao! 99

"Zhou Yu, your intelligence is not inferior to Zhuge Liang, but you can also make good use of it!

"The fate of your Sun family has changed, it is best not to have any ambitions, otherwise the consequences will be serious!

Ji Han's random instructions and beatings made everyone in the Sun family tremble.

"Relax, Immortal God, we dare not!"

"We must serve the Great Wei Dynasty for the rest of our lives!

Sun Jian, Sun Ce and the others reassured them, Ji Han nodded in satisfaction, and then slowly dispersed the empty video call.

"Xiang'er, see you in Wonderland!"

In the end, a joking remark from Ji Han floated far away, which immediately made Sun Shangxiang feel ashamed and aroused full of anticipation.

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