At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

374 Zhuge Bagua Village, a terrifying inheritance of more than a thousand years! [5/6, please subscr

Ji Han's casual layout!

It quickly caused the correction of time and space.

Not to mention the mental torture Zhuge Liang suffered, but his descendants have undergone many strange changes in the continuous revision of more than a thousand years.

Lanling in Kyushu, Bagua Village!

This is the largest gathering place for the descendants of Zhuge. It got its name because of the construction of a village that looks like a Bagua Array. It attracts a large number of tourists every year.

There are one or two thousand villagers living in this village.

Various quaint buildings and peculiar Baguazhen villages bring huge tourism revenue here every year.

Therefore, most of the villagers in the village, regardless of gender, age, or age, are mostly engaged in tourism-related industries.

Some people work as tour guides, some people sell souvenirs and open restaurants in the village, some people weave handmade ropes, and they live a very rich life.

However, under the correction of time and space, overnight, all the villagers in the entire Bagua Village had undergone tremendous changes, and even they did not realize this change.

Their memories, identities, and a series of other things are constantly being revised, and finally the entire village has undergone earth-shaking changes.

On the 420th day, when the villagers woke up, they naturally adapted to their identities, and did not feel the slightest inappropriateness.

Now they are the descendants of Zhuge Liang, they shoulder the inheritance of Zhuge Formation, they believe in the God of Eternal Life, and they hide their identities in a low-key manner.

In the east of the village, a few lonely old people who like to smoke dry cigarettes and play Go have transformed themselves into master formation masters who are hidden from the world.

The middle-aged cook who cooks in the village, the aunt who washes the clothes, and the salesman who sells the goods have all become reclusive masters.

They didn't even realize that something was wrong, as if they were supposed to.

Everyone was still laughing and laughing as before, and the Bagua Village was quiet and peaceful, with a sense of sanctity.

"Dear tourists, what you see now is our Bagua Village, which is the gathering place for the descendants of Zhuge Liang, the famous advisor of the Three Kingdoms!"

"We have not only built a large number of ancient buildings here, but also a large number of characteristic scenic spots such as the Grand Palace, the Great Scripture Hall, the Prime Minister's Ancestral Hall, and the ancient commercial street. It is also a key cultural relics protection unit certified in China!

"It is said that Xiao Jinguang's troops and the warlord Sun Chuanfang's troops fought fiercely for three days near Zhuge Village, but no bullets or shells fell into the village, and the entire village was safe and sound."

"During the Anti-Japanese War, a group of Japanese troops passed by Gaolonggang Avenue outside the village, but they didn't find the village!35

"In the past few years, any thieves have entered the village, and eventually these thieves will be completely lost by this maze-like building, and they can't even get out. 99

The tour guides took a group of domestic and foreign tourists and began to explain day after day, so they also attracted the interest of every tourist.

Everyone kept taking pictures and taking pictures, leaving their own footprints in this village.

Several blond tourists kept exclaiming in admiration, looking around, constantly amazed.

"What a beautiful town, the cultural heritage of Kyushu people is strong, it is said that this small village has a history of more than a thousand years, right? 95

"It's terrible. Our lighthouse country has only existed for more than two hundred years, and their village has existed for more than a thousand years?"

"It's a terrifying country, and their civilization is enviable.

"Yeah, it would be great if we were from Kyushu too!

Several foreigners are all kinds of Chonghua (bbed) Meixia.

With the various movements of Ji Han, there are more and more foreigners who have this kind of thinking. They have begun to admire and admire the culture of Kyushu, and even travel thousands of miles to visit and worship.

This was absolutely hard to see before!

This not only quickly reversed Kyushu's fascination with foreign countries, but also made many Chinese people feel inexplicably confident and proud, and a burst of confidence was condensed in everyone's heart.

But this scene made Park Hongyong, a Koryo tourist on the side, unhappy and sneered: "Everyone, this is an ordinary village, specially built in recent decades!"

"What Kyushu people like most is to get involved with various historical figures and then forge their background, don't be deceived! 39

"Looking at this village, it's all tattered, and there is no beauty at all. I really regret and feel sad about my trip. 35

"Oh yes, didn't you say they can gossip formations? Since they are so amazing, you can ask for yourself! 99

After Park Hongyong's words, everyone looked at each other in dismay.

The surrounding foreign tourists all secretly frowned and pointed at each other.

The nearby domestic tourists rolled their eyes in anger, wishing they could throw this guy out.

"What? Are you right? You guys from Kyushu are hypocrites, this is clearly a fake tourist attraction! Want to lie to me? Dreaming! 39

Park Hongyong deliberately sneered in blunt Chinese. He was not happy after speaking, and specifically asked a laundry lady nearby, "Auntie, where is your gossip array? Where is it? Show it to us!"

"You son of a bitch, what nonsense are you talking about. The aunt said with a smile: "There is no gossip, it's all a lie. ""

"See, hahaha! Park Hongyong laughed triumphantly: "I just said it, this is a scam at all.

"Hehe! 99

The aunt shook her head dumbly, and didn't bother to pay attention to him, but continued to wash her clothes slowly.

But suddenly, the aunt looked at the small water pool in front of her in shock, and a pair of turbid eyes quickly flashed a frightening light.

I saw an astonishing amount of blood welling up under this small pool, as if something was waking up underwater, and the aunt's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

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