At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

375 big changes, earth-shattering and terrifying! 【6/6, please subscribe】

Small water pool in Bagua Village

Located in the very center of the whole village.

It is a round shape, and it can be seen from a high altitude that it is the fusion dot in the Eight Diagrams Yin and Yang Diagram.

At the same time, this is also the most lively place in the whole village. On weekdays, everyone washes clothes and vegetables here. No one knows where the running water comes from.

But today the pool has turned red.

A large amount of blood water seemed to be boiling, rushing frantically from the bottom of the pool, and soon the water in this small pool became scarlet, and the water flow began to flow to the entire village along with various small channels.

"The great formation has changed, the whole village gathers!

The aunt, who was washing clothes slowly just now, was shocked all over her body, as if she had transformed into a peerless master, and let out an earth-shattering roar, which shocked the eardrums of all the people nearby.


One after another, the busy Bagua villagers raised their eyes in shock and looked in the direction of the small water pool. The next moment, they seemed to be going crazy and rushed towards the small water pool in unison.

The sellers left their goods behind, the cooks didn't even have time to turn off the gas, and even a few bad old men playing chess in the east of the village jumped up like martial arts masters.

This scene stunned the tourists in the whole village.

Everyone is confused, what is this doing?

"What's the matter? Is there an earthquake? Why are they all running over there?"

"Fuck, what are you doing? What's going on?"

"Quick, quick, go and see!"

The tourists were so amazed that they all chased after the crowd subconsciously, and even a few streamers who were broadcasting live in the crowd cried out in excitement.

"Look, babies, there is a big incident in Bagua Village, and all the villagers run wild. What happened?

"Quickly brush the gifts, I will take you to the live broadcast to explore the secrets later!"

"My God, there are so many people, everyone is rushing to the small pool!"

The anchors were excited and shouted, and the major live broadcast rooms immediately became a sensation. After all, the situation in this Bagua Village seems to be a bit special. Why are so many people running?

Near the small water pool, foreign tourists from all over the world and Park Hongyong were stunned. No one could understand what the old lady was yelling at, nor why the water pool was bleeding.

"God, what is this?"

"Isn't this the gate to hell to the devil?"

The foreigners were amazed, and they were all excited and desperate to take pictures and videos.

On the side, Park Hongyong sneered unhappily: "What is the gate of hell, this is clearly a tourist gimmick made by this village on purpose, I'm sure there is a water pipe hidden under the pool, these are just red dyes, right aunt?

After speaking, Park Hongyong asked the aunt again!

But this time, the aunt was too lazy to perfunctory him, but stared at the pool for a long time, and a cold sweat appeared on her forehead.

"Hurry up, hurry up! 35

"It's too late!"

The aunt whispered secretly, and the water pool suddenly experienced earth-shattering changes, and a terrible energy wave like a big explosion surged up from the bottom of the water pool.

Not only did it set off a wave of more than ten meters, but there was also a movement that shook the ground, as if some monster was waking up underwater.

A terrifying chill began to sweep across all directions.

All the people nearby felt the sudden drop in temperature, as if they had entered the freezer at once, and the stones on the edge of the pool began to be covered with hoarfrost.


The aunt's face was ashen again, and the people around were so frightened that they retreated again and again, and everyone couldn't help but flash a trace of panic on their faces.

What the hell is under the water? Monsters?

No! It's not!

This is the formation eye of the whole village of Bagua Village. The current underwater movement is because of the change in the big formation.

Those who are good at the way of formation are often in danger of three disasters and six evils!

More than a thousand years ago, the ancestors of the Zhuge family discovered this treasure land of feng shui, so they specially set up a great array of nine reincarnations and eight trigrams, which attracted the water and energy of the underground Yin River to drive away disasters for the whole village!

This is also the real secret why Bagua Village has been passed down for so many years.

・・For flowers...  

But there are always times when the great formation is broken.

Under the constant scouring of the Yin River, a massive amount of cold air from the world has accumulated.

If the big formation is blasted, the entire Bagua Village will be wiped out, and the terrifying cold will freeze and kill all people and animals within a ten-mile radius.

You must know that this is the cold air that has accumulated for more than a thousand years. If it is allowed to erupt, it will definitely not be less powerful than a volcanic eruption.

And once the great formation is completely destroyed, the Bagua villagers will also lose this excellent Feng Shui treasure land, and from then on, all kinds of three disasters and six evils will make them collapse.

After a while, other gossip villagers also rushed over.


After everyone saw this scene, their expressions all changed wildly.

"Oops, the big array is broken!

"What's the matter? How can the Yinhe cold be so severe?"

"Don't talk nonsense, set up an array!"

"Can't hold it down today, we're all going to die.


While the villagers of Bagua Village were roaring, several elderly elders leaped out.

They're agile and fast!

Step on Yubu with your feet, squeeze the Seven Stars with your hands, and pop up small flags and small plates like lightning!

Various strange runes were pictured on these small flags. When they raised their hands and threw it away, the small flags had been inserted into the gaps in the surrounding stone slabs, and they had vaguely surrounded the entire small pool.

The small saucer was filled with strange grease. After they were thrown to the ground, the wick quickly ignited without fire, and a strange wave began to sweep around.

"Jiashan Gengxiang, Jiesha Mountain is in Bingshan!"

"Qianshan Xunxiang, Jiesha Mountain is in Maoshan!"

"Yinshan Shenxiang, Jiesha Mountain is in Weishan!

Several elders uttered the truth and seemed to be in command. Hundreds of Bagua villagers spread out in unison and quickly arrived in all directions.

"Today Chapter Six, Asking for a Flower Evaluation Ticket" beg.

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