At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

377 The Great Secret, the Real Treasure of the Jurassic! 【2/5, please subscribe】

Internet Age

News spreads extremely fast!

The matter of Zhuge Bagua Village spread all over the sky in a short while, not only the more than one billion netizens in Kyushu quickly learned about it, but even websites around the world were quickly occupied.

A video and news headlines quickly analyzed the cause and effect of the incident.

When everyone saw these videos, they were all stunned.

"I smack dab, this Zhuge Bagua Village is really Zhuge Liang's descendants? I've been there a few times before, but why haven't I found them hidden so deeply!"

"Oh my god, my family lives near Bagua Village, where did I go to play when I was a child, why didn't I know that they had the inheritance of the formation? 35

"How many good things have our ancestors in Kyushu left behind? Why are there so many great people?

"666, awesome, is Bagua Village accepting apprentices? I also want to learn the formation method!"

Kyushu netizens are inexplicably excited!

The foreigners were envy and jealous again.

This unexpected time not only caused a sensation on the Internet, but also attracted countless old 11 foreigners to come to Kyushu to worship and explore the secrets, and also attracted a large number of tourists to go straight to Bagua Village.

But maybe it's already numb!

This series of actions in Kyushu has constantly refreshed everyone's three views.

Many people have now accepted this unscientific frequency of occurrence.

Everyone was shocked, but quickly accepted all this.

Inside the small estate

Ji Han chuckled and put down the phone.

The arrangement of Zhuge Liang this time was just something he did casually. First, it was to torture this guy on purpose, and secondly, he wanted to leave something for future generations.

Now it seems that everything is not bad, some of Zhuge Liang's array inheritance has really been passed on to future generations, and this Zhuge Bagua Village is also quite perfect.

At the same time, this also makes Ji Han pay attention to a key point!

"The primary formation of the fantasy world can really be displayed in future generations!"

"So can I train some cultivators in ancient times and let them pass on to future generations?"

Ji Han thought to himself.

"Master, not for the time being! The system intelligently reminded: "Immortal cultivators need aura to become stronger, and the aura in this time and space is too small and too little to support the inheritance of a cultivator sect!

"Even in the Qin Dynasty more than 2,000 years ago, the concentration of spiritual energy was only 5.3% more intense than it is now, and it still does not meet the qualifications for immortal cultivators to cultivate.

"As for the werewolves, vampires, and dragons that you exchanged before, they are all related to blood, and have little to do with spiritual energy, so they can be passed down!

The system's explanation immediately made Ji Han understand a lot.

It turned out to be the case, that is to say, even if Ji Han exchanged a lot of cultivating books and then threw them into ancient times, it would be very difficult to really create a cultivating sect.

But from the system's words, Ji Han had an unusual meaning.

The concentration of aura in the Qin Dynasty was actually higher than in modern times?

Think about it, there was no pollution in ancient times, so it should be higher. After all, spiritual energy should be the beneficial gas emitted by all spirits.

Ji Han understands it this way. Does this mean that the farther away the time and space are from modern times, the higher the concentration of spiritual energy?

"System, am I right?" Ji Han asked.

"Yes!" The system intelligently replied: "Or in the Jurassic era, why is any tree tens of hundreds of meters high, any creature weighs dozens of tons, and any insect weighs hundreds of pounds, this is because The reason for the high concentration of Reiki.


Ji Han gasped in shock.

He felt as if he had discovered a great secret.

In the ancient Jurassic period, there were not only dinosaurs, but also something more precious - aura!

This is an earth-shattering big secret.

If a group of people were arranged to practice in ancient times, would the legend of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors be rewritten by him?

It is rumored that there was another dynasty before the Xia Dynasty, named Yu Dynasty!

Legend has it that Nuwa created man and Shennong tasted all kinds of herbs. Is it possible to make a wave of these?

Various ideas kept popping up in Ji Han's mind.

But after thinking about it carefully, he found that these plans are temporarily unfeasible.

In fact, the ancient Jurassic era was more ferocious and dangerous than during World War II, and all kinds of unknown poisonous dinosaurs were all difficult for ordinary firearms to fight!

He must first secretly develop a wave in other dynasties!

When the soldiers and horses of the four dynasties became extremely powerful, and every soldier was like a little superman, he would be sure to go to the Jurassic, otherwise it is very likely that he would go to deliver food.

"Stay steady, let's talk about the time and space of World War II!"

Ji Han thought about it secretly, and finally decided to eat it one bite at a time.

Now he has brought the four dynasties to get a thorn, and there is still a long way to go in the future. He is too embarrassed to step into the Jurassic without slaughtering tens of millions of aliens.


Counting the time, Lao Cao will send Sun Shangxiang, Cai Yan and others over tonight, right?

This is also another batch of top beauties of the Three Kingdoms that Ji Han is looking forward to, which cannot be missed.

After that, you have to think about the next battle!

Ji Han rested in the small manor for a few days, and the four dynasties passed for several months, which was a continuous period of time.

I believe they have digested the last harvest and have become stronger.

In addition, Chongzhen came up with such good things as sniper rifles and bazookas, so Ji Han's plan can also be advanced.

For example, how about going to World War II and inserting an eye first?

Occupy a territory, burn, kill, loot, fetch a lot of good things and then withdraw, and then invade on a large scale after digestion?

"That's a good idea, but where should we fight?"

"It's best to have enough enemies in this place, and you can loot a lot of new technologies, and you can also get a lot of scientific researchers!"

"The terrain has to be suitable for the four dynasties to play their own advantages, which is better?""

Ji Han pondered secretly, quickly found out a lot of data and maps during World War II, and in a short while he chose a perfect target!

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