At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

378 Four beauties, Cao Cao gives gifts again! 【3/5, please subscribe】

that night

The fog is shrouded, the door of light is open!

Ying Zheng, Li Shimin and others set foot in Wonderland again.

Since the last war, they have rested and developed for a few months. During this time, their benefits can be said to be huge. Coupled with the new technology shared by Chongzhen, their weapons have been updated again.

Now Ying Zheng and the others are walking with vigour and vigour, all of them seem to be in good spirits, and their complexions are quite rosy.

And behind this Cao Cao was followed by four tall women, which attracted everyone's attention.

"Hey, Lao Cao, are you presenting your sister here again?" Li Shimin joked with a smile: "This time, four people are being presented, not bad, quite right! 35

"What are four!" Ying Zheng showed off with a chuckle: "Last time, I sent dozens of foreigners together with the Shimin brothers. This is a first-class and lovely person! 55


Everyone laughed.

Cao Cao sneered and said: "Several old brothers, don't make fun of Cao, we in the Great Wei Dynasty can hardly find foreign women, at most a few Qiang people, these four people heard that the immortal master was of noble character and came to serve voluntarily. No jokes.""

"Haha, let's go, let's go!

"Who doesn't know what you're thinking."

After a few jokes, everyone went straight to meet Ji Han.

The four women who followed Cao Cao followed nervously as they were amazed at the beauty of this fairyland.

One of the four of them is naturally Sun Shangxiang, whom Ji Han has already seen. Today, she is wearing a red silk dress, and she is as cute as an elf.

The one in the middle was naturally the famous Cai Wenji Cai Yan. At this time, she was not married yet, so after Cao Cao promised to give an elixir to his sick old father, Cai Yan came here with a half push.

As for the last two people, Mi Zhen and Gan Qian are Liu Bei's wives Mrs. Gan and Mrs. Mi in history. These two are also top beauties.

The four daughters are all graceful and graceful. Walking in this fairyland has added a lot of color to the four sides.

But in their hearts, there is no pride and pride, and even in this fairyland, there is a trace of inferiority and tension.

Because of the maids walking here, each of them was as light and beautiful as a fairy, and they all exuded fairy energy, so that they couldn't help but feel ashamed.

After walking through a corridor, Diao Chan and Zhen Mi were waiting here beautifully.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty~々!"

"Sir, there will be a banquet on the terrace of Xiange tonight, please!"

Diao Chan bowed and spoke, and Cao Cao and the others quickly and politely returned the salute.

This is Ji Han's maid, and she is also the bedside person, how dare they not give face?

After a while, Diaochan and Zhen Mi welcomed everyone to a terrace.

This is a terrace in the middle of the two tall palaces, where the field of vision is wide, you can see the birds and flowers in the whole fairyland, and the breeze blowing can be described as unusually refreshing.

A banquet was set up here early.

All kinds of beautiful girls dance and play the piano.

Ji Han held the three-year-old Wu Mei Niang, who looked like a porcelain doll, in his left hand, and gently stroked his right hand... Xiao Hei's supple dog head.

Seeing the crowd coming, he nodded casually and said, "Sit down. Today, we will have a feast while admiring the moon. Wouldn't it be beautiful!"

"Hahaha, Mr. is so happy, I really envy me.

"Well, delicious dishes, only fairyland has such a taste.

Ying Zheng and others laughed and took their seats.

Cao Cao didn't talk nonsense, and said directly to the four women behind him: "Everyone, haven't you met the Immortal Master yet?

"Meet the Immortal Master!"

Sun Shangxiang's four daughters saluted nervously, and at the same time couldn't help but quietly looked at Ji Han.

When they saw that he was so handsome and unrestrained, the four girls couldn't help throbbing, and their pretty faces turned red.


Ji Han nodded in satisfaction.

He didn't say much, and directly signaled Diaochan and Zhen Mi to arrange them.

The two women belonged to the same dynasty as them, and they were more or less familiar with them, so it was a beautiful thing to be able to bring them into this place quickly.

"Four little sisters, come with me! Diao Chan chuckled: "I will introduce all the facilities of this fairyland for you, you will all have to spend it here in the future.

" don't have to be nervous." Zhen Mi whispered: "Mr. gentle-natured, very fond of our sisters, you will soon like it here.""

"Thank you two sisters!"

Cai Yan, Sun Shangxiang and others hurriedly saluted and said hello, and then quickly settled down in this fairyland.

As for Ji Han and others, they have already eaten their food.

In this immortal music and dance, everyone pushed the cups and handed over to have a feast together, and the atmosphere quickly became enthusiastic.

At the beginning of the banquet, everyone chatted about recent developments as usual.

Daqin, Datang, and Daming did not have any major events, and everything developed smoothly and prosperously.

In particular, the newly invented sniper rifles and other items of the Ming Dynasty, the three dynasties are also in full production, the army quickly equipped a lot, and the combat effectiveness has also improved a lot.

Cao Cao's Great Wei Dynasty has changed the most!

All parts of the world have rapidly stabilized, and with the promotion of the holy temple (has it), many people have also recognized Cao Cao's orthodoxy. After all, this is the emperor Yang with the help of immortals and gods.

Nowadays, the national power of the Great Wei Dynasty is booming, and the production of various food crops is also increasing year by year.

After the development of the Firearms Bureau in the past few months, and the purchase from Chongzhen and others, Cao Cao has equipped a large number of firearms in the army.

It is believed that it will not be long before the Great Wei Dynasty can catch up with the three major dynasties and fully equip the army of firearms.

Cao Cao and others are very satisfied with their development!

The more they chatted, the happier they became, but they were looking forward to the second expedition.

"Sir, call me here this time, do you want to arrange a second war? Chongzhen stopped his chopsticks and couldn't help but ask.

Seeing this, everyone else pricked up their ears!

Everyone is very concerned about it.

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