At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

379 Is this still the war that human beings should have? 【4/5, please subscribe】

Seeing everyone so anxious!

Ji Han laughed dumbly and said, "Don't worry, let's eat and drink for a while, chat and arrange things, and then we'll be dispatched at night, how about it?


Everyone was interested when they heard the words.

What does Ji Han mean by this sentence, does it mean that he is going to start a massacre tonight?

If so, it is a beautiful thing!

In fact, everyone had expected it before coming, so they ordered their respective armies to wait for the call at any time, and this time they were well prepared.

"Sir, where do you want to fight next?" Ying Zheng laughed: "The Waza clan that was destroyed last time was really too weak, not challenging at all, and the entire clan is only a few hundred thousand people and millions of cattle and sheep. .99

"Yeah, it's not cool enough to kill." Li Shimin also secretly clicked his tongue: "If we can slaughter thousands of aliens, we must become immortals on the ground.


Everyone laughed.

Ji Han shook his head and said, "It's not that easy to become an immortal, and it's really not easy to strengthen your army of millions.

"Yes, sir, it is true!"

Everyone 420 nodded hurriedly, and it made sense to think about it.

The four dynasties have so many soldiers and horses, and every time they dispatch 100,000 people, they have to fight a lot of battles every time they are strengthened.

"So I thought of a good way!" Ji Han continued: "We can absolutely find a place, as the training site of the four dynasties, send a large number of ordinary legions into this time and space, and constantly hunt for aliens to strengthen, every other month Rotate once!"

"As for the most elite soldiers and horses, they will go to the time and space of World War II and plunder once, so as to develop better technology!

Ji Han talked eloquently and revealed his plans.

Everyone became interested as soon as they heard it, and this was a big happy event.

"This is the training ground, the first choice is the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Western Jin Dynasty!" Ji Han said solemnly: "This Jin Dynasty has been plagued by disasters for more than 100 years. Five alien races have invaded the Central Plains, massacred the people, and a large number of dynasties have been crazy here. The melee is more than ten times more chaotic than the Three Kingdoms period!"

"At the worst time, only a few million Han Chinese were killed, which can be described as a miserable almost genocide. (bbed)"

"So we only need to put the ordinary legions into it, and send a few generals to lead them to slaughter the alien races. With the strength of these alien races, it is impossible to resist!

"And we don't need to go out in person at all. Just like playing chess, we replace the legion once a month, and take turns to exercise the ordinary legion once!"

Ji Han's proposal immediately made everyone's heart skip a beat.

This idea is good, there are so many foreign races in the Jin Dynasty, they can slaughter casually, and they will not feel bad if they kill them all.

Every month, a group of ordinary legions are rotated, and whoever leads the team can crush the aliens, and there is no worry about who will be everyone's opponent under the modern weapons.

That is to say, Ji Han wanted to use the Jin Dynasty as an experience bank, and constantly let everyone level up and cultivate the ordinary legions of the four dynasties.

"As for the army of 400,000 people who followed me to attack Watts, let's treat them as elites!" Ji Han continued: "After being strengthened by many sacrifices, these people are definitely the strongest among your men! 99

"Before other legions have grown up, they can enter more advanced time and space battles and gain greater benefits, such as World War II time and space.""

"These soldiers and horses will be led by me and you personally, just like destroying thorns, destroying opponents, and withdrawing easily after gaining profits!"

After Ji Han finished speaking, everyone immediately started breathing faster!

The place worthy of his personal leadership is definitely the place with the most profit. This World War II time and space is a bit interesting.

"Sir, what do you mean by World War II?" Cao Cao asked in surprise.

Ji Han stopped his chopsticks and said solemnly: "This planet has existed for hundreds of millions of years, and the history of human development is only a few thousand years, but World War I and World War II are definitely the most terrifying wars with the largest number of casualties after the development of modern weapons! "

"The First World War occurred about 400 years after Lao Zhu. At that time, there were as many as 33 countries involved, involving a population of 1.5 billion. The scale of the invested troops was about 65 million, with more than 10 million dead and more than 20 million disabled. .

"The difference between World War II and World War I is only about 20 to 30 years. A more terrible war broke out on this planet. About 61 countries joined the war, and 90% of the population was forced to fight!"

"In the end, more than 90 million people were killed and injured in the world, countless families were destroyed, wives and children were scattered, and the war in the age of hot weapons was so cruel, often hundreds of thousands of people died when a nuclear bomb was fired."

Ji Han's series of data shocked everyone.

No one would have thought that the wars of later generations would be so terrifying, and the gap between this and the age of cold weapons is too great, right?

At every turn, tens of millions of people die, and billions of people join the war, which is more than the population of the four great dynasties combined.

What is a nuclear bomb?

Hundreds of thousands of people killed by a single nuclear bomb?

My God, is this still the kind of war that humans should have?

"Sir, are you kidding me?" Chongzhen exclaimed in disbelief, "Is it really so scary that firearms have developed to the extreme? 35

"It's so scary!" Ji Han continued, "Have you ever seen a bombing plane flying in the sky? It can fly hundreds of miles per hour!

"Have you ever seen an invulnerable tank? Have you ever seen a rocket that can go straight to the moon?"

"Have you ever seen a satellite that can keep floating in the sky and can monitor all human beings in all directions?

"As long as you conquer the time and space of World War II, I guarantee that you will have everything, and everything! 55

Ji Han tried his best to bewitched, and everyone in the room gasped, and their faces were horrified.

Are the people of the future so powerful?

Can anything that fly to the moon be made?

"Fight, must fight, I want these things too! 35

"This flying chicken is so scary? I don't know how it was raised!""

"Compared to them, the guns in our hands are really insignificant!

Ying Zheng and the others sighed, and their astonishing ambitions appeared.

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