At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

385 Asymmetrical war, who gave you the courage? 【5/6, please subscribe】

"It's impossible, it's impossible, it's impossible!

"Who the hell are you? Devil, you devils!"

Commander Dongying was full of madness and despair.

He never thought that his own soldiers would be so weak, nor did he expect the opponent to be so strong~ and terrifying.

The ten empty-handed soldiers on the opposite side will beat more than one hundred of them - disabled!

Anyone who was hit by their punches would be completely broken, vomit blood frantically, and die tragically on the spot!

Anyone who was kicked was swept away more than ten meters on the spot, as if they were hit by a big truck.

These people are simply monsters, how can this be played?

"You demons, go to hell!"

"Go to hell! 35

The Colonel screamed in horror, holding a knife in both hands hysterically, and slashed it viciously.

But he is fast, and the soldiers of Daming are even faster!

A soldier swept over like lightning, and he was blasted out on the spot like a broken sack. After smashing a wall, he died directly.

"Good, good fight!"

"Dare to fight the bayonet, and I don't know who gave them the courage."

"Hahaha, these Dongying people are really weak. They babble and scream, and they will be cleansed when they are killed."

Everyone was discussing disdainfully.

Apparently, it was quite absurd for this not-so-symmetrical war, and the soldiers did not look down on these opponents.

Ji Han frowned again in his eyes.

"The order goes on, and a team of troops will search every corner of the major counties and cities and kill every resister!"

"The rest of the people will immediately drive out the local people and gather them up, gather the bodies and sacrifice them, and send a team to guard against enemy reinforcements! 35

"Take it easy for me, don't be too proud, without the obstruction of this fog, you can't win so happily today, do you understand? 35

Ji Han's series of reprimands and orders made everyone quickly put away their underestimation.

If you think about it seriously, it's right, these Dongying people really can't be underestimated.

Even in the face of such a terrifying opponent, they never collapsed and fled from beginning to end, and finally dared to fight bayonet under the command of the commander.

Such enemies are not easy to deal with!

Without the obstruction of this fog, the casualties in today's battle would have to be doubled, and the sky-filled plane alone would be difficult to resist.

Everyone quickly put away their contempt, and began to control the area in multiple ways.

There are only five small cities and counties in the Kitakyushu region, with a population of more than one million, and a radius of 100 miles is not enough, at most 40 to 50 miles.

In such a big place, the four dynasties have a total of 400,000 troops, and it is easy to control them.

The tens of thousands of local defenders were all wiped out within half an hour, and the bodies were piled up and sacrificed, which made everyone feel relieved.

Immediately afterwards, millions of local people who were frightened and frightened were driven from their homes to an open space outside Kokura City.

Dense crowds of people stood together, old people, children, men, women, everyone's faces were full of fear.

"Why arrest us? Who are you?"

"Devil, you devils!

"What the hell do you want to do?"

In the crowd, there were all kinds of babble and ghost calls!

The soldiers couldn't understand Japanese, and they slapped them impatiently, making these people shut up immediately!

at the same time

There was also an astonishing earthquake in the East Ying military headquarters in Xijing!

Because Ji Han deliberately wanted to attract some enemies to come from the dead end, the large formation he set up was not allowed to enter and not allowed to exit, and at the same time, it was possible to make telegram connections to the outside world.

When the soldiers and horses of the four dynasties began to wreak havoc, the Kitakyushu District garrison headquarters had urgently sent a telegram for help.

Therefore, the headquarters of the Eastern Ying army has also received news!

At first they thought they had heard it wrong, how could this be possible, how could an army dare to invade Kitakyushu?

This is the land of the Eastern Ying people, who dares to make trouble?

But when they repeatedly confirmed and finally failed to connect to Kitakyushu, they must finally have a terrible enemy in the Kitakyushu area.

··For flowers......

In the conference room, more than 20 military leaders above Lieutenant General Dongying roared angrily.

"What's going on? How can there be an enemy in the Kitakyushu area? Who is it?"

"Could it be that someone in our military has betrayed? But why did they choose to attack Kitakyushu?"

"Damn, where is our heavy industry base, if it is destroyed, it will hinder our Greater East Asia co-prosperity plan!

"Who are these people? Did you find out?

Everyone clapped the table and roared anxiously and angrily!

A lieutenant general with a national character stood up solemnly and said: "Everyone, we have determined that it was not someone in our army who betrayed, this group of people is a foreign enemy! 35


"It is said that they all look like people from Kyushu, there are hundreds of thousands of people, and their fighting power is very strong!

"That is to say, the possibility of the old and the United States attacking our homeland has been preliminarily ruled out!"

After this person finished speaking, everyone suddenly burst into an uproar!

"Kyushu people? Impossible, are you crazy?

"Those damn yellow-skinned and muddy legs? Their country is still falling, what qualifications do they have to attack us?

"The Kyushu people don't even have a boat, do they swim to our native land?

Everyone's faces were incredulous, as if they had seen a ghost.

"I didn't say anything, this is the last telegram sent by Jiro Tanimura from the Kitakyushu Guard Division before he died!"

"Now we have no time to think about who these people are, we must dispatch the nearby divisions to help and completely defeat these people!"

"The mainland of the Dadongying Empire was attacked, this is an absolute shame, we must tear them apart!

The lieutenant general with the national character roared in anger!

"That's right, they must be killed!"

"Please mobilize the nearby army divisions and navy immediately to help. 35

"We will kill these enemies completely and wash our shame with their blood.

The military leaders have expressed their opinions!

A terrifying siege unfolds quickly! Beg.

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