At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

386 This is a car? Sir, don't deceive me! 【6/6, please subscribe】

after dawn

The entire Kitakyushu area is still filled with thick fog, making the visibility very low.

The buzzing cruising sound of fighter jets sounded from time to time, and it was obvious that the headquarters of the Eastern Ying Army was in a hurry. They sent a large number of fighter jets to investigate the situation here, but unfortunately they found nothing.

More than one million people in Eastern Ying were guarded in the wilderness. Everyone was thirsty and hungry. From time to time, there were various screams of panic and the crying of children.

Around 100,000 troops are patrolling and guarding, strictly preventing anyone from escaping.

After breakfast, Ji Han and other talents arrived late and appeared in front of everyone.

When looking at this terrifying man riding a fierce tiger, all the people present gasped in fright and flinched desperately.

"Devil, "Four Twenty" they are really devils!

"My God, who will save us!"

Everyone was terrified and almost collapsed on the spot.

Everyone thinks that these armies are the devil's army, don't you see this man riding a tiger?

How could human beings tame such a terrifying existence!

Therefore, all the people of Dongying were terrified and trembling, their legs were weak, and many children had long since dared not cry.

"Hehehe!" Ji Han smiled coldly and said, "Don't be afraid, everyone, we are not some kind of devil, we are just from Kyushu.

"Kyushu people?"

There was another round of discussion in the crowd.

These days, Dongying is eager to go around the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, so many people have learned Chinese, and Ji Han's words have made many people understand.

But they still doubt their ears!

How is it possible? These people are actually from Kyushu?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

How weak and ridiculous the people of Kyushu are, don't you know?

For more than 100 years, they have been bullied and slaughtered by others. How could they have such a powerful army?

If there is, then the Dongying army that is now invading the territory of Kyushu has already been beaten to pieces!

This is nothing but a night talk!

A trace of contempt flashed in the eyes of many people in the crowd, obviously not believing that Ji Han and the others were from Kyushu.

"Humph!" Ji Han was too lazy to talk too much nonsense, and said directly: "Come out a few who can understand Chinese to help translate, I will protect your family from dying!

"Sir, I understand Chinese!

"I understand too!"

"Sir, choose me! 35

Thousands of Dongying people raised their hands and shouted excitedly, obviously wanting to seize this opportunity, because they were really afraid that their family members would be slaughtered.

Ji Han waved his hand to signal all these people to come out, and then said to the crowd: "Bring your family members to register together, I need to know a series of detailed information such as your identity, occupation, age, etc. Do you understand?

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what it meant.

However, no one dared to say anything more, and they could only queue up to start the enthronement. With the assistance of the translator, the soldiers began to quickly grade them.

Scientists, military scientists, professors, and various experts, as the first tier, can bring their family members to rest and get enough water and food.

Artisans, technicians, and various machine repair jobs are the second gear, you can bring your own family, and get a small amount of water and food!

As for the other things that are of little value, they will be regarded as the third gear, and they will be driven aside at will, without even a drop of water or food.

"Why? We need food too! 99

"Please, give us some water!"

"You can't do this, we need human rights!"

"You are in violation of the Geneva Conventions! 35

These people were unwilling to plead in blunt Chinese.

Ying Zheng sneered strangely: "Sir, what are human rights? What are the Geneva Conventions?"

"It's an agreement to protect civilians!"" Ji Han shrugged disdainfully, and said, "Of course they don't abide by this, so they don't have human rights, because I don't treat them as human beings.


Everyone laughed.


At this time, a soldier rushed over quickly.

He knelt down on one knee and shouted, "Report to Immortal Master Qi, Your Majesty, there are enemy legions assembled outside the great formation, ready to come in at any time!

"Oh? The response is quite quick!" Ji Han chuckled, waved his hand indifferently and said: "Old Zhu, your people stay here to control these people, the other three legions are ready to fight, come and eat as much as you want. How much, let's go to various factories to see, no problem?""

"No problem, our men have dug trench defenses on all sides, ready to fight at any time!"

"These dog things, kill as much as they come!

"Hahaha, let's go, I want to see how many good things there are!

Everyone is interested..

For the enemy from outside, everyone did not pay attention to it at all, and the generals under his hand could destroy each other.

Everyone led a team of personal guards and went straight to factories around the world.

After walking for a while, Ji Han suddenly saw an old-fashioned big truck on the side of the road, so he turned his back and walked towards it with a smile.

"Sir, what are you doing?" Chongzhen was surprised.

"This thing is called a car!" Ji Han waved his hand and introduced, "It burns gasoline and walks very fast, come on, I'll drive you there!"

"Huh? I see that there are quite a few of these big men in this city, and I wonder what this is!"9

"Yes, this thing can run without being pulled by a horse? Is it similar to the principle of a train?

"Walk, let's try 4.3, what's the harm! 35

Ying Zheng and the others got into the car with a smile.

After groping for a while, Ji Han twisted the key to start, and then stepped on the accelerator.


This truck really sped along, almost throwing Ying Zheng and others out, causing everyone to scream and scream.

"My God, does this really go? 55

"Sir, don't bully me!

"This is a good thing, and I have to produce a batch of them later. Such an artifact for transporting troops must not be spared!"

Everyone's eyes lit up with excitement, and they were immediately attracted by this epoch-making good thing.

"Where is this going? Let's go and show you some good things!" Ji Han laughed.

"Chapter 6 Today, Ask for a Flower Evaluation Ticket",

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