At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

387 Big Search, it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish! 【1/5, please subscribe】

It's hard to come to the nineteenth century!

In the face of the most advanced heavy industry base in this era, and thousands of large and small factories, how can Ji Han hold back?

He was like a hungry wolf, eagerly leading Ying Zheng and others to search around.

First of all, what he searched was the military factory.

This is a heavy industry base, and most of the factories are military factories, some produce grenades, some produce bullets, some produce firearms, and some produce aircraft, cannons, and tanks!

These factories are dazzling, really stunned.

Especially when Ji Han unleashed a god-level animal control technique, and after figuring out the situation in the vicinity, he went straight to the warehouse of the largest military factory. Everyone was taken aback by the grand situation of the warehouse.

Densely packed with hundreds of fighter jets!

One or two thousand tanks and tracked vehicles!

Countless large artillery!

11 All kinds of firearms and ammunition are piled up like a mountain, just open a box, and it is full of the latest 38 rifles!

"My God, so much good stuff? How long does it take to produce? It's all iron lumps!""

"Unbelievable, this is simply incredible!"

"This is just one of the warehouses, what if all the other warehouses are also open?"

Ying Zheng, Chongzhen and the others were shocked and stunned.

You must know that although the production volume of their firearms bureau is good, most of them are purely manual. How can they compare with this kind of close to modern heavy industry?

In the 19th century, Dongying already had the ability to produce 10,000 tanks a year. In order to fight, they were all soldiers!

Young men go to the battlefield, and other old and weak women and children produce firearms and equipment in the rear, which has created such a brilliant output.

So people in this Kitakyushu area are either war criminals, family members of war criminals, or supporters of this war!

In short, one is one, and they will not be wronged if they are killed.

These guns and tanks are all produced by them. In the future, these things will be put into the battlefield of Kyushu, causing hellish harm to hundreds of millions of people.

So all these things have to be taken away!

"Let's take it, one person will take a little." Ji Han said: "There are still more of these factories, everyone is welcome, take all of them if you can, and don't keep any of them!"

"Okay, Mr. said so, then we are welcome!"

"Haha, you're welcome, sir, you don't care about this, let's split it up!

"This big iron bird I have to bring back a few more planes, flying in the sky and throwing explosives, it is absolutely easy to use!

"And this tank is also a good thing, such a thick iron plate, I'm afraid that bullets can't penetrate it, if you drive them on a rampage on the battlefield, the soldiers are hidden behind, it is really a weapon of war!

Ying Zheng and others are all human beings.

They saw the value of this tank and plane at a glance, so they scrambled for it, and soon threw all the inventory in this huge warehouse into the trading space.

Fortunately, the trading ring given by Ji Han is infinite, and you can store the goods at will, otherwise, everyone really doesn't know how to remove these big guys.

After evacuating several factory warehouses one after another, Ying Zheng and the others were all beaming with joy, obviously having a good harvest.

However, Ji Han rolled his eyes angrily and said, "Can you guys make a little progress, why are you so happy? You don't think that the most precious thing here are these tanks and planes?

"Isn't it? What is more precious here?"

"Sir, tell me, I really want to know!"

Everyone was interested.

Ji Han said angrily: "It is better to teach a man how to fish than to give him a fish. What do you think of these aircraft and tanks? Bring their production line and various machines back, so it's not good to produce at your own door in the future. ?""

"Yes, hahaha, why didn't I think of it!"

"Sir is right, I just saw a few production lines that produce bullets, and I can't understand each machine, but it's definitely better than my Ming Dynasty!

"If we move these things back, we won't have to make them by hand in the future!"

Everyone's eyes were shining, and the more they thought, the happier they became. Obviously, everyone had realized the importance of these machines and production lines.

No amount of aircraft and tanks will be exhausted, but if you master a production line that stably produces these things, are you afraid that there will be no weapons in the future?

Great, what a great move!

"Let's go, you all collect separately! 35 Ji Han casually urged: "Bring more people to search around, gold, silver and jewelry are not as important as this machine, so make sure not to leave any machine behind!


"Don't worry, sir!"

Chongzhen and the others nodded again and again to promise!

After a while, they searched around with people, preparing to take away all the good things in Kitakyushu.

As for Ji Han, he rode the tiger again and walked around with Wang Mushi.

In the end, the two came to a mountain range that was not too high by the sea. From the commanding view, they could see that the Daqin army was digging trenches for defense.

Outside the foggy formation, it could be vaguely seen that the enemy's army had gathered together, and there were still many tanks.

Obstructed by fog, the plane has been rendered useless.

Therefore, tanks cooperate with infantry to attack and become the only way.

However, after two consecutive attacks, the people they sent in were easily wiped out, which made them seem to be frightened.

"These Dongying people are really weak, why haven't they fought for so long?" Wang Mushi muttered in dissatisfaction.

"They are not weak! Ji Han explained with a smile: "It was just a tentative attack just now. Now there are two A-level divisions and three B-level divisions from outside Kitakyushu, and the total number exceeds 100,000. Hundreds of tanks have been transferred, this is a very terrible military force! 35

"Haha!" Wang Mushi chuckled lightly, "Then let them try, just to kill them.

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