At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

388 vs. firepower? We haven't been counseled yet! 【2/5, please subscribe】

Ji Han's judgment is right!

Outside the great formation, the Eastern Ying army of five divisions had already assembled.

They gathered together in a mighty manner, occupying the open space that stretched for dozens of miles nearby. A large number of tanks were placed in front, and they had already made a bloody fight to the end.

The direction they chose to attack was the southwest where the Daqin army was guarding. The terrain here was relatively open, which was very suitable for their main attack.

Although I don't know who the enemy in the fog is, the soldiers of the Eastern Empire outside the fog are not afraid at all.

"The warriors of the Dadongying Empire, this is our country, and now some people dare to invade our country, do you want to kill them all?"

"Kill kill kill!"

"We must wash away our disgrace with this sloppy blood, and our Bushido spirit must not be tarnished, understand?"


In front of the Dongying Army formation, one commander after another came off the stage to boost morale. The soldiers of the Five Masters were all hysterical and their eyes were red.

They even selected a thousand dead men, all with white cloth strips tied to their foreheads and explosive packs tied to their bodies, ready to fight for their lives.

So Ji Han never underestimated these Dongying people.

The weapons and equipment of the little devils in the 19th century were all first-class, and with this desperate Bushido spirit, their combat effectiveness was indeed quite impressive.


Under the constant urging of the military, the Five Great Master Groups of Eastern Ying began to assemble and advance. Their soldiers hid behind the tanks, and then marched into the foggy formation.

Ka Ka Ka!

The crawlers of the Type 95 tank made various noises as they unswervingly rolled forward.

Hundreds of tanks lined up in a row, covering the sky and looking quite terrifying. This is already all the local forces that the Eastern Ying military department can mobilize at present.

At the same time, this is also the first modern future war faced by the Daqin army, and it is still in the plains, with a frontal hard anus.

The 100,000-strong Daqin Army is facing the frontal impact of the five major Eastern Divisions. Who will lose and who will win?

This scene naturally attracted the curious attention of many people!

"Li Xin, can you guys do it~々?" Cheng Yaojin shouted in the trenches of the Qin Army headquarters, "Why don't you let us fight, in case you can't bear the shame."5

"Fuck your motherfucker!" Li Xin yelled in anger, "These little scoundrels are also worthy of fighting against our Qin army? I will kill them all! 39


Everyone burst into laughter.

At this time, the Qin army had gradually adapted to the concept of future war. They dug a large number of trenches, and the soldiers hid in the trenches, and did not form an array on the plain as before.

The enemy is approaching!

Li Xin shouted at the top of his voice, "Let me listen to it all. If I beat him so hard today, whoever drags me down will be beheaded. Do you understand?"

"Mortar array, fire! 35

"Shoot, shoot me! 35

Following Li Xin's roar, not only the mortar formations at the rear began to fire frantically.

At this time, the mortars of the four dynasties were no different from the mortars of later generations, and even had their own characteristics.

As a small cannon that is easy to carry and has ferocious firepower, the major legions have carried a lot of them, and the Qin army alone has placed more than 8,000 artillery on the artillery positions!

Boom boom boom!

Mortars fired frantically, and countless shells fell like raindrops. The Dongying Army who had just stepped into the foggy formation was immediately baptized.

The fires and explosions in the sky caused them a lot of losses. Many soldiers were torn to pieces by the shells, and the sky was raining blood.

However, the Eastern Ying people have long been accustomed to this kind of battle. They are scattered, and the damage of each explosion can still be tolerated. It is not as simple as slaughtering the Oara people.

And their tanks have also been firing wildly!

The rumbling artillery fire roared, and the artillery shells came, and the battlefield was suddenly filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke.

At the same time, a large row of mortar gunners rushed out from the rear of the Eastern Ying Army. After they entered the firing range, they squatted on the spot and started firing artillery shells frantically.

The two sides bombed each other, the roar of the battlefield came one after another, and the Qin army also began to suffer casualties.

Occasionally one or two cannonballs smashed into the crowd, and even the most powerful person was hit by the cannonball at close range, and there would inevitably be casualties, but the casualties were very few, only in single digits.

Shit, hit me hard!

"Fire them up and kill them!

"More than firepower? We haven't been counseled! 99

Li Xin roared in exasperation, and a large number of Qin soldiers immediately emerged from the trenches, and they resolutely opened fire on the enemy.

A sniper rifle, specializing in killing officers!

The roar of the artillery fire has long dispersed the fog, these sharpshooters are within a kilometer, it can be said that one point is one point, and the guns are headshots.

Ordinary Shenwei rifles are also quite sturdy. The marksmanship of the Qin soldiers is too powerful. These enemies who charge over are like targets. They are madly headshot.

"Da da da!"

Many heavy machine guns and automatic rifles also began to fire frantically. The densely packed bullets formed a dense firepower network, and the enemy who hit them did not dare to emerge.

As for the enemy's tanks, Li (How good, Zhao) Xin also has a way to deal with the crowd.

The generals of the four dynasties are now studying all kinds of weapons every day, and he is already familiar with all the weapons in his hands. He doesn't need Ji Han to remind him that the bazooka is a magic weapon to deal with such iron lumps.

"Where's the bazooka? Aim, get rid of these iron lumps, what's the nonsense? Hurry up! 35

Li Xin kept roaring and ordering!

After a while, soldiers with rocket launchers appeared in the trenches, and then they decisively pulled the trigger.


A round of armor-piercing rounds roared and hit the tank in front of him!

These tanks were bombed with flames, their armor scattered, and black smoke was coming out. There were dozens of tanks lying on the ground on the spot!

This comprehensive confrontation across time and space began to escalate.

You come and go between the two sides, and you are directly red-eyed,

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