At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

389 The terrifying opponent, the despair of the five masters! 【3/5, please subscribe】

"Where's the grenade? Fuck! Lose the grenade!"

"Never let them get close to the trenches, shoot me, keep shooting!

"Bazooka launch, kill all their iron lumps!

Li Xin calmly commanded the army to fight.

Daqin soldiers and horses were scattered on the seven or eight-mile-long front, in the trenches, constantly blocking the enemy, making it difficult for the enemy to cross the moat.

Compared with firepower, Qin Jun is not inferior to them at all!

All kinds of firearms, grenades and artillery emerge in endlessly.

Moreover, in the hands of non-human sharpshooter soldiers, the power of these ordinary firearms is more than ten times stronger than that of the Eastern Ying people!

Have you ever seen a grenade that can throw more than 100 meters?

Have you ever seen all the hits?

This kind of terrifying opponent simply makes the enemy despair.

Compared with the topography, the Daqin Army in a defensive position was extremely safe, and only one or two casualties could be caused unless artillery shells occasionally smashed into the trenches.

On the other hand, the Eastern Ying Army, which was charging all the way, suffered heavy casualties like a target.

"Damn, damn it!"

"Who are these people?"

"Order the major units, 437 continue to attack!"

Saito Jiro, a lieutenant general dispatched by the Eastern Military Department, roared angrily while observing the battlefield with his binoculars.

"Report to the general, the tank company suffered heavy losses, and more than 90% of the tanks have been scrapped!

"The Matsui Regiment has been wiped out, and the Regiment Commander is killed!"

"The Kokura Wing has just been repelled, and the casualty rate has exceeded 80%. The squad leader applies for repairs!"

"The Songshan Division was attacked by enemy artillery fire, and more than half of the casualties have been reached!"

One bad news after another keeps coming!

This battle was fought from noon to evening, and the Five Masters of the Eastern Ying Army suffered heavy casualties, and many of the regiments were directly disabled.

However, Saito Jiro had to grit his teeth and continue to insist, because he made a military order.

"Attack me, keep attacking!

"Where's the artillery? Keep bombing!

"Damn it, do you want to lose the glory of our Great Eastern Empire?"

"Rush up and kill them!"

Saito Jiro roared desperately at the leaders of each (bbed) master group, and whoever dared to retreat, he slapped him and forced them to charge desperately.

at dusk!

Qin Jun's firepower suddenly became sparse.

This made everyone stunned for a while, but also ecstatic.

"Hahaha!" Saito Jiro even laughed wildly: "Did you see it? See it, they were scared, they couldn't hold it anymore, and their ammunition was out!"

"Pass my order, the whole army will attack, hurry up!"


The officers and generals bowed and roared excitedly, and then rushed up with their own people excitedly.

They had lost patience after the half-day battle, and their hearts were full of grievances. At this time, they didn't think much about why the opposite party would retreat.

At this moment, everyone just wants to tear these damn enemies to pieces!

Amid the roaring artillery fire, the tens of thousands of the remaining tens of thousands of people from the Five Masters group cried out in excitement, slaughtering them like crazy.

They rushed into the trenches of the Qin army!

However, just when they wanted to continue their pursuit, the soldiers of the Qin army who retreated into the ditch at the rear laughed horribly.

They quickly changed into a handful of pistols, shotguns, and daggers, and then smirked and fought back.

By this time night had fallen and visibility was extremely low.

Like hungry wolves, they sprang out of the deep and staggered trenches, and then savagely smashed into the crowd.

In this environment, like street fighting, long spears quickly become a burden, and weapons such as short spears, daggers, and shotguns have an absolute advantage.

"Hahaha, kill!"

"Bitch, give me death!"

The soldiers of the Qin army were excitedly slaughtered, and easily cut the enemy's throat.

At this time, Dongying talents discovered the trick!

It is not their marksmanship, nor their weapons, but their speed and strength that are the most ferocious of these fearsome enemies!

Each of them is as ferocious as beasts, fast and ruthless, in this small trench, often more than a dozen Dongying soldiers shot together, they will be easily beheaded by them.

This mile-long battlefield with dense trenches has completely become the tomb of tens of thousands of Dongying troops, who were easily killed by the elusive enemy.

The screams, the wailing, one after another!

The moonlight also seemed to become bloody.

It was easy to squeeze tens of thousands of people into this battlefield trench that was several miles long. As a result, these Dongying people seemed to sink into the sea. It was easy to get in and it was difficult to get out. The casualties began to increase wildly.

"What's going on? Why is this happening? Rush, rush for me!" Saito Jiro roared anxiously.

Far away at the headquarters, he didn't understand the situation at all, and just blindly urged the army to charge.

However, when a large number of terrified soldiers escaped from the trench crying and screaming, and retreated desperately, Saido Jiro realized that something was wrong.

Tens of thousands of troops rushed in, most of them collapsed in just seven or eight minutes, and in the end only a few thousand people escaped.

Moreover, there were countless enemies behind them. Black shadows with grinning grins rushed towards the soldiers like ghosts, beheading them all to the ground.

The sound of gunfire began to fade away quickly!

The five master groups were completely wiped out here.

This battle ended quickly in such a strange way. Saito Jiro stared at the battlefield in the distance, a chill rose from the bottom of his heart.

"How is it possible? How is this possible?"

"These damn demons, how did they do it?"

"Why are their individual combat capabilities so terrifying?

"A hallucination, it must be a hallucination! 35

Saito Jiro howled in disbelief, looking at the battlefield that was gradually sinking into silence in front of him, he felt an inexplicable horror.

Where did these enemies come from?

Why are they so scary?

All this is unscientific!

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