At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

390 equal gifts, Ji Han's bad taste! 【4/5, please subscribe】

The news of the demise of the Five Masters came out!

In the headquarters of the Eastern Ying military headquarters, all kinds of tsunamis were suddenly set off, and countless military leaders were stunned.

No one thought that the enemy who invaded the Kitakyushu region this time would be so terrifying. It is said that they had already wiped out the Five Masters with less than 100 casualties.

This is simply incredible!

At this time, everyone realized that the enemy this time was not simple.

The fog shrouded in the Kitakyushu region, this group of troops of unknown origin, and their terrifying fighting power.

This one after another made everyone's heart palpitate, this is definitely not a normal enemy.

The Eastern Ying army was in a panic!

They anxiously wanted to mobilize more divisions to return to the rescue, but found that their divisions in the country had already been wiped out, and other expeditionary forces had also been delayed by the war.

Therefore, they didn't even have the strength to fight again, and could only helplessly allow this group of enemies to rage in Kitakyushu, fearing that they would swept across the whole of the East.

morning of the third day

Cao Bianjiao sent someone to report

The registration, screening and grading work of more than one million people in the Jeonbuk Kyushu area has been completely completed.

At this time, Ji Han and others were soaking in the hot spring in a luxuriously decorated hot spring bathhouse.

A few Dongying beauties help rub their backs tremblingly, and everyone enjoys life comfortably.

"Sir! Your Majesty!" Cao Bianjiao said respectfully: "Now it has been thoroughly investigated, there are more than 12,000 first-level talents we need, and there are more than 50,000 family members!"

"There are more than 130,000 secondary talents and 260,000 family members!"

"There are more than 730,000 people left with little use value!

Cao Bianjiao handed over a detailed data.

He is quite reliable in his work. How many people are there in each occupation, those who can be focused on, and those who are relatively excellent, are all marked.

Ji Han immediately smiled with satisfaction.

In the past few days, Lao Zhao Laozhu and the others almost broke their legs, and they turned the entire Kitakyushu area over and over, and abruptly emptied all the machines, production lines, generator sets, weapons and ammunition.

As long as you go back and build a heavy industrial park and install the machines on it, you can quickly produce all the weapons of the 19th century, just think about it!

So these talents are indispensable!

Because without them, who controls these machines?

Who will teach the craftsmen of the four dynasties all kinds of knowledge? Rapidly improve the technological heritage of the dynasties?

"First-level and second-level talents and their families, all take away!" Ji Han said casually: "As for how to allocate it, you can discuss it yourself. Anyway, everyone has a share, and it will not be lost."

"Thank you sir, hahaha!

"This is a great gift, I like it.

"These talents will be divided equally, we will all benefit!

Ying Zheng and the others had no objections, and after a brief discussion, they ordered the matter.

"As for the other useless ones, kill them all." Ji Han continued to speak impatiently.

"All killed?"

Everyone took a deep breath!

This is hundreds of thousands of people.

Although they knew that the fate of these people was not destined to be good, no one thought that Ji Han would be so cruel.

Even the few Dongying beauties who were serving on the side were so frightened that their faces were pale and their whole bodies were trembling.

This devil! Isn't he afraid of being punished for so many people? This is too cruel!

"Sir!" Cao Bianjiao chuckled: "Many of them are young women, why not bring them back? The major dynasties are short of population.


Ji Han nodded indifferently.

The proposal of Cao Bianjiao is not bad.

The four major dynasties are still short of population, and bringing some young women back can produce a lot of children.

Now Lao Zhao, Lao Li and the others are enslaving foreigners, but they have not brought a large number of foreign women back to the country to increase their respective populations, which is understandable.

Winning the king and defeating the bandit, as it should be!

What is cruel and not cruel, Ji Han doesn't care at all.

"Let's go down and do it, and make sacrifices for everyone to make up for it!" Ji Han casually urged: "Tomorrow morning, the army will set off and leave.


Cao Bianjiao agreed and quickly retreated.

"Did you withdraw so soon? What a disappointment!" Li Shimin said unhappily: "The Dongying people outside don't dare to fight again after attacking once, and my sons haven't contributed.

"Do they still dare to fight?" Ji Han sneered: "If we fight again, we will have to wipe out this family.


Everyone laughed.

"Old Cao, have you chosen the place I asked you to prepare? 33 Ji Han asked.

"Don't worry, sir! Cao Cao said: "The place you asked me to choose, I personally sent people to choose from all over the place, a total of three more suitable places were selected, you can go and see!


Ji Han nodded in satisfaction.

He will leave here tomorrow, but before he leaves, he wants to leave a big gift here.

What kind of gift? Naturally a good thing like dynamite!

But the people here are either killed or looted, and is it useful to leave explosives behind?

Of course it does, and it works!

It was the 19th century, and it was only a hundred years away from his descendants. If he were to find a hidden place where no one would find him, he would secretly bury a wave of explosives, and set up a strange detonating device. Will the correction of time and space affect future generations?

Ji Han is very curious about this, and wants to try it out as an experiment. After all, these are dead things, so it's okay to try!

As for how much influence this arrangement can have on future generations, and whether it can really succeed, Ji Han doesn't care.

Anyway, it's just for fun, success is good, and it doesn't matter if it doesn't work, isn't it?

"Let's go clubbing!" Ji Han got up comfortably and said with a smile, "Old Cao took me over to see, and this great gift will be arranged tonight, so we can leave tomorrow!"

"Yes! 35

Cao Cao nodded in agreement, and quickly got up to lead the beggar.

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