At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

392 The gunpowder store is exposed, this is the rhythm of dying! 【Subscription】

The four dynasties attacked the Kitakyushu area

It has left too many shocks in this time and space, and it will eventually become an unsolved mystery.

And the power of time and space is also quietly activated!

After more than a hundred years, the future generations, also in this revision, added a wave of special dangerous goods.

21st century

The Kitakyushu area is calm.

It is much more prosperous than it was more than a hundred years ago. There are high-rise buildings everywhere, and the sea breeze blows slowly, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

A large number of office workers are crowding the bus and subway, and the people of all walks of life are busy in their own way.

But everyone didn't know that in the sewers below the city, there was a refuge that had been preserved for more than a hundred years, and there was a large amount of gunpowder stored in it.

A formation seemed to freeze time, freezing everything here.

When the time is up, the formation will automatically burst with a bang!

The aura that had been accumulated for more than a hundred years spread outward, causing a lot of turmoil in the ground, and this vibration also automatically activated the countdown of the detonator.

"What's the matter? Oh my God? Earthquake?"

"Why is it suddenly shaking? Quick! Get out of the room!

"There is an earthquake!"

In the Kitakyushu city area, millions of people exclaimed in fright.

The spiritual energy was released underground just now, causing the ground to vibrate for dozens of seconds in a radius of 100 miles. Many people clearly felt the shaking.

As a major earthquake country, the people of Dongying immediately made professional evasion and ran to the streets one by one, which also caused a lot of riots.

But after a while of shaking, the expected violent earthquake did not appear, and the ground gradually returned to normal.

While everyone looked at each other, they couldn't help but be stunned!

"What's the matter? Wasn't it an earthquake?

"It can't be wrong, it must have been shaking just now! 99

"Is this a precursor to an earthquake?"

The people were terrified, and they all panicked!

I have tried this many times in the past. Once it occurs, it must be a super earthquake, which will cause many casualties.

Therefore, everyone did not dare to go back to the high-rise buildings. They could only crowd in the streets and in the parks of various places. The whole Kitakyushu district was also full of uproar.

At this time, it quickly attracted the attention of the relevant departments of Dongying!

After investigation, they found that there was no earthquake, and the various forecasting departments did not monitor that there was any vibration underneath.

What is the reason for this incident?

Dongying people are extremely rigorous in their work, and no one dares to jump to conclusions without finding out the truth about this matter.

While appeasing the people, the relevant departments checked various data and found that although this wave of vibrations was widespread, it was not an earthquake.

Because the source of the earthquake is not far from the surface, it cannot be an earthquake at all.

Under the doubts, everyone searched according to the location of the epicenter, and finally concluded that it was in this sewer network.

Several technicians walked into the sewer for a while and found nothing, but when everyone wanted to turn around and leave, they were stunned.

Because they saw an ancient portal, the vision inside was dim, and the light was constantly shining, and after the torches went in, they obviously saw a lot of explosives.

At this time, a countdown flashed continuously on a strange detonator - 65 minutes and 47 seconds!


Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air, the fool knows what this is.

"Damn, how come there are so many explosives here?"

"This, this, this is just crazy, hurry up and notify the above!

"There are 65 minutes left, come on!"

Everyone was anxious and crawled out of the sewers, quickly reported the news, and scared the relevant departments stunned!

After a while, the police have arrived and the cordon has been raised!

Various EOD experts have also arrived, and when it is determined that this is really an explosive, there are only 50 minutes left!

"Damn, how can this happen? How can this happen?" Kitakyushu City Mayor Okamoto Shisan roared anxiously: "Who the hell put so many explosives here?"

"Mr. Okamoto!" The EOD expert said with a cold sweat: "At present, it has been confirmed that these explosives are all products of the last century. They have been well preserved, and the reserves are probably more than 10,000 tons. Once Detonate this area for a hundred miles and it will become ruins!

"This, this is impossible!" Okamoto Shisan said angrily: "How can the gunpowder of the last century be stored up to now? And there are more than 10,000 tons, this is simply a waste of time!

"This is true." The expert said solemnly: "We have confirmed it many times, and we can be sure that this judgment will not be wrong!"

"Now, Mr. Okamoto, please urgently notify everyone to evacuate. The farther you can evacuate, the better. We have invited the most professional explosive detonator to come here, hoping to eliminate the danger!"5


Okamoto Thirteen was shocked again!

Does 437 really want the city to evacuate?

You know, this is a big city with millions of people.

How can you get out in such a short period of time?

"Mr. Okamoto, there's no time left!" The expert bowed anxiously and roared, "Please, go do it quickly, now there are less than 50 minutes left!

"Can you detonate successfully?" Okamoto Thirteen asked.

"This is a detonating device that we have never seen before!" The expert said bitterly: "We need to call in more experts to help, the success rate may be less than one in ten billion, so please, let everyone quickly Evacuate!"

"One in ten billion?"

"Damn it!

Okamoto Thirteen was terrified!

He originally thought that this dangerous situation could be completely eliminated as long as experts were dispatched, and there might be no need to evacuate the people.

But who knows that the chance of success is only one in ten billion, this is the rhythm of death.

The thought that he must evacuate millions of people in fifty minutes is bloody and anxious.

"Quick! Inform all departments and immediately start the highest-level early warning evacuation plan!

"Hurry up, within fifty minutes, the whole city must be evacuated!

Okamoto Thirteen growled anxiously.

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