At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

393 Five Mysteries, Who Can Crack? 【Subscription】

Panic began to spread throughout the city!

When major departments began to evacuate people urgently, the secret was no longer a secret, and many rumors began to fly.

After a while, the entire network of Dongying learned about the news that 10,000 tons of explosives had appeared in Kitakyushu District, and it was very likely that the detonation would fail.

"What the hell, how could this be? Who planted so many explosives so viciously?"

"Baga, these goddamn fellows, what should I do now?"

"Run away, hurry up!"

People all over the city panicked!

Everyone desperately dragged their families and brought their mouths and drove desperately to escape the city, which naturally caused a big blockage.

No matter how the relevant departments clear the way, most of the millions of people are stuck in this urban area, making it difficult for them to escape.

You want to run too, I want to run too!

How do you run when everyone is crowded on the road?

Therefore, a kind of panic and despair began to spread among the crowd, and all kinds of weak people had already cried for their fathers and mothers.

This matter also quickly attracted the attention of countries around the world!

All kinds of news are flying all over the sky, which can be said to be extremely shocking.

at the same time

Seven or eight EOD experts were also sweating profusely studying this epoch-making detonator.

"Damn, who invented this detonator? How can it be so exaggerated?

"More than 300 lines are so densely packed that it is impossible to tell which one is the real lead!"

"What now? Cut? How?"

The experts had a lot of horrified discussions, and everyone couldn't help but get their heads up.

In the crowd, an expert named Asagawa Murakami calmly glanced around and kept observing.

He can be sure that these explosives are all products of the last century, and there are definitely more than 10,000 tons. The consequences of the explosion are unimaginable.

Of course, it is also possible that the gunpowder has been damp and may not be able to detonate, but this possibility is very small.

At first everyone judged that there must be criminals who accidentally discovered the gunpowder magazine of the last century, and then placed a detonator here.

But now Asakawa Murakami has overturned this judgment, he concluded that these explosives may have been placed for more than 100 years, and even this detonator may have been in the house more than 100 years ago.

Of course, all this is too shocking, there is no time to explain the quarrel, and no time to prove it.

The most important thing now is to detonate!

But how to get rid of this danger?

The experts were frowning, and there was nothing they could do.

They are all top EOD experts, but unfortunately, in front of this epoch-making detonator, there is nothing they can do.

"Everyone, withdraw~々!" Asakawa Murakami said calmly: "This detonator is very advanced, it uses an arrangement that we have never seen before, I guess it must be in a very short period of time, Cut five of them in order to detonate successfully! 35

"But if you want to find these five wires from more than 300 wires, and you have to figure out the order at once, the success rate is only one in ten billion!

"That means we can't rule out this explosion, so let's evacuate!"

Asakawa Murakami's words suddenly silenced the atmosphere!

Everyone looked at this place with unwillingness on their faces, and they were all burning with anger.

"Damn it, which demon did it? It's going to kill people!"

"It's impossible to evacuate millions of people in a few dozen minutes, can we just watch it explode?"

"There is still a way, right, there must be a way!

"If you want to go, you go, Baga! My Dadongying Empire must not be hurt like this.

Everyone roared in exasperation!

Asakawa Murakami sighed and was about to turn around to evacuate, but suddenly he was surprised, because he found that there was a paragraph carved on the wall on the left.

"What is this? Look! 35

"This, this is Chinese? Judging from the traces, it has a history of at least a few decades to more than a hundred years? What is written on it?"

"Damn, is this what Kyushu people did?"

While the experts exclaimed, Asakawa Murakami quickly translated this sentence!

I saw that it was written - [Dongying has no virtue, invaded my Kyushu, slaughtered my rivers and mountains, hereby give you a big gift.

You can't break this detonator. If you want to completely unlock the secret, you can try to crack these anagrams. 】

"Character puzzle? Oh my God, this, this is really what the people of Kyushu did? How did they plant so much gunpowder on our land more than a hundred years ago?"

"..Damn, why didn't our ancestors kill them all back then, how dare they put so many explosives here, this is a provocation to us!"

"Bagaya deer, these lowly bastards!

The experts cursed in exasperation.

Asakawa Murakami frowned secretly and said: "Everyone, there are too many doubts about this matter, and there are still more than 30 minutes. We can't disarm the explosives by conventional means, so let's try charades. !


Everyone felt a strong humiliation.

The other party was insulting them, but they didn't dare not to guess, so they all gritted their teeth and looked at these word puzzles with difficulty, but wanted to see what these word puzzles meant.

I saw that there are five anagrams in total, from top to bottom.

(Are you good Zhao) [Hooked play with pearls and jade! 】

[Mawei Mountain dismounts and does not move forward!]

【Confucianism and Mencius have everything!】

[The child is abandoned and no one recognizes it! All]

【Meet on Tanabata!】

These five riddles made everyone stunned.

Everyone knows the word, but what does it mean?

"Damn Kyushu people, why do they always like to play this kind of trickery? Is this the anagram they were talking about?

"Falk, what does this mean?"

"Can you stop the explosion by guessing these puzzles?"

All the experts present couldn't help but go crazy.

They didn't understand what it meant, but they couldn't help but raise a glimmer of hope.

Whether the people in this city can be saved depends on what the mystery is.

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