At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

395 Mystery is solved, the countdown is over! 【Subscription】

Internet Age

The speed at which all information spreads can be described as very fast!

Time has passed, and millions of Dongying netizens have poured into the live broadcast room of Asakawa Village in just a few minutes.

Many foreign netizens also learned about this~!

Even the high-level departments of Dongying were all urgently mobilized - get up!

Various secret meetings were quickly opened, and experts and scholars were alerted one after another. In this anxious countdown, countless people began to crack these puzzles.

At the same time, this incident has also amazed countless netizens from all over the world!

"Oh my God, isn't this a movie? Why is it so exaggerated? Over a hundred years ago, there were people from Kyushu who planted such terrifying things in the mainland of East Ying?

"How did they do it? Were the ancestors of the Kyushu people so powerful? This is unscientific!"

"It's unbelievable, it's just appalling. How did this explosive keep for more than a hundred years without getting wet? How did this detonator work for more than a hundred years?"

"It's terrifying, could they have mastered such an advanced detonating device more than a hundred years ago? 35

Netizens all over the world have shocked the discussion!

All the netizens in Kyushu who just heard about this incident were all stunned. What's going on?

How come everything that happened recently has something to do with Kyushu?

Were the ancestors who lived more than 100 years ago so fierce?

When the Dongying people invaded Kyushu, the ancestors went to the Kitakyushu area to set up a super revenge gunpowder?

Holy crap, just thinking about it makes one's blood boil!

Many netizens in Kyushu shouted excitedly. Although some people criticized this, they felt that the move was too cruel, but they were quickly drowned in the fishing reels.

time goes by

Haven't waited for this reel to spread too long

There are only five minutes left in the countdown!

Just when everyone was about to despair, a netizen who claimed to be an international student from Kyushu began to appear in the live broadcast room.

"Everyone, can I help?" The netizen named [Hari Girl], said: "I am an international student from Kyushu, currently studying at Waseda University, I admire Dongying Culture very much, and feel sorry for this tragic incident. Very angry, I am willing to apologize to everyone on behalf of Kyushu, I hope I can help!"

"Great, finally someone can help!"

"This friend, you are the eternal friend of our Dongying people.

"Hurry up, no time, hurry up and read it, we are forever grateful to you!

"We accept your apology, let's get started!"

Dongying netizens are excited to swipe the screen!

After a while, the administrator of the live broadcast room set the female student as the management, so that her speech can be seen by everyone.

"Let's start, kind girl! Nian Asakawa said excitedly: "Please, you are the savior of our millions of people, you are the messenger of peace, and you will always be our friend of the East Ying people. Uncover the answer on the face!""

"Okay! I'll give it a try!" The female student continued: "These five anagrams are not difficult, and the best guess is the first word.

"The phrase "drop hooks plays with pearls and jade" means that "drop hooks" means curved hooks, and pearls should be two dots, which is obviously a small print!

"Small? What does it mean?"

"Does this word have any special meaning? 35

"Come on, there are still two and a half minutes, people will really die, please!"

Everyone is anxiously urged!

The female student continued: "The second word is not difficult, Mawei Mountain means to get off the horse and stop moving forward. When the horse is not ahead, it means not wanting the mountain. This is a ghost word! 99

"The third anagram Confucius taught Mencius to learn everything, and it should be said Zizi, because Confucius and Mencius are all Zi!35

The female student fell silent after speaking!

Everyone couldn't help but look at each other, because the first three words turned out to be little devils? What does this mean?

This seems to be a curse word, not a mystery!

"Ma'am, did you guess right?" Asakawa Murakami said with despair on his face, "What are the other two words? Hurry up, we're running out of time!

"The fourth word!" The female student continued embarrassedly: "The child is abandoned and no one recognizes the child. The child does not want to be a child, and half of the recognized word is clearly the word!

"The fifth word, Qixi Festival, meets Qixi Festival, and when the Qixi Festival is added up, it is clearly a dead word!"

"That is to say, these five words are not a mystery at all, it means that the little devil should be damned!"

··For flowers...

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I didn't know it would be like this, I couldn't help you!"

"I don't know which devil did this kind of thing, I apologize to you on behalf of the 1.4 billion people in all Kyushu, and ask for your forgiveness!

After the female student finished speaking with guilt!

There was a dead silence in the live broadcast room, and countless Dongying netizens fell silent, and one by one, the high-level executives of various Dongying departments fell silent.

Inside the gunpowder store, Murakami Asakawa and the others looked at each other and panicked.

The reason why they stayed here was mainly because they felt that there was hope to solve the mystery, but who would have thought that they had been tricked, this is a joke of the century.

"Run, run!"

Asakawa Murakami roared at the other experts, and everyone woke up from a dream and ran away in fright.

"Asakawa-kun, run away!"

"Run as far as you can, and go!"

"It's going to explode in just over a minute, let's go!

"These damn Kyushu people, they must die!

The netizens in the live broadcast room, all kinds of excited roars, everyone became anxious.

But Asakawa Murakami shook his head with a wry smile, not only did not escape, but sat on the ground decadently.

"If you can't escape, a person can escape at most a few hundred meters in a minute and a half." Asakawa Murakami said bitterly: "Since you can't escape, then it's better to die quietly, anyway, I will have this day sooner or later.

"Everyone, farewell, let's pray silently, I hope this gunpowder storehouse will not explode, and I hope Kitakyushu will always be peaceful and peaceful, Amen! 35

After speaking, Asakawa Murakami silently prayed!

The live broadcast room was also silent again, time ticked by, and everyone trembled nervously.

Everyone is looking forward to the failure of this gunpowder magazine!

It's a pity that when the last second fell, there was a rumbling sound, and the terrifying fire instantly interrupted the live broadcast, and the signal disappeared completely.

"My dear readers, I am very sorry, the Qingming Festival is coming soon, and there are a lot of things in these days"

"Our hometown attaches great importance to the Qingming Festival, so we have to go up the mountain to sweep the graves for the next two days. The update cannot be guaranteed. We can only write as many updates as possible. I hope everyone understands!" Beg.

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