At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

396 Will your conscience not hurt? 【Subscription】

The big bang is coming!

Rumbling terrifying explosions sounded underground, as if an earthquake had erupted, instantly setting off various terrifying storms.

Within one kilometer around the powder depot, it was turned into ruins on the spot.

Violent fire swept all directions, a terrifying mushroom cloud swallowed everything around, and the glass of various high-rise buildings was shattered by the shock wave of the explosion, and the walls collapsed.

And the shock wave is constantly sweeping the Quartet!

The entire Kitakyushu area was horribly baptized.

Countless people were being torn to pieces by this shock wave, their deaths were terrible, countless high-rise buildings collapsed, and countless cars were lifted into the sky.

The ground was directly blown out of a deep pit with a radius of one mile.

Even the entire Eastern Ying Island, there was a "four three seven" tremor that lasted for dozens of seconds, and even a violent tsunami was triggered in the coastal areas.

After the big explosion, the entire Kitakyushu district was turned into a rubble. Countless people were tragically killed and injured.

In this regard, Quan Dongying was furious!

After learning about this incident, the Dongying people roared and cursed in exasperation while they went into disaster relief work.

"Damn it, how dare they do this? This is an act that destroys humanity, and the people of Kyushu must pay for it!

"This is a challenge to us, go to war! We must go to war now!"

"Bastard, the people of Kyushu must not die, we must not let them go!

"This is a war against us and we must fight back!

The anger of countless Dongying people was aroused!

When TV stations arrived at the scene in person and started broadcasting the tragedy in Kitakyushu, there was an uproar from all over the world.

Especially when the Dongying official spoke angrily and attacked Kyushu, netizens from all over the world were shocked and stunned.

No one expected that this silently, the Orientals would create another big incident, and it also killed and injured countless people, creating such a tragic tragedy.

This is really shocking!

Many foreigners who were envious, jealous and hated of the East began to use the theme and attacked in various ways.

"Devil, these oriental people are simply demons, how can they do such cruel things?"

"These bastards, are they crazy? How can they do this?"

"I've already said that Orientals are all demons, and they have cruel genes in their bones, now you believe it!

"God will curse you, goddamn bastards!

Netizens from all over the world have criticized and abused!

Many people immediately described the East as a country of evil.

Especially a few days later, after the results of Dongying's full-scale disaster relief came out, the wave of fishing boats became even more turbulent.

More than 300,000 people in Kitakyushu region were killed in the explosion, and hundreds of thousands of people were injured to varying degrees.

Eastern Ying official angry accusations!

Western countries are also outraged!

For a time, it seemed that all human beings were accusing Dongfang. Not only did the top executives of Yanjing bear enormous pressure, but even the 1.4 billion people fell silent.

Although some people are gloating about misfortune, do you really think this is what it should be?

It's cruel to kill so many people at once, isn't it?

In modern society, most people just don't want to see this scene, right?

As a result, the kind-hearted people became silent, and many people who worship foreign countries and foreigners began to burn with anger.

An actress surnamed Yuan took the lead in firing a cannon on her neck. She said angrily: "I was shocked to hear about the tragic explosion in the Kitakyushu area. My mood can't be calmed down for a long time, and my anger has burned my mind!"

"How can there be such evil and terrible people in this world, and who did these things? This is simply anti-human behavior, and it is very likely that this is the behavior of some Chinese people!"

"I feel ashamed that I am in the same country as these people, so many innocent people in East Ying died tragically, wouldn't your conscience not hurt?

"These demons are simply unworthy of being human. Yanjing has to take on this matter. This is the demeanor of a big country. It must apologize to Dongying and all mankind!"

The speech of the actress surnamed Yuan quickly detonated the whole network!

Not only did she get crazy broadcasts by the media from all over the world, but she was also rated as the most conscientious and humane oriental artist by netizens around the world, which made her a great reputation.

When the other licking dogs saw this, they immediately got excited!

All kinds of denunciations and reproaches on the Internet, I can't wait to press the head of the Kyushu people and apologize to Dongying.

They even took the initiative to replace the 1.4 billion people and prayed for forgiveness to all mankind, and at the same time they could not help but convince the charges of Kyushu this time!

at the same time

The senior executives of the major departments of Yanjing are also very troubled!

No one expected such a big event to suddenly appear. This is a big event that has never happened before. If it is not handled well, it must be a big event.

This not only has the possibility of war, but also has a profound impact on the image of Kyushu. How should everyone deal with it?

Apologize? Impossible!

Apologizing, let's not say whether this is what Kyushu did, even if it is, I can't apologize.

This is so shameless, and this crime cannot be admitted to 4.3!

If you don't apologize, it seems that it is not so easy to get away with it.

In the face of this overwhelming criticism of fishing boats, if they do not respond positively, Westerners will only become more and more excited and slander more and more wanton. This can be said to have a very bad impact on Kyushu.

And 80% of it has something to do with Ji Han.

Although people still don't know what's going on.

But if he said that this matter had nothing to do with him, then no one would believe it. Maybe it was he who buried this powder depot more than a hundred years ago.

And once Ji Han was involved in this matter, it would be very troublesome to deal with, and the top executives of Yanjing suddenly became extremely entangled, and several meetings were held one after another.

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