At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

406 Rectification of various equipment, the importance of body armor! 【3/5, please subscribe】

After an inspection in the barracks

Ji Han and others took advantage of the opportunity to have a light meal here, and by the way, they experienced the life of the Qin army camp and tasted a handful of Qin army food.

Qin Jun's food is quite good.

Potatoes, meat, millet, vegetables, etc., can be said to be full of color, flavor, and unlimited supply, which is definitely a good treatment.

Compared with the previous meals, many soldiers couldn't help but sigh.

"Brother Shi Huang, your army's food is good."

"Yeah, it has meat and vegetarian food, and it tastes pretty good.

"Seriously speaking, I haven't paid attention to the food in my barracks, and I don't know if it's that good.

Chongzhen, Cao Cao and others commented on it one after another.

While eating, Ji Han exhorted: ""Four, three, seven" is not acceptable. The army's food is the most important thing. It is not only related to the nutritional supplement of the usual training, but also to the combat effectiveness of the soldiers. 99

"Lao Zhu, after you go back, you must also pay attention to the food in your army, at least not worse than Lao Zhao's here, let the soldiers eat well!

"It's not as good as before, now the four dynasties are all first-class big countries, if the soldiers still can't get enough to eat, it will be boring!

"Yes! That's right.

"Sir is right.""

Everyone nodded again and again, obviously paying attention to this matter.

This kind of small thing is not big, but it is not small. Thinking about why many countries in later generations attach so much importance to the food of soldiers, it is not difficult to imagine the importance of it.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ji Han put forward a lot of substantive army construction suggestions, which benefited everyone a lot.

"In fact, the army still has to develop a military ration." Ji Han said eloquently: "It is not convenient to bury the pot to make rice during the war. For example, it is not convenient to make a fire when the special forces infiltrate. It is a convenient military ration. It's critical!

“It has to have a long shelf life, be portable, taste good, and be ready to eat.

"For example, the canned food seized in Dongying before is such a product. It is very critical in the long-term fierce battle of the army."

Ji Han paused for a while, waiting for everyone to digest the information before continuing: "Secondly, the soldiers' shoes, hats, belts, bulletproof vests and other inconspicuous equipment must also be made up, these are good for improving combat effectiveness. thing.


Ying Zheng and others are full of stunned faces!

They can understand the food for the army. After all, food for the march is the most important thing, and it must be done well.

But what about shoes and hats? What's the point?

And what the hell is a body armor?

Facing the dazed eyes of everyone, Ji Han explained with a chuckle: "You may think I'm making a big fuss. Now that the army is so powerful, why bother with these trivial things, right?"

"That's not the case. All power lies in the details. Think about it, if a soldier wears straw sandals on the battlefield, his shoes will be broken without running for a long time, so will his combat effectiveness be affected? 99

"It is!"

Everyone nodded involuntarily when they heard the words, and fell into contemplation after a while.

"Have you noticed. 33 Ji Han continued: "The soldiers in the old Zhao army have changed their uniforms and look majestic, but these boots are not satisfactory. 35

"Later generations of the army will generally design a very practical military boots, which should be soft and comfortable, wear-resistant and practical, with high-quality plastic soles, no matter what the terrain can be stepped on, and the stones and nails will not stick to the soles of the feet. !"5

"The boots are made of cowhide and sheepskin, which is both handsome and high-grade. Do you think it is important to equip the whole army with this kind of boots?

Ji Han's question made everyone silent!

Does it matter? Of course it does!

When it is small, it is related to the combat effectiveness of the soldiers. When it is large, it is completely the same as military uniforms, which can improve cohesion.

This price is definitely not cheap, it is not easy to equip a million army.

"Do it! It has to be done!" Ying Zheng gritted his teeth and said, "Now I'm not bad for Qin, but it's a big deal to squeeze the foreigners."

"Hahaha, well said!

"Brother is right, we must do..."

Chongzhen and others quickly wrote down these instructions, thinking that when they go back, they should replace all kinds of military boots for their soldiers.

"Military boots, bulletproof helmets, tactical caps, tactical belts, daggers and other things should be gradually equipped!"

"The military experts in Dongying understand these things, you can just go on and on, they don't dare to fool around! 55

"As for this bulletproof vest, it's actually similar to armor, but more professional and specialized in defending against bullets. 35

"It is a special filler stuffed into the clothes. After being shot at a normal distance, the bullet is blocked by the filler, which can save the soldier's life at a critical moment.

Ji Han introduced these things in a few words.

In particular, the importance of this body armor is self-evident. Later generations in Europe and the United States allow people to legally hold guns, but do not allow people to hoard body armor. What is the reason?

It is because the body armor is very important, it can resist general bullet attacks, can greatly increase the survival rate of soldiers, and can greatly increase the combat effectiveness of a soldier.

Ying Zheng and others are naturally very interested in this!

Bulletproof vests are equivalent to armor, and they naturally know how important armor is.

After all, in the age of cold weapons, a soldier wearing armor and a soldier without armor are very different in combat effectiveness.

4.3 Similarly, we can see how important this body armor is.

"What exactly is the filler that Mr. said?" Cao Cao asked.

"It's just some polymer materials, such as special ceramics, high-density sheet metal, etc.!" Ji Han explained: "And ordinary bulletproof vests are lightweight, so the bulletproof ability is particularly weak, not suitable for you!"

"Especially the body armor of the nineteenth century, which has poor technical craftsmanship and can only resist some ordinary pistol bullets!

"So you don't have to count on these Eastern Ying prisoners of war, how good the body armor can be made for you, you have to find another way to develop your own, such as placing steel plates directly in the key places of the body armor!

"Place steel plates?"

Everyone looked at each other, is it that simple?

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