At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

407 You said so much, but you have to make a big move? 【4/5, please subscribe】

"Sir, are you joking?"

"Does this body armor really only need to place steel plates? 99

"It's so simple, do you still use R&D?"

Ying Zheng and the others were full of doubts, and they were all puzzled.

Everyone heard that the body armor said that it was so tall, and they thought it was something amazing. Who knew that Ji Han would actually say that it can be placed with steel plates.

How difficult is this? Not at all.

"Hahaha!" Ji Han laughed when he heard the words: "The bulletproof vest is actually a tall statement, you can think of it as a short version of armor. 55

"What's so difficult about this thing? In the 19th century, the reason why a good body armor could not be made was mainly because of the physical strength of ordinary people.

"But think about it, are the soldiers and horses of our four dynasties ordinary people?"

Ji Han explained and reminded everyone, and everyone immediately laughed.

"Yes, sir, I almost forgot if I didn't say it."

"Yeah, any of us soldiers are not non-human beings, any one of them can lift a thousand pounds. 11"

"If this body armor has no weight limit, it's not difficult to make, just stuff some steel plates.

Everyone burst into laughter.

If you think about it seriously, it's right. The soldiers of the four dynasties are monsters, how can they judge with ordinary people's eyes?

What suits you is the best.

This body armor must be done, and it must be done well.

"In the last battle in Kitakyushu, the Daqin army lost more than 100 people." Ji Han frowned and said, "Actually, with their physical fitness, they don't need to suffer such casualties.

"I checked their bodies after the war and found that most of the dead were killed by artillery shells at close range, and most of them died from shrapnel piercing the heart. Do you know why?"

"Because when the shell exploded, everyone would subconsciously cover their heads with their arms, so their heads would be fine. 99

"The shrapnel hit other parts of the body, and at most it was bleeding and seriously injured, and it was still alive and well after the sacrifice.

"In other words, unless the shock wave of the shell shatters the internal organs on the spot, or the shrapnel hits the heart, it is very difficult for our soldiers to die, so this body armor is definitely the top priority, especially to protect the heart."5

Ji Han's patient explanation made everyone nod again and again.

If you think about it, this body armor is really important.

It can definitely make up for the shortcomings of the four dynasties and make the soldiers' combat effectiveness soar again.

"If there is this body armor, our army will not lose more than 100 people in the last war. Ying Zheng said unhappily: "Any soldier under my command is very precious now, and this body armor must be developed.

"Yes! It has to be done, I will let the craftsmen produce it when I go back."

"This thing must be able to neither affect the freedom of movement of soldiers, but also to defend against bullets and explosives! 99

"In this way, our soldiers and horses will definitely be stronger!

Everyone had a lively discussion.

Everyone raised the importance of this body armor a few notches and listed it as a strategic product that must be done next.

"Speaking of this body armor, I have to talk about this camouflage suit and silencer." Ji Han continued: "The future war is no longer a large-scale war. With the diversification of weapons and the improvement of their power, the scale of war It will slowly turn into a small-scale battle!

"For example, city ruin battles, street battles, jungle battles, etc. Once the enemy finds out that we can't beat us, they will attack and assassinate us by all means."

"No matter how strong our troops are, we are afraid of bullets shot from the shadows. It is very likely that this bullet can easily shoot you in the head. No matter how strong your physical fitness is, it is useless!"

"So we must have a crushing advantage in sniper and assassination battles, and camouflage suits and silencers are the top priority.

Ji Han explained and described in detail, and everyone immediately figured out what the camouflage suit and silencer were.

In fact, there were camouflage suits and silencers in the 19th century. These were not difficult to produce. Ji Han didn't bother to talk too much, just to remind them.

After all, next, he will face the terrible World War II powers that can develop the existence of nuclear bombs.

If you take it lightly, the consequences are unimaginable.

Ji Han didn't want to see the four dynasties that he worked so hard to build end up with heavy losses and defeat.

This is also the most important thing about his visit to Daqin this time.

Chongzhen and others are also good people. Through Ji Han's conversation, he immediately saw that he was ready to make a big move.

So Li Shimin took the lead and couldn't help but ask: "Sir, you said so much, but you have to make a big move?

437 "Not bad!" Ji Han immediately admitted: "There are a lot of interests in World War II, and you can plan something. If you can completely occupy it, the benefits are not small."5

"Okay, hahaha, well said sir!

"For the past six months, we have been holding back without fighting, and we are all very aggrieved."

"Yes, yes, I've been suffocated for the past six months, and I have to fight again. This time, I will definitely be able to plunder more good things."

"If the entire time and space of World War II can be enslaved, then the benefits will be too many!

Everyone's eyes brightened, and all were excited.

The last time I fought the Kitakyushu District, I got such a big benefit. If we start a war again this time, it will be exciting to think about it.

"Don't worry!" Ji Han waved his hand and said, "This war will be ten times more difficult than the one in Kitakyushu. It's definitely not something that can be said in a sentence or two."5

"So I thought about it for a long time, and decided to have an exercise before the war to enhance your concept of future wars.


Everyone's faces were stunned, and they all didn't understand what this meant.

If you are fighting, you are fighting, and what kind of drills are you playing?

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