At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

The new regulations of the 408 exercise, Lao Zhao's treacherous plan succeeded! [5/5, please su

"The exercise is a mode in which the army simulates self-fighting without external enemies.

"This is very common in later generations. It can often enhance the combat effectiveness of the army and find some problems in time."

Ji Han explained, and everyone finally understood what the exercise meant.

In the cold weapon era, there were no drills. Once it was launched, it was a real sword, so everyone was stunned.

"Sir, this exercise is good, but it's a bit of a joke, right?

"Yes, how is this different from playing Jiajia?"

"If my own people fight, how can I control the casualties? Shouldn't it kill a lot of people?

Everyone was chattering, and they were all puzzled.

After Ji Han shook his head, he explained patiently: "Exercise is not a game, just try it and you will know. This is the closest battle to actual combat, and it will definitely make your soldiers stronger quickly!"

"Although the soldiers and horses of the four dynasties are used to fighting with firearms, many of the thinking of the cold weapon era still exists. Even if they go to the Jin Dynasty and kill a foreigner, it will not change much."

"Although this kind of soldiers and horses are strong and have superb weapons, they can only bully aliens in the age of cold weapons. Once they encounter veterans of the 19th century with rich battlefield experience, they are likely to suffer heavy casualties! 99

"So this exercise must be played, and the entire army must join the exercise in the next six months, and the millions of troops of the four dynasties must be diligently trained.

Ji Han's indisputable words immediately made everyone smack their tongues secretly.

Immortal masters rarely speak in this tone, which means that this seemingly playful drill is really important, and it may become the norm for the four dynasties in the future.

"As for the casualty issue!" Ji Han said with a nonchalant smile: "Of course I can't let my own people fight with their own people. Most of the military exercises in later generations used blank bullets, that is, bullets without warheads~々!"

"These bullets are similar to ordinary bullets and can be fired, but they do not cause harm to the human body, so they are very safe. 95

"However, we don't need to be so troublesome at all, it's enough that we are not allowed to shoot the heart, head and other parts during the exercise.

"With the physical quality of the soldiers, even if they are shot dozens of times, as long as they don't hit the key points, there is no danger to their lives. After that, I will use the method of sacrifice to restore everyone's health.

"So, do you still have any objections?"

After Ji Han finished speaking, he glanced around, and everyone smiled.

"Since Mister has already made a decision, how can we disagree?" Ying Zheng smiled and said, "When I go back, I will mobilize an army of 100,000 people, take care of Lao Zhu and the others, and let them know that my Qin troops are the strongest. "

"Hey! Brother Shi Huang, are you too crazy? My Ming Dynasty soldiers and horses are just decorations?"

"If you have troops, we won't have them? I will also deploy 100,000 troops, and I will definitely beat you to nothing."

"Yes! Whoever loses is the grandson, bet 100,000 shells. 35

Chongzhen, Li Shimin, Cao Cao and others were so angry that they clapped the table and roared, which caused everyone to laugh.

"For the first exercise, you don't need too many people." Ji Han chuckled and said, "Well, the first exercise took jungle warfare as an example. Each of the four dynasties sent 300 people, thirty miles outside Xianyang City. Fight in the mountains!

"I will plant eleven small flags in the mountains. Which dynasty gets the most flags will be the final winner, and I will also get a special prize for me, how about that?


"Fantastic, wonderful, this is a good way!

Everyone was interested when they heard it.

The question of which of the four dynasties is stronger or weaker has always caused everyone to compete secretly.

This exercise was done with real swords and guns, except that it couldn't kill people, there was no difference from the actual combat, and it was absolutely possible to test the strength of the four dynasties.

Ji Han proposed the setting of these eleven flags, nothing more than wanting to set a ranking, then it will naturally inspire everyone to work hard and become stronger, which is really wonderful.

Moreover, although the number of people participating in this exercise is small, it can truly reflect the top strength level of the four dynasties. If it goes well, then the scale can be expanded several times in the future.

It's not impossible to even hold an exercise every once in a while.

The four of Ying Zheng and Chongzhen looked at each other, and they all showed their brilliance. They obviously wanted to come out on top in this exercise and beat the others.

Although everyone usually has a good relationship, there are always rivers and lakes where there are people. Everyone is the king of a country, and secretly there is a heart for competition.

And if you win this time, you can also get a great gift from the immortal master. This is definitely not an ordinary gift. If you can get it, there will be many benefits.

"..Everyone! Ying Zheng bowed his hands with a smile and said: "I will accept this great gift from the Immortal Master with a smile. If you are not convinced, take a bet with me, we will bet on 20 planes and 30 tanks. How about it?

"Betting is gambling, who is afraid of who.

"Haha, I am the first in the Ming Dynasty to disapprove and bet!"

"Isn't it just a plane and a tank, count me in!"

Chongzhen and others cried out in dissatisfaction, and a large-scale gambling contract was quietly established.

Seeing this, Ying Zheng immediately smiled proudly.

"Okay, refreshing!"

"Come on, order Hu Hai to personally select 300 people and win this exercise for me (do Li Hao)."

Ying Zheng shouted and ordered, and everyone's faces turned ugly.

Hu Hai? Damn it, sloppy!

This guy was taught by the Immortal Master himself. If he personally led people to fight, who would dare to say that they would win?

"Bah! Brother Shi Huang, you are shameless, you are cheating us!

"Yeah, these 20 planes and 30 tanks are almost half of our family. Do you want any more shame?"5

"You wait for me, this time my troops must defeat you!"

The three of Chongzhen complained gloomily, but Ying Zheng burst into laughter.

After finally cheating three people once, Lao Zhao felt very happy.

At the same time, he is more interested and looking forward to this exercise.


"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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