At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

409 exercises, this gap is too big! 【Subscription】

After the military camp decided on the exercise strategy

Ji Han continued to take Yangzi Zhen Mi and other girls, and every day, they went around the mountains and water, eating, drinking and having fun, enjoying their rare leisure time.

Ying Zheng, Chongzhen and the others were naturally preparing for this first exercise urgently.

The significance of this exercise is no trivial matter. It is not only a benchmark for future exercises, but also a comparison between the four dynasties.

So no one wants to lose!

Ying Zheng directly transferred Hu Hai over and asked him to lead 300 special forces into the battle.

As the first Daqin to form a special warfare army, Hu Hai has always had a powerful army of 3,000 people under his command.

Not to be outdone, Chongzhen directly transferred Cao Bianjiao and the elite of the three hundred troops.

Cao Cao transferred Xiahou Dun. Although this guy was not as powerful as Lu Bu, Zhang Fei and the others, he was good at this kind of stealth combat.

As for Li Shimin, after thinking about it, he reluctantly called Qin Qiong!

Compared with other people, Li Shimin really discovered the problem at this time, and felt that what Ji Han said before was reasonable453.

Although his subordinates are like a cloud of fierce generals, they understand future warfare and are good at this kind of latent warfare, but none of them are available, and Qin Qiong is only barely able to use them.

After seven days, everything is ready!

Thirty miles outside the city of Xianyang at the foot of the mountain, flags were fluttering, troops and horses were ready, and a large number of soldiers surrounded this huge mountain.

There is also a rest table at the foot of the mountain.

Each of the four dynasties formed a three-hundred square formation, lined up neatly for battle, and the soldiers were all full of energy and sharp eyes.

However, the 300 people in Daqin's costumes made everyone's faces bewildered.

Because they not only wore colorful robes, but also painted their faces into colorful colors, which made everyone very surprised. What is this for?

As the king of special forces, Hu Hai, who Ji Han personally instructed, does not squint with pride and is too lazy to explain too much.

This is one of the little tricks for special forces to hide. The other three dynasties have just started training special forces. Where can they play with him?

"Sir, let's bbed the battle!" Hu Hai said coldly: "Today our Daqin will win!

"Hehe, not necessarily!" Cao Bianjiao sneered disdainfully: "Do you think we are afraid of the colorful things you paint?


The people around were bursting into laughter!

Everyone's eyes were facing each other, and a stream of fine light gathered in their eyes, and everyone was already secretly competing.

"Okay!" Ji Han waved his hand and said, "I have ordered 11 flags to be placed in the mountain. You can go into the mountain from four directions to look for it, and be careful of all parties' snatch!"

"Remember, this is just an exercise, the muzzle of the gun should not be aimed at the heart, head, etc., once the opponent loses combat effectiveness, they can withdraw from the battle!

"There is no time limit for this exercise. It will only end when all 11 flags are taken out of the mountains. Do you understand?"



"Understood! 35

Everyone roared and roared in unison.

"Okay, let's go! 9

With a big wave of Ji Han's hand, the battle drill starts quickly!

This is an exercise that is closest to the future war since the four dynasties entered the age of firearms, and it is also a transformation for everyone.

The four phalanxes quickly entered the forest from different positions and disappeared without a trace. This huge mountain range will become their battlefield.

Ji Han raised his hand a little, and a huge screen immediately appeared in the void in front of the rest table, and four different videos appeared on it.

This is a little trick of the gods!

Through this small method, everyone can clearly see the every move of the soldiers and horses of the four dynasties after entering the mountains and forests, and it can also allow Chongzhen and others to clearly see the defects of their soldiers and horses.

"Well done sir!""

Everyone secretly praised, and they all stared at the big screen excitedly, watching the soldiers and horses of the four dynasties search and advance in the mountains and forests, everyone felt very novel.

This is definitely an epoch-making war!

It no longer competes with the sophistication of weapons, but more about the soldier's ability and understanding of war.

I saw Cao Bianjiao of the Ming Dynasty waved his hand, and the three hundred people quickly dispersed, forming a group of twelve people, perfectly fitting the three-three system, and began to search in all directions.

The soldiers and horses of the Tang Dynasty and the Great Wei were much worse!

They still retain the characteristics of the cold weapon era. Although they spread out, the formation is relatively dense, and the degree of coordination of the three-three system is not high enough, and they do not understand the use of trees to hide.

As for Daqin's soldiers and horses, everyone was stunned!

Hu Hai led the three hundred people into the mountains and forests like a fish in water.

Moreover, their clothes have improved their concealment in the mountains and forests by several grades. If it is not for close observation, they will not be found at all.

Even every time they advance, they will hide from one big tree to another, and only after they are sure there is no danger will they alternately cover their progress.

This gap is too big!

Even if you don't know much about special operations, you can see the difference.

Daqin's troops and horses were completely different from the other three dynasties.

"Hahaha!" Ying Zheng laughed when he saw this: "Everyone, can you accept it?"

"Humph! It hasn't really started yet, who knows how?"

"That's right, you won't know until you hit it!

"Fancy, but not necessarily practical!"

The three of Chongzhen snorted in dissatisfaction, and Ying Zheng couldn't help laughing again, because everyone could see that the three of them were stubborn.

Ji Han shook his head with a dumbfounded laugh, and ignored their grudges, but silently observed every move of the four dynasties.

This exercise can be regarded as a pilot experiment.

Ji Han must not only find problems from this exercise, but also correct them, and then quickly improve the war level of the four dynasties in the next period of time.

Only the army trained in this way is worthy of confrontation with the great powers in the time and space of World War II, so that it has the confidence to crush everything.

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