At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

040 Guiding Jiangshan And Saving The Ming Dynasty! 【55, Ask For Flowers】

"Should be killed, these rubbish should be killed, they should all be raided and wiped out!"

"Don't worry, sir, I understand, I understand everything!"

"From today onwards, my heart will never soften. Once I find an opportunity, I will definitely clean up all these people and make a bright future!"

Chongzhen gritted his teeth as he promised, obviously he had made up his mind!

When Ji Han saw this, he smiled with satisfaction: "That's right, if you're still a woman in such a mess, you might as well hang yourself earlier!"

"Sir, forgive me!" Chongzhen said apologetically again: "I have made a decision, and I will never let you down. Please teach me how to turn the tide!"

"First of all, you have to integrate all the forces at your disposal!" Ji Han Kaikai said, "The so-called power comes from the barrel of a gun. If you want to turn the tables, you must first control the army!"

"After you have a few obedient troops in your hands, you will have the ability to protect yourself and counterattack, at least you won't be a bare commander!"

"When the time comes, you will destroy anyone who is disobedient. If you are short of money and food, you will raid your home. First stabilize Beizhili, then go out to Liaodong to defeat Jiannu, and then you will clean up Nanzhili!"

"You kill the entire court from top to bottom, and the entire Kyushu from south to north, then accumulate grain, stabilize people's livelihood, train new troops, and reform the tax system and finance!"

"If you play this series of big moves, I will bring you the earth-shaking changes of the entire Ming Dynasty!"

Ji Han spoke with confidence and calmness, giving people a sense of trust that cannot be ignored.

The more Chongzhen listened, the more excited he became. He couldn't help but said excitedly: "Yes, yes, sir, this is a great plan! But how can I control the details when it is implemented? How can I control the military power?"

"Don't be afraid of Mr. jokes, I really don't have anyone around me. All the ministers are behind the scenes. It's really hard for me to trust them!"

Chongzhen is very suspicious!

At this time, when Ji Han said that there were so many traitors and corrupt officials in the Ming Dynasty, he couldn't help but become suspicious of the people around him.

This is a good plan, but how should it be implemented?

Who should you trust and whom should you draw?

Chongzhen really has no idea in his heart!

"Ha ha!"

Ji Han is not surprised by this!

He glanced at it and said, "Are you full? Let's go fishing, let's chat while fishing!"

"Yes! You can also make skewers!"

"You talk, Ben Hou makes a fire!"

Wang Ben was not polite at all, and went straight to the Diaoyutai in the small stream!

He would not miss this rare enjoyment of life, fishing while grilling, drinking and sipping cigars.

"Actually, before formulating the specific details, I have to talk to you about the loyal and traitorous issue of this Ming court official, so that you can make a judgment!"

Ji Han held a fishing rod in his hand, and while fishing leisurely, he continued: "First of all, this traitor, there are quite a few traitors in the Ming Dynasty."

"For example, Qian Qianyi, a member of the Donglin Party, is usually full of benevolence, righteousness, and morality. When Jiannu invaded Nanjing, many courtiers died for the country. He refused to dive on the grounds that the water was too cold, and decisively voted for Jiannu!"

"For example, this Wei Zaode, this person is decent on the surface, but he is actually timid and extremely shameless. After Li Zicheng invaded Beiping, he was the first to kneel and surrender!"

"For example, this eunuch jumped high and dived, not only restraining generals everywhere during the war, but also fleeing before the war, and then surrendering!"

"For example, this eunuch Wang Dehua, when Li Zicheng entered the capital, he was the first to open the city gate!"

In the chat, Ji Han kept telling the historical traitors he knew one by one.

On the spot, Chongzhen was so angry that his brain was congested, because he knew all these people, and he thought they were loyal ministers.

"Damn, these guys are all damned!"

"I won't let them go, definitely not."

Chongzhen gritted his teeth, secretly remembering everyone's name.

Ji Han then added: "There are too many traitors, so I won't list them all. You must know that after Li Zicheng entered Beijing, more than 2,000 officials in Peiping City surrendered collectively, tsk tsk tsk, it's simply appalling!"

"After talking about the traitor, let's continue to talk about the loyal minister, that is, the person you can trust and entrust with the important responsibility!"

Hearing this, Chongzhen immediately became excited!

He pricked up his ears to listen, for fear that one might be missed.

Now he is short of people, if he can know who is the loyal minister, he can have available people!

It must be very important to him.

"The first is the eunuch. This is the person next to you. Loyalty and traitors are very important!" Ji Han introduced with a smile: "There are only three people in your royal palace, one is Cao Huachun, the other is Wang Chengen, the third is It's Fang Zhenghua!"

"Cao Huachun has a loyal personality and strong ability. He can be entrusted with the responsibility of running the East Factory!"

"You don't need to say more about Wang Chengen. After Li Zicheng entered Beijing, you hanged yourself in the coal mountain. He was the only one who hanged by his side, so he can be considered loyal!"

"And this Fang Zhenghua is also a person who gave his life for the country. Although he is a eunuch, he is also admirable! Moreover, he is quite forceful and can control the army!"

"These two people have small shortcomings, and they have to be carefully adjusted before they can be of great use, but in this haste, they will be the ministers you can really rely on!"

Ji Han listed them one by one, using his knowledge of the history of later generations to teach the suspicious Chongzhen a lesson, let him know who is available and who is not available!

"Okay, I remember it!" Chongzhen secretly ecstatic, he said like a treasure: "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it!"

"Gao Qiqian and Wang Dehua, who have been entrusted with important tasks by me, are so treacherous, but this Wang Chengen is not bad. In the end, he committed suicide along with me. He is a person who can be trusted."

"Sir, please continue to speak, I am all ears!"

"I know who can be reused, and I know it in my heart!"


"Chapter 5 Today, Ask for a Reward for Flower Evaluation Tickets"

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