At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

041 The Five Heroes, Jin Yiwei And Dongchang! 【15, Ask For Flowers】

"After talking about this inner minister, let's talk about the generals among the outer ministers!"

"The millions of troops in this world are all controlled by military generals, so it is extremely important to identify their loyal and traitors. If you believe in one person, you will lose everything!"

"At the end of the Ming Dynasty, there were actually a lot of loyal and fierce generals, but you were too suspicious, you didn't know how to use people, and you ended up betraying everyone!"

"If you want the Ming Dynasty to reverse the trend, you have to make good use of Sun Chuanting, Lu Xiangsheng, Cao Bianjiao, Zuo Liangyu, and Huang Degong!"

Ji Han continued to lecture, Chongzhen naturally sat upright and did not dare to be distracted at all!

So much so that Ying Zheng and others were listening with relish.

"First of all, it's Sun Chuanting!" Ji Han said, "This man is known as the last pillar of optimism at the end of the Ming Dynasty. He has the reputation of being dead and dead. He is loyal and talented, and can order his governors of Shanxi and Shaanxi. Military and political, to suppress the rebel Li Zicheng."

"Then there is this Lu Xiangsheng. This person is brave and resourceful, loyal and resolute, and the Tianxiong army under him can conquer and fight well, which can be of great use!"

"This Cao Bianjiao is the nephew of Cao Wenzhao, the most powerful general in the late Ming Dynasty. This person also has the courage of ten thousand husbands and can be of great use!"

"And this Huang Degong is nicknamed Huang Chuangzi. This person is brave and loyal in battle, and he is a famous general in the Beijing camp. In the end, he was defeated by the Qing army and died. He can be of great use!"

"As for this Zuo Liangyu, he is quite talented, but unfortunately he is arrogant by nature and must be beaten from time to time. You must remember this!"

"Oh yes, there is another Gao Jie. This person was originally a general under Li Zicheng. After surrendering, he was loyal and can be used!"

Ji Han's series of analysis made Chongzhen's eyes shine again!

He thought about it for a while, if he used these people well, he might not be able to control hundreds of thousands of troops.

"Finally, let's talk about this civil servant!" Ji Han said with a serious face: "It is said that Daming is the most backbone of the dynasty, in fact, this is true, because after Daming was destroyed, there were as many as one high-ranking official who committed suicide. Thousands of people."

"These people can follow Daming to die for the country at the last minute, even if there are all kinds of small flaws, they are better than those who deliver treason!"

"First of all, this is Shi Kefa. He is an honest, loyal and unyielding official. He is quite skilled in the military and can be the Minister of War!"

"The second is this Fan Jingwen. After Emperor Chongzhen was hanged, he did not eat or drink for four consecutive days, and finally took his whole family to the well and died. He can be the first assistant!"

"All the thirteen members of Ni Yuanlu's family, the minister of households and the lecturer, hanged themselves!"

"Li Banghua, the censor of Zuodu, committed suicide by throwing water! Shi Bangyao, deputy censor of Zuodu committed suicide!"

"Wang Jiayan, the right servant of the Ministry of War, committed suicide, and Lingyiqu of Dali Temple committed suicide by hanging himself!"

"Meng Zhaoxiang, the right servant of the Ministry of Punishment, committed suicide by throwing himself into a well!"

"Censor Chen Liangmo's family committed suicide by throwing himself into a well!"

"Bingbu Chengde's family hanged himself!"

"The head of the Ministry of War, Kim Hyun's family committed suicide!"

One after another shocking loyal and famous officials, they came out of Ji Han's mouth one by one!

Chongzhen was shocked and burst into tears, and the three of them secretly admired Ying Zheng.

These people may not be considered high-ranking or talented, but it is worthy of respect to be able to commit suicide when the country is destroyed and the family is destroyed!

This kind of person can be very useful even if he is not talented!

Even if he has various minor faults, or even makes some minor mistakes, he can still use it instead!

Chongzhen desperately remembers like a treasure, for fear of missing any name, these are the people he can rely on in the future.

"The Immortal Master is really a god!" Ying Zheng couldn't help but sighed, "With such omniscient ability, the chances of Chongzhen's comeback have greatly increased."

"Don't worry!" Ji Han shook his head and said, "It's still too early to say this. The situation in the Ming Dynasty was chaotic, and the struggles of various classes were fierce. It has already reached the point of irreconcilability!"

"Chongzhen, you are a soft-hearted fellow, believe what others say, and it is easy to be fooled by ministers!"

"Even with my full help, it's up to you whether you can make a comeback in the end!"

When Chongzhen heard this, his face flushed with embarrassment.

He tried his best to guarantee: "Mr. criticized it, and I will definitely warn myself every day in the future, and I will never let you down!"


Ji Han sat firmly on the Diaoyutai and nodded with satisfaction.

"If you figure out who can use it and who can't use it, then everything will be much easier!" Ji Han continued to point out: "After you go back, immediately rectify the interior of the palace, find an excuse to launch a big purge and kill those old eunuchs. Say it again!"

"Then promote Wang Chengen and others, and secretly re-build the nearly abolished East Factory, so that you will have your own first team and intelligence agency!"

"The second is Jin Yiwei. You foolish idiot was fooled by a civil servant, and you abolished the responsibility of Jinyiwei to supervise hundreds of officials. This is tantamount to abolishing martial arts!"

"The current commander of Jinyiwei should be Luo Yangxing. This person is greedy and incompetent. He colluded with eunuchs and caused chaos in the outer court. He should be punished!"

"After killing Luo Yangxing, you can use Li Yuanyin. He is Li Chengdong's adopted son. He is very thoughtful and sophisticated. At present, he should work under Sun Chuanting with his father!"

After speaking, Ji Han paused for a while!

After Chongzhen digested the information he said.

Then he continued: "When you have mastered Jinyiwei and Dongchang, then you will have someone available in your hands, and you can start to control Jingying at this time!"

"Order Huang Degong to rectify the Beijing camp, select 20,000 elites, and transfer Cao Bianjiao to Peiping, and select 30,000 soldiers from the refugees to train a new army!"

"If these two soldiers and horses are properly trained, they will be enough for you to have the ability to make a big clean comeback. Remember, remember!"

Ji Han's exhortation made Chongzhen inexplicably excited!

After nodding his head deeply, he said, "Don't worry, sir, I remember it! But sir, is this 50,000 people too little?"

"Is 50,000 less? Actually, I think it's too much!!"

Ji Han's casual answer made everyone a little stunned. Are there too many troops?


"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket"

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