At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

415 This night is destined to be your nightmare! 【Subscription】

The murder of Kitakyushu is definitely a pain in the hearts of Dongying people!

It is definitely the biggest unsolved mystery of this century. Today, there are still a large number of experts and scientists from all over the world, where they are constantly researching, trying to find a clue!

The last time Kitakyushu was attacked suddenly, who was the opponent?

How did they come to the mainland of Dongying? Why did they kill so many people and take away so many people in secret?

All of this has caused all kinds of doubts in Dongying, and even all over the world, and even more rumors and rumors are flying all over the sky.

Some people say that this is an internal rebellion!

Some people say that this is the leakage of Dongying's bacterial bomb, which has killed so many people, and deliberately released rumors to cover up the truth!

But in fact, the officers present knew that these were not true. The real situation was that Kitakyushu had inexplicably appeared a wave of enemies. They were so terrifying that Dongying also suffered heavy losses and permanently lost a heavy industrial base.

This elusive army has simply become a nightmare for the top officials of Dongying!

The military wanted to find their clues like crazy, but they disappeared as if they had disappeared from the world. Now they appear in Nanjin City, is it really them?

"I'm not kidding!" Matsui Ishigen said solemnly: "From the information we have obtained, we can conclude that the number of this army is at least hundreds of thousands, but we know that there are no such professional and terrible regular army in Kyushu!" 9

"Before tonight, we have completely occupied Nanjin City, and there are at most tens of thousands of remnants of the defeated army who were too late to withdraw, and hundreds of thousands of unarmed people!

"We can completely wipe out the city at any time and kill all the hundreds of thousands of people! But why did an army with such a large number suddenly appear? Who can explain it?"

Matsui Ishigen's question caused everyone to frown secretly.

Yeah, what is all this about?

Everyone wants to break their heads, but they can't imagine why such an army would appear on the land of Kyushu.

If they had known that Kyushu had such an army, how could they have dared to invade?

"Damn it!" An officer said angrily, "Are these mysterious troops really from Kitakyushu? We know all about the Kyushu army, and we have never seen such an army before!

"Baga, are these damned guys finally willing to show up? I'm going to kill them!"

"Our Dadongying Empire has never been humiliated like this, and this revenge must be avenged."

"No matter who they are, we will fight to the end and completely destroy them. 99

The officers shouted in exasperation, and stood up one by one, glaring at Nanjincheng not far away, as if they wished to lead troops to kill them immediately.

"shut up!"

Matsui Ishigen glanced around indifferently, and calmed the scene with a pat on the table.

After everyone was quiet, he said solemnly: "Don't try to say stupid things like the bloody battle to the end. From the highest-level confidential documents in the base camp, we can tell that this is a very terrifying army, and they are even stronger than us. .99

"Last time in Kitakyushu, five divisions have permanently lost their establishment, including several first-class divisions. Do you want to receive such treatment?"

Matsui Ishigen roared loudly, and everyone in the shock sat upright, and everyone quickly calmed down.

"This is a very terrifying army and a very terrifying enemy, we must deal with it carefully!" Matsui Ishigen growled: "Do you understand?"

"Hi! 99

The officers roared in unison.

Matsui Ishigen was satisfied.

He glanced around and said solemnly: "When fighting at night, our aircraft and tanks will be weakened to the extreme, and even with heavy artillery, it will be difficult to cause much damage to the enemy!

・・For flowers...  

"So immediately let the master regiments withdraw from Nanjin City, and dig trenches in the eastern suburbs outside the city to stand for help. When more of our divisions arrive here, we will launch a new round of war! 39

"At that time, we will not only have aircraft and tanks, but also heavy artillery. We will also dispatch dozens of divisions, and we will crush all these stupid guys!"

"So contact me at Base Camp right now, hurry up!

Matsui Ishigen's domineering statement was quickly recognized by everyone.

The officers forcibly suppressed their killing intent and quickly began to get busy.

The military headquarters far away in Dongying quickly received the news, and in a state of shock and anger, they issued orders to deploy troops one after another.

During the period of Dongying's invasion of China, at its peak, its troops exceeded 2 million, with 105 divisions, more than half of which were puppet troops, and many of them were Koreans.

Today's Dongying troops have not yet reached their peak, and there are not so many puppet troops. In addition, Ji Han killed five divisions in Kitakyushu last time, so it is difficult for them to mobilize more than 600,000 troops now!

In order to take revenge, the Eastern Ying military department has worked hard!

They went crazy, and they continuously recruited troops from various battlefields and ordered the master regiments to rush to the battlefield within five days. It seemed that they were preparing to fight to the death.

at the same time!

Ten divisions in Nanjin City have also received orders to retreat.

They retreated desperately in the dark, trying to leave the battlefield and officially end the battle.

It's a pity that they didn't return it, and they were attacked by the enemy as soon as they retreated.

The soldiers and horses of the four dynasties were like mad dogs, biting them fiercely, madly attacking their formations, killing them in retreat, causing heavy casualties.

This night is destined to be a nightmare for the Eastern Ying soldiers!

The ten master regiments were maimed before midnight, and the bodies of countless soldiers were all over the place. Finally, they fled outside the city begging in embarrassment.

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