At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

416 I want to see your chief, do you understand? 【Subscription】

early morning

A ray of sunlight hit the ground.

The gunshots have stopped in Nanjin City, which is full of ruins. The soldiers of the four dynasties are full of energy and are cleaning the battlefield.

The corpses were easily thrown aside, bullets, firearms, grenades, artillery, tanks and other spoils were quickly collected, and the entire battlefield became well-organized.

A figure came out tremblingly from every corner of the ruins, watching these busy soldiers vigilantly.

They beat the Eastern Ying people out?

who are they?

Why are they all wearing masks? Scary?

"Bosses, which army are you from?"

"You are the regular army, aren't you?"

The people asked with sincerity and "four, five, three" fear, but they responded with a pair of indifferent eyes. These fierce soldiers wearing masks did not answer a single one, and all of them were preparing for the battlefield on their own.

Although the Dongying people have already withdrawn from Nanjin City, Ji Han expects that there will be a big battle next, so he ordered a large number of fortifications to be built on the ruined streets of the city to prepare for the battle.

The soldiers of the four dynasties are professionally trained!

Their military discipline is extremely strict, and naturally they will not answer the inquiries of the common people, and they are not from the same time and space, and they have nothing in common.

"Everyone, why don't you talk?"

"Who are you? Are we safe now?"

"Can we get out of town?"

"Do you guys have anything to eat? We're all starving! 55

When the people saw that they were ignoring them, they couldn't help but continue to ask questions.

But what responded to them was the muzzle of a black hole.


The soldiers roared coldly, whoever dared to take a step forward, then they would decisively shoot.

After fighting all night, every soldier was full of suffocation, so one sentence made everyone shudder.


At this time, a few men in military uniforms appeared in the crowd, and the leader was a middle-aged man with a national character.

His eyes were slightly cold, and he said with a sullen face: "Xiao Qishan, deputy commander of the 52nd Division of the Southern Jin Guard Army, I want to see your commander.


A soldier raised his gun impatiently, his attitude unusually indifferent.

This directly angered Xiao Qishan and the people behind him. They raised their guns in unison, and the two sides quickly confronted each other.

"I'll say it again!" Xiao Qishan roared loudly: "I'm the deputy commander of the 52nd Division of the Southern Jin Garrison Army. I want to see your commander now, and I'll report it immediately, do you understand?



Cao Bianjiao was nearby at this time.

His anger rose in a flash.

Holding the butt of the gun and swept it viciously, Xiao Qishan was knocked out on the spot, his cheeks were immediately swollen like a pig's head, and a few teeth were knocked out.

"Hehehe!" Cao Bianjiao took off his mask with a grim smile, and said coldly: "I am the chief here, I will let my farts go, and it is not your turn to yell. 99

"You guys put down your guns immediately, and if you don't put down your guns, I will kill you!"

Cao Bianjiao roared for a while, his murderous eyes swept around, and immediately scared the nearby people desperately to retreat, and also scared the few defeated troops brought by Xiao Qishan in awe.

"Bastard, do you dare to do it?" Xiao Qishan said angrily while covering his face: "I have come to contact you under the order of Shancheng, and immediately take me to see your highest officials, otherwise you will not be able to bear the consequences."5

"Fuck you!"

Cao Bianjiao pulled the bolt with a click and was about to kill this guy.

Can't bear it? He still doesn't believe it, there are people here who can't bear it?

"Wait!"" At this moment, Wang Mushi approached with her sword in her arms, she glanced at Xiao Qishan coldly, and said, "Sir wants to see him, take him away! 35

"Yes! 99

Cao Bianjiao trembled all over, and hurriedly clasped his fists and saluted.

But Xiao Qishan was immediately stunned!

He was supported by two wolf-like soldiers, followed behind Wang Mushi, and went straight to a well-preserved high-rise building not far away.

At this time, Ji Han, Chongzhen and others were resting and drinking tea in this building, looking around from time to time, looking extremely comfortable.

Xiao Qishan was stunned again.

He thought it was a reinforcement from another place, so he used a hidden radio station to contact the headquarters of Shancheng last night, hoping to get a response.

As a result, Yamashiro was also stunned!

They have no idea where this army came from!

So they gave Xiao Qishan an order that he must contact the top commander of this army, and then let the other party get in touch with Shancheng and incorporate it into their command system.

That is to say, Xiao Qishan came here this time for the purpose of contact and also for inclusion.

He originally thought it was a very simple task, but after seeing Ji Han and others, he became stunned, because no matter how stupid he was, he realized something was wrong.

This beautiful woman in a costume dress holding a sword!

These men in dragon robes with extraordinary bearing!

There is also this airy, domineering 4.3-lun existence.

Who are they? This is definitely not an ordinary army, they are so weird.

If you think about it, it's also right. The Dongying Division, which even the regular army of 700,000 to 800,000 soldiers couldn't handle, was easily cleaned up by the opponent, and they shot out of Nanjin City in embarrassment. Could these people be ordinary people?

"Who are you?

Xiao Qishan asked in horror.

Ji Han raised his eyebrows and said with a half-smile, "Who are we, you don't need to report to you? Deputy Master Xiao, right? With your attitude just now, it stands to reason that I should kill you, but since you are guarding Nan Jin For the sake of being a deserter, I will spare your life!" 5

"Let's talk about it, what's the matter? If you have something to say, you can fart. I'm not in the mood to talk nonsense with you."

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