At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

421 Niu Dao small test, the next is the highlight! 【Subscription】

This killing lasted a whole night!

More than 300,000 Dongying troops were scattered in embarrassment. They hid in trenches and ruins in twos and threes, and fled in embarrassment.

From beginning to end, they failed to organize an effective resistance!

On the contrary, he was chased and intercepted by the soldiers and horses of the four great dynasties, and they continued to slaughter.

No matter where they hide, they will eventually be found and shot!

After dawn, the battle is over!

The tireless soldiers of the four dynasties began to clean up the battlefield with great interest. Looking at the corpses and wreckage on the ground, everyone laughed happily.

"It's cool, it's cool to kill, hahaha!

"Happy, I haven't been so happy in a long time!

"These goddamn "four, five, three" rubbish, playing with them for a day, can be considered to have completely cleaned them up!"

The soldiers smiled brightly.

On the rooftop of the ruined high-rise building in the distance, Ji Han, Ying Zheng and others couldn't help but laugh.

"Destroying 40,000 to 500,000 of them this time is enough to make their strength go back ten years!" Ji Han said with satisfaction: "In addition to the destruction of the Kitakyushu Industrial Zone last time, these dog days have not been ten years or eight years. It's hard to recover, good, really good!

"This battle is really fun, hahaha! 99

"Unfortunately, the battle report just came, it is said that we have also sacrificed more than a thousand people in total, it is not worth it!"

While Chongzhen and others laughed, they couldn't help but sigh.

In battles, people will die. Although the soldiers have been strengthened through sacrifices, and they have also passed various exercises, casualties will inevitably occur.

"This casualty is acceptable!" Ji Han said indifferently: "After this war, everyone's combat experience has improved qualitatively, and the overall combat effectiveness has improved a lot, which is very cost-effective!

"Go on, collect the corpses and start offering sacrifices, so that everyone can enjoy it once!"

"Take all the things that can be taken away, let's go back to rest for a while, and change a group of soldiers and horses to come over and do things!"


Everyone laughed when they heard this!

Ji Han seems to be in conflict with this time and space.

But think about it, although hundreds of thousands of Dongying people have been eliminated this time, this is just a small test.

From the beginning to the end, everyone did not get much benefit, so how can we be reconciled?

So next is the main event!

After some sacrifices, the hundreds of thousands of troops instantly became full of energy, and everyone gained a lot again. They quickly evacuated from here and returned to their respective time and space.


The city is dead silent!

The corpses on the ground were piled up like mountains, and the smoke of gunpowder filled the air. With the withdrawal of the soldiers and horses of the four dynasties, the place became empty and silent, like hell.

Several newspaper reporters sneaked in here quietly.

They are all journalists who follow war reports in order to obtain first-hand information.

But when they sneaked in here to interview, they were horrified.

Because there is no life here, except for the corpses, all the weapons and ammunition have been taken away, and most of these corpses have been drained of blood and their faces are pale.

"What happened? What about people? How did people disappear?"

"After a day and a night, why did it disappear?"

"The ground is full of corpses, the battlefield has been cleaned up, what about the fighting troops?

The reporters were all stunned!

They also wanted to interview the heroic troops of the Anti-Japanese War.

But who would have thought that these people would disappear out of thin air?

They have been standing outside all the time, and they haven't seen anyone evacuating. Could it be that there is no movement of an army to withdraw?

"This, is this the hell? 35

The reporters were all dumbfounded!

Immediately afterwards, the news spread quickly.

The situation here has gradually attracted attention from all over the world.

When it was determined that this mysterious army had really wiped out hundreds of thousands of people, and had quietly withdrawn, it reminded everyone of the Kitakyushu incident subconsciously.

These two things are clearly done by the same group of people!

Who are they? What is their purpose?

For a time, this caused a sensation in various countries in World War II, and also caused a lot of cries from all over Kyushu..

Many foreigners in the concession were also frightened and their scalps tingled.

With all these rumors flying all over the sky, the Dongying army was so frightened that they desperately retreated, and they never dared to approach Kyushu again, and the plan to invade China began to be delayed again and again.

The headquarters of the Eastern Ying Army, the headquarters of the mountain city, and European and American countries all expressed serious concern about this matter, and sent a large number of agents and experts to investigate the matter frantically, but the final result was nothing!

They couldn't find any news at all!

This mysterious army seemed to appear out of nowhere and then disappeared out of thin air.

"The entire Dongying army was wiped out? This is too strange?"

"It seems that our ally has to re-evaluate!

Germany, Berlin!

In the head of state's office, this middle-aged man with a mustache was frowning at the report in his hand.

In this report, the previous incidents and all the information they have collected are described in detail here.

Anyone who sees this report will immediately find it a little ridiculous, which is totally unreasonable.

Where did such a strange army come from?

But the head of state knows 4.3, this is true, and this is not the first time that this army has appeared.

They have appeared twice, once in Kitakyushu, once in Nanjincheng, and twice directly reversed the national strength of Dongying, which is unbearable!

As an ally of the Eastern Ying people, the head of state is a little angry and unhappy now!

First, this has a great impact on his plans, and second, who are these people? Will they be a threat to him?

These are all on his mind!

Are these Maozi? Or people from the Lighthouse Country?

No, no, none of this makes sense, they're so mysterious, so mysterious that it's scary.

"Daniel!" The head of state suddenly raised his head, looked at a fat middle-aged man, and asked, "Do you think they will appear again? Or, will they become our enemies?"

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