At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

422 They are eyeing here? Is this crazy? 【Subscription】

The head of state's worry is not without reason!

As a careerist overlooking the world, he had to be wary of this extremely threatening army.

If these people are in the city, what will they do? This is a serious question!

"Your Excellency the great head of state." The middle-aged fat man shrugged and said with a smile: "I don't think this is possible. This mysterious army should be dispatched by Maozi's Far East Bureau, and they dare not provoke us casually.

"If they dare to step into our country, our great soldiers will beat their brains out.

"Ha ha!"

The head of state waved his hand in a denial and didn't say much!

He always felt a little uneasiness. This uneasiness had no root, but it was quite real, as if disaster was imminent.

He couldn't help but ask again: "If there is an attack here, are we sure we can handle it?"

"Of course!" The middle-aged fat man said indifferently: "This is the city where our great head of state is in charge. Every one of our citizens will go crazy to protect you, please rest assured."


The head of state nodded silently, and he breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously!

At this time, his subordinates can be said to be all soldiers, and this is also the center of Germany. Who can kill here?

Do you really think that his army of ten million is just a decoration?

However, the head of state did not notice that after night fell, a faint mist began to permeate the whole city.

after the dead of night

This huge city is beginning to fall into silence!

In the cold winter night, snowflakes are flying, and many soldiers wrapped in thick military coats are patrolling scattered.

When the fog spread out, many soldiers muttered in surprise.

"Damn, what's going on? Why is it so foggy tonight?

"What the hell? It's so damn cold in the winter and I miss my baked potatoes so much!"

"Oh my God, look, how can there be light ahead?"

When several patrolling soldiers were talking about it, they suddenly saw a light in front of them, which seemed to be a door of light.

They subconsciously want to go check it out!

As a result, in the fog, there were a large number of people who bowed and searched forward, and appeared within their line of sight.

"Who? Slogan!

The soldiers subconsciously roared, but before they could react, the trigger was pulled on the other side.

"Puff puff! 35

After a few muffled sounds, the muffler quickly killed them!

These soldiers were stunned, and fell to the ground on the spot without moving, only to see a large number of people quickly occupying the street.

After getting close, you can find that this is actually four huge doors of light!

This is naturally the soldiers and horses of the four dynasties. After Ji Han withdrew from Nanjin City, he mobilized another wave of soldiers and horses without stopping, and directly killed them here.

His advantage is that he is elusive, can play fast, and will not give anyone a chance to guard.

Although I know that this city is full of soldiers, there are at least millions of people living in it, and one million troops can be drawn at any time.

But Ji Han is decisively targeting here!

Because he knows that this is the center of political power of the German army, there are not only the most elite regiments during World War II, but also the top scientists, as well as countless excellent technologies!

If you win here, you will definitely gain ten times more benefits than capturing Kitakyushu, and you will definitely be able to make a qualitative leap in the technology of the four dynasties.

So he took advantage of the darkness and quickly sent the troops here!

"Old rules, block the streets and kill all those who resist!"

"This is a city where all the people are soldiers. You have to be prepared to fight against an army of millions."

"In order to give you a little advantage, I will open the formation like in Kitakyushu to cover this area for hundreds of miles!"9

"Start now and turn this into hell!"

Ji Han sneered and ordered, Ying Zheng and others immediately became excited and inexplicable.

The previous battle was just a warm-up, and today's game is enough for the atmosphere, a city of millions of people, they like it!

"Don't worry, sir, hehehe! This place will soon be in ruins."

"Go on, kill all those who resist, kill!"35

The four Ying Zheng grinned and ordered, and the soldiers and horses of the four dynasties began to skillfully spread to the streets.

After a while, they occupied dozens of streets and secretly shot and killed dozens of patrolling German troops.

But at this time, the residents of the city were also alarmed.

Many people opened the doors and windows in astonishment, and saw this terrifying scene. Many people wearing bronze masks searched and advanced on the street like evil spirits, and quickly killed the patrolling soldiers one by one.

Naturally, this frightened everyone into astonishment, and screams began one after another, and after a while, 453 people in the city were alarmed.

What makes people strange is that these people did not slaughter ordinary people, or did not slaughter for the time being, but stared at everyone indifferently, with a faint warning in their eyes.

Ordinary people were naturally so frightened that they quickly closed the doors and windows and did not dare to say a word.

After a while, the soldiers of the four dynasties encountered a large-scale patrol force, and there was a fierce exchange of fire!

Gunshots, explosions, one after another!

The people and the army in the whole city were also shocked by the uproar.

The head of state, who was about to rest at this time, was even more frightened and his face changed wildly, and roared: "What's going on?"

"Report!" An officer walked into the office quickly and shouted: "A group of unknown troops are fighting with patrols in the city, and their identities are still unknown. 99


"Mysterious Army?"


The head of the mustache was so frightened that he sucked in a breath of cold air, and his eyebrows couldn't help beating, because he suddenly thought of the ominous premonition from before.

Could this mysterious army be the army that once went out from Nanjincheng and Kitakyushu District, causing the Dongying people to suffer heavy losses and gnashing their teeth in anger?

They are eyeing this place? Is this crazy?.

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