At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

434 The secret of the head of state, what is in this notebook? 【Subscription】

"Professor? What are you looking at? Have you discovered any secrets?"

"Oh my God, the Fuhrer must have committed suicide because he was defeated, right?"

"Professor, what exactly is written in this notebook?

In the secret room, everyone asked in a row.

Professor Iverson's face was flushed, and he didn't dare to say a word.

Because the diaries in the early stage of this notebook are all very normal, and they are all about some important events and insights of the head of state. Although some things are not easy to expose, they are also precious historical records.

However, on the last few pages, the Führer wrote his own death letter. The words on it made Iverson horrified and could not calm down for a long time.

Therefore, in the face of everyone's inquiries, he didn't know what to say, but there was a huge secret hidden here.

Once this secret is exposed, the whole world must be a sensation.

This is definitely more shocking than the rumor that the head of state was defeated and committed suicide, because it records the real secret that the head of state was forced to commit suicide.

"Every 470, block this place immediately!""

"Irrelevant people, please leave immediately!

"You guys, take these corpses away immediately, and then verify the DNA, fast!

Professor Iverson gave an order with an ugly face, which immediately surprised everyone. Is this guy crazy?

"Professor, what exactly is written in this notebook?"

"Why are you so flustered? What's the secret here?

"Professor, the public has the right to know, you can't hide all this."

The reporters were desperately asking questions, and everyone's curiosity was raised.

But Iverson did not let go. He not only held onto the notebook, but also kept urging the police to step up their vigilance and expel reporters.

The excavation site was quickly brought under control.

Such a scene of mobilizing the public naturally attracted more people's attention, and countless people and media reporters all made an uproar.

In less than half a day, all kinds of news are flying all over the sky.

It is necessary to know that the unsolved mystery of the disappearance of the head of state has always attracted the attention of many people and scholars. Now that the body suspected of the head of state has been found, how can everyone not be interested?

Netizens and experts from all over the world have expressed their concern!

However, Iverson and other experts, as well as high-level officials in Berlin, were all silent, because the notebook in front of them recorded an earth-shattering big secret.

In the death letter, the head of state wrote a paragraph in his own hand--Damn Kyushu demons, they destroyed this place, they trapped me here, and I cursed them to die!

This simple sentence makes people think!

On the top floor of the museum, all the archaeologists looked at each other in dismay, and no one knew what to say.

"Everyone!" Iverson said solemnly: "The identity of the corpse has been confirmed by DNA restoration technology and bone surface simulation technology, and it is indeed the missing Head of State!

"The historical mystery that has been buried for more than a hundred years has finally been answered. The head of state did not escape, nor did he disappear. He was artificially blocked in this secret room, and finally committed suicide in desperation!

"It can be inferred from his unique writing that these murderers were a group of oriental people. Why did they do this? What skills did the Kyushu people at that time have to do this?"

Professor Iverson questioned in disbelief, everyone smiled wryly, and no one said a word.

All of this is obvious, everyone subconsciously doubts its authenticity (bbed), but no matter how they confirm it, they finally come to a conclusion-all this is true.

Professor Iverson's conclusion is the same as everyone thinks. More than a hundred years ago, something incomprehensible happened to the world, so that the Yuan capital died in a secret room where the sun could not see the light of day.

"And the 32 corpses in this secret room were all beheaded by sharp weapons in a very short period of time. The firearms in their hands were completely useless, and even the guns were cut off.

"What does this mean? Is there any weapon in this world that is so sharp? Is it the legendary ancient martial arts of Kyushu?

"So the most realistic conclusion is that some terrifying ancient martial arts masters from Kyushu entered the Prime Minister's Office, killed all the guards around the head of state, and then sealed him here. 99

"The Führer wrote a death sentence in desperation, and then committed suicide by drinking bullets! Do you think it's right? 99

Professor Iverson bitterly expressed his most detailed judgment, and everyone fell silent again.

"Everyone!" a middle-aged man with a moustache muttered in casual German: "This is not a good thing, it would be a shame to let people know that our head of state died so uselessly!

"So block the news and declare to the public that the head of state was defeated and committed suicide. This is something everyone knows!"

"God bless, if the people know that the head of state was forced to commit suicide, then this will cause an uproar, everyone remember to keep it secret."

Everyone was talking about each other, and they all reached a unified front, even Professor Iverson couldn't help but nodded.

After all, this kind of thing is not easy to publicize, which is why he has been blocking the news. Now that everyone has reached a consensus, he subconsciously breathes a sigh of relief.

But no one thought that their conversation was clearly captured by the camera in the office.

And after the crowd dispersed, a blond female reporter sneaked in excitedly, and desperately took pictures of the notebooks and other evidence on the table.

Iverson would never have imagined how crazy the reporters were in order to dig up big information. Just as they decided to conceal the facts, a reporter killed them in the back.

These reporters are best at these methods, and catching traitors and exploring secrets is their specialty. Therefore, the secrets that happened in this office were quickly learned by them, and they were publicly publicized.

Even if Professor Iverson knew about this later, it was too late to stop it!

The speed of information dissemination in the Internet age is simply not too fast.

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