At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

435 Awe, how many secrets do they hide? 【Subscription】

[Shocked: The head of state has been missing for a hundred years, and the body finally sees the sun! 】

[Who killed the head of state? Please read the suicide note! 】

【What is Professor Iverson hiding? What secrets are hidden in the secret room?】

In less than half a day, one after another eye-catching breaking news began to fly in the sky.

On news media forums in various European countries, videos of conversations between Iverson and others appeared, as well as the cause and effect of this incident and various photo evidence.

Countless people were in an uproar because of this.

No one thought that the head of state, who had been missing for more than a hundred years, would die so strangely. This is too exaggerated, isn't it?

Combined with these evidences, many people have automatically made up all kinds of good dramas, so there are rumors everywhere.

"My God, weren't the people of Kyushu more than a hundred years ago bullied so badly? How could they have killed the head of state? 99

"Damn the Orientals, they really hide too many secrets, they are secretly interfering in the history of various countries!"

Netizens around the world were shocked.

A sense of awe for Kyushu began to arise spontaneously.

It was only at this time that everyone discovered that even when Kyushu was at its weakest more than a hundred years ago, this ancient oriental country also had hidden strengths that made people tremble.

This is simply an untouchable country.

Many people can't help but think of the bombing in Kitakyushu. Isn't it exactly the same as when the Fuhrer was forced to commit suicide?

It's all about Kyushu!

How many secrets are hidden in this mysterious ancient eastern country.

This matter began to intensify, and attracted countless people's speculation about Kyushu.

About this event!

Ji Han didn't care too much, and didn't pay too much attention.

After finishing World War II, he was in a good mood, rested for a few days, and then took the girls on a tour of the four dynasties.

Daqin, Datang, Dawei, and Daming all left the footprints of Ji Han. He traveled with the United States to eat, drink and have fun, and he was quite happy.

At the same time, Lao Zhao, Lao Zhu, and the others are also stepping up their efforts to digest the results and technology after the war, and continue to strengthen their strength.

This time in Germany, everyone has caught a lot of good things.

There were countless top scientists, professors, and experts, as well as a large number of professional craftsmen, scholars, and technicians. After these people dispersed to the four dynasties, the technological strength of each dynasties soared a lot.

After adding all kinds of brainwashing and control, Lao Zhao and Lao Zhu easily grasped these people, and then used them to develop and produce a large number of epoch-making weapons and products, and cultivated a lot of their own craftsmen.

All kinds of heavy artillery, planes, tanks, they have already achieved mass production!

Even more than a dozen atomic bombs were kept in storage.

And at the prompt of Ji Han, the Ming Dynasty also dispatched top scientists to develop satellites, aircraft carriers, communications, networks and other future technologies.

If the research and development is successful, then the four dynasties will be completely reborn and become a quasi-modern country.

In this regard, Ji Han is also happy to see it happen!

The stronger Lao Zhao and the others are, the better it will be for him.

As for the next plan, Ji Han is also in the process of intensive preparations. Now the time and space of World War II is no longer attractive to him. The technology and scientists that should be obtained have already been collected, and the rest are just some tasteless ribs.

In other words, he can carry out the next step - Jurassic Age!

Ji Han has been thinking about going to Jurassic since he learned that the older the time, the more spiritual energy in the air, and maybe there will be a different kind of surprise.

It's a pity that the system hasn't revealed what the time and space actually is, so Ji Han's eyes are dark, and he doesn't have a general concept, let alone what to prepare.

After all, human research on the Jurassic is still very insufficient, and we know that there were dinosaurs in that era, and many animals and plants were very large, that's all.

Wouldn't it be too dangerous to kill them rashly?

Ji Han is not afraid, after all, he is also an unfathomable god, and it is not a problem to destroy a time and space with a wave of his hand.

・・For flowers.......

But if you do everything yourself, why do you want the four dynasties?

Hundreds of thousands of people poured into the Jurassic era, can they stand firm in the face of countless dinosaurs?

Will it suffer heavy losses? Can it gain greater benefits?

All of this needs to be considered in advance. After all, Ji Han didn't flee back in embarrassment after the army set off, or he personally acted as a nanny, which is not a beautiful thing.

"Can the system assess the strength level of the four dynasties and the risks encountered by the Jurassic?" Ji Han asked.

"I'm sorry master!" The system intelligently replied: "There is currently no data to compare, and the risk cannot be assessed."5



Ji Han was depressed and finally shook his head helplessly.

Anyway, try it anyway.

Anyway, Lao Zhao and the others are idle, so take them to kill them and try their hand at the water.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Ji Han decisively ended his time and space travel, and then notified Lao Zhao and the others that they had prepared troops and horses, ready to be dispatched at any time.

This time Ji Han didn't want to bring too many people, although he could mobilize millions of people, but just to test the water, too many people is not good.

Therefore, he decided to send 30,000 troops to each dynasty, that is, the soldiers and horses of an army.

It's not convenient for planes to be dispatched, so it's good to bring some heavy weapons such as tanks and rocket launchers.

When Lao Zhao, Lao Zhu and others heard it, they immediately became interested.

This is the rhythm of another big fight.

"Where are you going to fight this time, sir? Why did you send 30,000 troops? Is that too little? 39

"Yeah, I can mobilize a million troops with a single order, why don't I bring more people.

"What era is the Jurassic era? Why have I never heard of it?

Chongzhen, Yingzheng and others are very curious.

Facing everyone's doubts, Ji Han did not explain too much, but exhorted with great interest: "Don't ask so much, this time may be a big opportunity, in short, it's always right for you to bring more armor-piercing bullets!"

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