At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

440 The second road to becoming stronger in the four dynasties! 【Subscription】

"System, let's get started!"

"Exchange for the privilege of the special time and space gate, and then exchange for a primary spirit gathering array!

Ji Han stood on the tall and thick city wall, overlooking the brand-new city, and gave his order decisively.

"Ding! Command received!"

"The privilege of the special time-space gate is open!"

"Successful exchange of primary spirit gathering array!"

"You have deducted a total of 3 million divine power and 20,000 corrections! 55

A system prompt keeps appearing.

Immediately afterwards, the four illusory doors of light began to solidify, as if they really existed, turning into golden gates that directly connected the four great dynasties.


The formation plate of a primary spirit gathering array directly drilled into the ground and disappeared, and the next moment it rolled up an astonishing spiritual energy and began to gather frantically here.

The gusts of wind brought a hundredfold aura, so that white mist rose up in the city, all kinds of aura were sucked into the body, and everyone was shocked and stunned.

Because anyone can see the difference here!

The concentration of spiritual energy in the air is too high, and one sip will make people dizzy, as if they are about to faint.

After taking a few more sips, the whole body is full of energy, and the power seems to be constantly growing, and the cells in the whole body are screaming with excitement.

"Oh my God, what's going on? I feel like I'm running out of energy!"

"Look at my wound, it was wiped by a dinosaur just now, and now the wound is recovering. 35

"Isn't this immortal? Why is it so powerful?

The soldiers' eyes lit up with excitement!

Ying Zheng Chongzhen and others couldn't help but be surprised, because all these changes came so fast that they couldn't react.

"Sir, what's going on?" Chongzhen asked.

"It's nothing, it's just a spirit gathering formation!" Ji Han explained indifferently: "This is the simplest formation method, which can continuously gather the surrounding auras within a hundred miles, and can increase the concentration of auras here. hundred times!

"The people, livestock, flowers and trees that grow here are like living in a fairyland, and they will gain all kinds of unexpected benefits, and even their lifespan and strength will continue to grow."

"And starting from today, this city has become our permanent base, and you can enter and exit here at any time through these four special-level space-time gates.

Ji Han's words made everyone smile.

This is a big happy event. Looking at this huge city, everyone couldn't help but laugh from ear to ear.

"Thank you sir, I will never forget it!

"Yes, thank you sir!

The four Ying Zheng were grateful.

Ji Han waved his hand indifferently, and said, "From now on, this city will be called Sifang City, the four of you will manage it together, and this special-level space-time gate will also be guarded by heavy troops.

"Yes! 35

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Everyone should not underestimate this point. It is impossible not to send heavy troops to guard it. If outsiders are allowed to sneak over, this is a major event.

"The second big thing!" Ji Han said solemnly: "This place is full of spiritual energy, and it is an endless treasure. We must not only see its economic benefits, but also see its deeper value."

"Now the technology tree of the four dynasties has basically developed to the extreme. In the future, as long as continuous research and development is required, it can steadily become stronger! 95

"Since this is the case, then we might as well take another path. I have always had an idea, that is, to make the four dynasties into the existence of immortal dynasties.

"Xian Dynasty?"

The four of Ying Zheng gasped in shock, and each of them couldn't help but show a trace of horror in their eyes.

Everyone has noticed the situation Ji Han mentioned. Since the plundering of the top scientists in World War II, the technological level of the four dynasties can be described as leaps and bounds.

After a few more years of development, it is conceivable that this technological level will inevitably fall into a bottleneck, so how should we continue to develop?

The immortal dynasty vision that Ji Han mentioned is actually a way, and it is the way everyone dreams of.

"Cultivating immortals, cultivating demons, cultivating gods, cultivating martial arts!" Ji Han bewitched: "Gather the general trend of the world, the luck of the dynasty, the cultivation of the supreme way, and the enjoyment of endless longevity. This is the profound meaning of the immortal dynasty. 55

"As long as you want, I can give you this opportunity to gain unparalleled power."

・・Ask for flowers

"In the future, you can cover the sky with one hand, move mountains and reclaim the sea, your dynasty can have countless powerful gods and demons, you can look down on the heavens and the world, and live with the sky!


Everyone took a deep breath, and the ambitions one by one couldn't help soaring again. Everyone was excited by the scene described by Ji Han.

If this can really be the case, that is the greatest dream of the emperor.

"Sir, can we really do it?" Ying Zheng asked in disbelief, "So are we going to start cultivating immortals?"

"Don't worry, you all go to work first!" Ji Han said with a chuckle: "Hurry up and explore everything within 30 miles of the surrounding area, hunt more large beasts and dinosaurs, and eliminate all dangers!


"I'll sort out some information first, and I'll give you a surprise before the evening, go ahead! 35

"Yes! 39

"Thank you sir!"

Ying Zheng and the others did not suspect him, and they all looked forward to it with surprise.

Ji Han said that there will be results before evening, so there will be results, and it will definitely be worth looking forward to.

As for why they kill more beasts and dinosaurs, I'm afraid it's for sacrifice.

I don't know if this dinosaur with amazing aura is used for sacrifice, will the effect be even more amazing?

Ying Zheng and the others were very enthusiastic and went down to prepare.

And Ji Han began to think about his next layout. In fact, he had already thought about the concept of Xian Dynasty, but he had never had the opportunity to implement it.

After all, whether it is the four dynasties or the 21st century, they are all places where spiritual energy is depleted, and it is impossible to cultivate any decent skills.

But now that a permanent base has been built here, if it is not used, it would be too stupid.

Ji Han doesn't really understand how many times and worlds there are in this world, but he always feels that there is an unknown sense of crisis that drives him to become stronger.

His road to becoming stronger is not destined to be through penance. Only when the four dynasties become stronger can he become stronger. This is something that has been doomed early in the morning.

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