At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

441 Ji Han's vision and ambition, laying the foundation for sacrifice! 【Subscription】

Above the Sifang City Wall

Ji Han looked around and meditated quietly for an afternoon.

While observing the soldiers hunting dinosaurs to clean up the surroundings, he thought about how to guide the four dynasties and officially open the road to the immortal dynasty.

The so-called immortal dynasty is nothing more than a dynasty in which the whole people cultivate immortals!

Extremely supreme resources and luck, constantly expanding and plundering, in the end, everyone is like a dragon, suppressing the heavens with the power of one day.

This is Ji Han's vision and his ambition.

He always feels that there are more exciting places outside this world, so the expansion of the strength of the four dynasties must be accelerated, and this gun and gun alone is not enough.

"System, exchange various cultivation methods directly from the mall, and then teach them with sacrifice techniques to guide the four dynasties into the path of cultivation. Is this method feasible?" Ji Han asked "470" in his heart.

"Yes!" The system replied intelligently: "But this method is rather cumbersome and not suitable for large-scale implementation. It is recommended that the owner exchange a complete system of practice methods in the system mall, and then let them practice on their own!"


Ji Han thought about it, it was true!

If the sacrifice method is used, it should be feasible in a short time, but if it is promoted on a large scale, he will be too busy.

It's impossible for him to teach the exercises to hundreds of millions of people in person, right?

Even if it was only taught to the soldiers, there would still be millions of people, and this was no small task.

It is the right way to exchange some inheritance of exercises, let them cultivate in various ways, and then cooperate with the sacrificial method to improve their strength.

And cultivation, like technology, needs to lay a foundation!

If you directly pass on some powerful exercises to them, they can't tell why, and they can't continue to study in depth.

So Ji Han decisively decided to exchange a batch of elementary practice cheats from the system mall, and then use the sacrifice method to help them get started, and then let them study on their own!

In this way, it can not only ensure a quick start, but also avoid pulling the seedlings to encourage growth, which is quite perfect.

After finalizing the plan, Ji Han began to pick and choose in the system mall. The mall has a complete range of goods, what you want, and the primary practice exercises are not expensive, so he can choose a lot!

After a while, Ji Han chose seven or eight hundred books of practice exercises and various swordsmanships, techniques and other secret books. These are the products of the fantasy world and the fairy world, and the price is not expensive.

On average, each of the four dynasties has about 200 copies!

Ji Han divides these cheats into nine grades, the first grade is the highest, and the ninth grade is the lowest!

He thought so, these secrets are all very precious and naturally cannot be taught at will.

The most inferior ninth-grade cheats are passed on to ordinary soldiers, and in the future, they can be passed on to ordinary people, and if they want to obtain better cheats, they must accumulate military merit in exchange!

As for the excellent generals and special talents, you can obtain the secret manuals of the fourth to fifth ranks as the focus of training.

Top grades such as the third grade to the first grade are naturally held in the hands of the emperor to consolidate the imperial power, or to reward those who have meritorious deeds in the future.

After finishing all this, Ji Han directly instructed Wang Mushi: "Let everyone prepare and make sacrifices after dinner."


Wang Mushi agreed and quickly went down to convey the order.

After a while, the entire Sifang City became a sensation.

Especially after Ying Zheng, Li Shimin and others knew the news, they immediately ordered all the troops out of the country to withdraw. Hundreds of thousands of people gathered in Sifang City.

"Hurry up, hurry up!

"Buy the pot to make rice, eat and drink enough to make sacrifices!"

"Every department brought the dinosaur corpses and piled them all up!

Excited shouts rang out in the city!

The soldiers began to work hard, burying the pots and making meals while piling the corpses of the dinosaurs and beasts they hunted into the city.

In the past few days, everyone has gained a lot. Many dinosaur groups have been discovered near here. The number of dinosaurs killed is as many as thousands, and there are countless other beasts.

If all of these meats were used as military rations, they would at least be able to supply two million troops for a year. After all, any dinosaur would be a giant.

These dinosaur corpses are piled up like mountains, and the breath is diffused, like hell, and the smell of blood is soaring.

In the central area of ​​Sifang City, a 100-zhang statue of Ji Han has also been carved. This is done by Ying Zheng specially dispatched 10,000 craftsmen to work overtime.

After eating and drinking, Ji Han raised his hand a little!

The statues are radiant, all kinds of divine lights are dazzling, the phantoms of cranes appear, and thunder and lightning rise out of thin air!

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers fell to their knees in excitement!

"Om! 99

After a divine light swept across, the corpses of the beasts and dinosaurs on the ground were all drained of their blood and souls, and a terrifying force was madly purified.

After a while, these purified powers disappeared into everyone's bodies out of thin air, causing everyone's power to skyrocket wildly.

At the same time, a lot of unfamiliar information got into everyone's mind!

With his powerful spiritual sense, Ji Han not only selected suitable secrets for each person, but also guided them into a state of cultivation.

"Boom boom boom! 35

The spiritual energy between heaven and earth began to be madly sucked and pulled.

It is rare to see hundreds of thousands of people cultivating. Although everyone is ignorant, they also absorb a lot of spiritual energy into the body.

These soldiers have all experienced more than ten sacrifices, and their physical strength has already reached the level of non-human beings. In other words, they have laid a solid foundation and can naturally soar into the sky.

Everyone has long lost their original consciousness, and they all accepted the inheritance while half asleep and half awake, and then continued to run each 4.3 self-cultivation method.

A strong aura began to burst out from everyone's body.

The terrifying aura soared into the sky, scaring the poisonous beasts and insects within a hundred li radius to tremble. In particular, Ying Zheng and Li Shimin were supported by Ji Han, and their aura was soaring along the way!

In the end, even Wang Mushi and Qilin Xiaohei gained a lot of benefits. They closed their eyes and practiced, and their breath became more and more tyrannical.

"Not enough, still not enough!"

Ji Han shook his head in dissatisfaction, his spiritual sense erupted again and again, and he forcibly plundered the spiritual energy within a hundred miles, causing a strong wind.

In the end, these auras were continuously injected into everyone's body, laying a solid foundation for everyone, and at the same time making everyone reborn.

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