At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

450 Is this the end of the world? 【Subscription】

"System, how can I replace the way of heaven?"

Ji Han's eyes are firm, and he has already made up his mind about his next plan.

After chatting with the system for so long, the most important thing is of course how to replace Heavenly Dao. If it cannot replace it, then everything is just empty talk.

Therefore, Ji Han is no nonsense and directly exposed his ambitions.

"Master wants to replace the way of heaven, it is not easy." The system intelligently reminded: "Even if the way of heaven in this world is weakened, it has infinite power of creation."

"If you can't quickly capture the will of Heaven, it is impossible for you to replace it, and it is likely to cause the world to collapse, harming many ordinary creatures in vain."

"So you need to keep weakening the power of heaven, and you can try to devour it when it is weakened to a certain extent."


Ji Han laughed immediately after hearing the words~

Weakening Heavenly Dao? Interesting!

The so-called Heavenly Dao is nothing more than a kind of rule body for the operation of heaven, earth and all things. It is similar to a computer system. It seems invisible and invisible, but it is everywhere.

It has no will of its own, and some are just instincts that are born on its own. Therefore, it is not difficult to weaken it. It is like a man-machine battle, and it is not difficult at all.

"If I'm not mistaken, these hundreds of Kunlun fairy slaves have caused a lot of damage to Heaven, right?" Ji Han asked with a smile.

"Yes!" The system intelligently reminded: "Any action that challenges the rules of the world will cause damage to the way of heaven, but it is best for the master to be careful, otherwise the world will easily collapse.


Ji Han nodded in understanding.

That is to say, as long as he indulges hundreds of Kunlun fairy slaves to continue to make trouble, Heavenly Dao will continue to impose thunder penalties, constantly weakening its own power.

In the end, as long as Ji Han grasps the scale, prevents the world from collapsing, and weakens the way of heaven to a certain extent, it can be easily swallowed and replaced in the end.

"So, very good!

With a satisfied smile, Ji Han decisively burst into spiritual thoughts, connected with the statue of himself in the Kunlun Mountain Hall, and issued an order.

This time the main quest must be completed.

This is not only related to whether he can replace the Devouring Heaven, but also a congenital spiritual treasure.

Now Ji Han doesn't have any treasures in his hands. If he can have an innate spiritual treasure in his hands, his strength will definitely skyrocket.

So this time he is bound to win!

As for his instructions, it was also very simple. A majestic voice suddenly came out from the statue on the top of Kunlun Mountain thousands of miles away, and the words "let go and act" echoed in the minds of many Kunlun fairy slaves.

"Let it go? Good!"

"Everyone, the immortals have an ordinance, let's give it a shot."

"Come on thief God, we will fight with you today!"

Hundreds of Kunlun fairy slaves laughed wildly, and everyone was arrogant.

In the thunder and lightning, their auras grew wildly, and all kinds of violent storms continued to gather, as if the heaven and the earth were about to fission.

The sword energy soaring to the sky rises out of thin air!

The endless sea of ​​fire, raise your hand to diffuse!

All kinds of thunder and lightning roared, and the divine light was shattered.

Originally, hundreds of Kunlun immortal slaves were suddenly punished by lightning.

Now that Ji Han has an oracle, how can they still care so much?

No matter what God or the way of heaven, if you want to destroy us, we will destroy you.

Immortal God's orders, they have to execute even if they die.

Boom boom boom!

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and thunder and lightning fell frantically.

Hundreds of Kunlun immortal slaves floated above the palace on the top of the mountain, mobilizing the power of the great formation, and waving their hands to release all kinds of sword energy, sea of ​​fire and lightning to confront.

The two sides fought each other, and the onlookers who were not far away were all stunned.

"Fuck, fuck, what is this doing? Who can explain it?"

"Damn, are these people demons? How dare they fight against heaven and earth?

"Are they trying to transcend tribulation? Incredible, this is too awesome!""

In the crowd, all kinds of horrified discussions sounded.

No one thought that they would see this legendary scene.

The foreigners were even more confused. They were deeply shocked by the cultural heritage of Kyushu, because even an idiot could see that these people were clearly the ancestors of Kyushu.

A lot of people who have lived for thousands of years are fighting against the sky, which is shocking to think about.

・・For flowers.......

"Why can they float in mid-air? And fight against lightning?"

"Is this the legendary cultivator of the Kyushu people? Oh my god, what a terrible existence, how did they do it? 35

Foreigners have all kinds of surprises.

When this scene was broadcast live, it caused a shock all over the world.

Many people subconsciously think this is fake, but this is broadcast live on TV, who can fake it?

No matter what channel they used to verify, they finally got an accurate message, which is true.

On the top of Kunlun Mountain, there is really a supernatural phenomenon.

This fairy-like method once again allowed the world to see the unknown mysterious scene in this world. At the same time, everyone also had deep doubts about science.


Because all of this is clearly inexplicable to science.

This terrible thunder-punishment battle lasted for more than two hours. During this time, the world was in turmoil, and terrifying earthquakes, tsunamis, torrential rain, and strong winds occurred in many places.

This planet seems to be suffering from a catastrophe.

Billions of people were stunned, and many scientists were shocked to discover that natural disasters around the world have skyrocketed thousands of times in an instant.

"Damn, what the hell is going on? Is this the end of the world?"

"Who are these people in Kunlun Mountains? Why do they cause so many lightning? Why do they cause the continuous outbreak of natural disasters around the world?"

"Not so good, I feel like some terrible things are happening in this world and we have to stop them!"

The scientists shuddered and wailed, and everyone realized that these miraculous changes originated from the group of people above the Kunlun Mountains.

But who can stop them?

Who can interfere with such a powerful being that can almost destroy the world?

In the panic sound of billions of people, the power of Heavenly Dao continued to weaken, and a feeling of almost suffocation made everyone panic.

Meanwhile, Ji Han finally waited for the moment.

In the small manor, he was playing chess and his eyes narrowed, and the next moment he looked up at the sky and begged.

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