At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

451 Swallowing the sky and eating the earth, I am the rule of heaven! 【Subscription】

"The time has come!

"Today, I will replace you! 35

Ji Han looked down on the sky, his arrogance skyrocketed, and he was absolutely domineering.

After waiting for so long, he finally got the absolute weakening moment of Heavenly Dao, and now is the best moment for him to take action.

The confrontation between Tiandao and hundreds of Kunlun immortal slaves has already made the world turbulent. Most people may not see anything, but Ji Han can see it clearly.

The rules of this world seem to be shattering, and if it continues like this, it will definitely cause a catastrophe in the end.

So if he doesn't make a move, he can make a move!

Ji Han's spiritual sense erupted, the power of the godhead in his body continued to manifest, and there was a violent storm over Dongshan City, dark clouds and lightning, like the end of the day.

"God, what's going on? Is it going to rain?"

"Why do we have this kind of "four seven zero" vision again?"

"How is this similar to the situation in Kunlun Mountain? It's not quite right.

The people of Dongshan City all exclaimed.

No one would have thought that it was sunny and sunny just now, but now there are dark clouds, thunder and lightning flashed, and the strange celestial phenomena should not be too strange.

After experiencing several major events in the past, the people of Dongshan City subconsciously thought of the legendary immortal. Could it be that he is doing something?

Everyone's curious discussions arose.

Many people began to shoot video, all kinds of dissemination.

Ji Han didn't care too much about this, and he didn't care. After sweeping around Dongshan City, his spiritual sense began to overflow frantically.

The dark clouds in the sky tumbled continuously, vaguely changing into a terrifying human face, and finally biting the invisible Heavenly Dao viciously, incorporating some magical rule fragments into his body.


The sky was even more thunderous, and hundreds of millions of thunderbolts fell madly, as if the sky was angry.

This is Heaven's way of rebelling!

Although it has no intelligence and is extremely weak, it still fights back with instinctive anger in the face of this daring intruder.

Hundreds of millions of thunderbolts landed in Dongshan City, trying to completely destroy the small manor where Ji Han was, but an illusory fairy shadow appeared from the dark clouds with golden light.

It seems to have stepped from the endless void, and it seems to have been guarded for hundreds of millions of years.

This is naturally the phantom that Ji Han manifests.

I saw him raise his hand and wave, and hundreds of millions of thunder and lightning were forcibly shattered and disintegrated by the terrifying invisible force, and the next moment even hit the sky into a huge black hole.


The world was in turmoil again, and all parts of the world swayed wildly, as if a big earthquake had suddenly erupted. Many people could not even stand firm, and the oceans and rivers also experienced astonishing fluctuations.

"What, what's going on? God!

"How could this be? Is this an illusion?"

"Fuck, fuck, is this God? What is he doing? 35

All over Dongshan City, millions of people were stunned.

Everyone rubbed their eyes desperately, and everyone was stunned.

All this has long been beyond the scope of everyone's imagination, and no one knows why such a scene suddenly happened.

What's going on here? Could it be that there are immortal cultivators here too?

No, no, this is not a calamity, this is definitely not a calamity!

Instead, it looks like a god is fighting against the sky, fighting against the sky and the earth.

In the good 21st century, how can such a bizarre thing appear? Surely this is not a collective hallucination?

Everyone was amazed and forced. Many people took pictures and videos as usual, and even shared them live, so that what happened here quickly caused a sensation on the Internet.

No one expected that there would be a scene even more spectacular than the top of Kunlun Mountain in Dongshan City!

If there is no connection between the two, everyone would be unwilling to believe it.

But what does all this have to do with it?

Everyone wants to break their heads and can't understand.

Even the brightest scientists and various experts are speechless at this time, feeling a little confused.

Because all this has long been beyond the scope of human comprehension.

Everyone can only watch this world-destroying scene with sincerity and fear, and feel their own insignificance and ignorance in front of this power that destroys the world.

In full view!

The calamity scene on the top of Kunlun Mountain has long since subsided, and hundreds of Kunlun immortal slaves stand proudly in the air, domineering in a mess.

After passing through the catastrophe, they are even more imposing..

At this time, Tiandao has no time to pay attention to them, because Ji Han has brought a huge threat to it, and has even begun to devour it.

Its last trace of power was concentrated in the sky above Dongshan City, causing all kinds of tsunami and tsunami, like a dying prey, constantly resisting.

The immortal shadow in the sky transformed into a blood-colored giant net, which began to spread continuously, and the invisible rules were firmly restrained wherever it passed, suppressing all the dark clouds and lightning.

In the end, every sky in the world was shrouded in a blood-colored giant net, and everyone's heart seemed to be suppressed by a huge stone, and everyone was unable to breathe.

"What's going on here? Why is this happening?"

"The day seems to be changing, what happened?"5

"God help, we'll be fine right?"

"Great god, save us!"

All over the world, countless people prayed in panic.

I don't know how long it took, this turbulent scene gradually subsided, the blood-colored giant net in the sky quickly dissipated, and all kinds of dark clouds and lightning seemed to be swallowed up, dissipating completely.

Finally, the weather is sunny and the wind is light!

The wind and waves caused by the rivers, lakes and seas also disappeared quickly.

Everything quickly returned to normal like a hallucination, but no one knew that the Heavenly Dao of this world had already been swallowed up by Ji Han Town's 4.3 pressure, and there was no big wave from beginning to end.

One after another, the rules began to be integrated into the Ji Han godhead.

He sat cross-legged in the small manor, breathing and breathing, as if incarnated into heaven and earth, dignifiedly suppressing everything around him.

His spiritual sense seems to be incarnated into all things, attached to this world and even countless time and space, so clearly he can feel the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys of every living being.

He is the river, he is the sea!

He is the mountain, he is the tree!

He is the supreme rule of heaven!

"This world turned out to be so wonderful.""

"Everything is so evolved!"

"Three thousand avenues have weakened so much?"

Ji Han's eyes flashed a glimmer of enlightenment. At this moment, he is not much stronger than before, but his life level has increased thousands of times, and he has become the ruler of this world.

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