At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

456 The fifth door of light, Aolie of the West Sea Dragon Palace! 【Subscription】

The door of light appears

Ying Zheng, Cao Cao, Li Shimin, and Chongzhen arrived at the small manor with ease and were ready to start eating and drinking to improve their lives.

After everyone met, they looked at each other and smiled, and they all became happy.

"Brothers, I haven't seen you for a long time, how are you?" Chongzhen said with a smile.

"Very good." Ying Zheng proudly said: "Now my cultivation is improving day by day, will we learn from each other later? 99

"Okay, I'm afraid you won't succeed? But we can learn Mahjong first. 99

"Yes, yes, yes, sir, you must eat, drink, and have fun."5


Everyone laughed, and all geared up for a big meal. Besides, Ji Han's food here is really delicious.

But at this moment, Chongzhen frowned and looked behind him in surprise, because "four seven zeros" suddenly discovered for him that there were actually five gates of light.

"Huh? Do you see?"

"Five doors of light? What's going on?

"Are there new people coming?"

"Definitely yes, I don't know who is coming this time."

Everyone pointed and pointed in amazement, and all came to be interested.

For the matter of one more light gate, everyone can guess the reason at once. There must be a newcomer coming, and everyone is not unfamiliar with it.

Ying Zheng and others stopped subconsciously, looked at Guangmen curiously, prepared to warmly receive the newcomers, and explained the rules here by the way.

They have done so in the past.

But this time the situation surprised them.

On the other side of the Guangmen, suddenly walked out a slender, handsome man dressed in red and white brocade clothes, with long horns on his head.

His eyes were like electricity, and he walked like a tiger.

Every move exudes an extremely powerful and terrifying aura, and Ying Zheng and the others, who were shocked as soon as they appeared, trembled, because everyone felt that his aura was a thousand times stronger than everyone else.

This is an instinctive physical reaction of the weak to see the strong.

Who is this person? Why does it make everyone so scary?

You must know that Lao Zhao and the others are all blessed by the luck of the four dynasties, and their cultivation speed is definitely top-notch, and now they are even more prominent.

But in front of this young man, everyone didn't even have the courage to make a move, and there was even a vague urge to bow down, which was simply unacceptable to Ying Zheng and others.

"Where is this?"

"Why is there a door of light leading to this place in the palace of His Royal Highness?"

"Huh? Mortal?"

"Such a weak mortal? Where is this? Why is the aura so thin?

The young man murmured in shock. He frowned and glanced at Ying Zheng and the others, his eyes were as sharp as the edge of a blade, and there was a vague kind of strange exploration that made everyone nervous and hard to breathe.

From his words, everyone could vaguely hear that this person was only afraid of extraordinary origins, so the four Lao Zhao were secretly vigilant.

"Who is Your Excellency?" Chongzhen gritted his teeth and asked in a cold voice, "Since you can reach here through the Gate of Light, is it possible that you are also the monarch of a country?"

"Who is this seat, why should I report to you?" The young man glared and raised his hand to grab it.

A dragon claw condensed from invisible energy pinched Chongzhen on the spot, no matter how hard he struggled, he was controlled to the death.

"Speak!" The young man said indifferently: "Where is this place? Who are you? If you don't make it clear, this seat will crush you to death.



Ying Zheng and others were immediately furious.

Although everyone can see that this young man is very powerful.

But everyone has their own arrogance as emperors. The four dynasties are now in the same spirit. If he moves Chongzhen, he moves everyone. How can Ying Zheng and others not be angry?



The young man snorted coldly and raised his hand to kill Ying Zheng and the others, but at this moment a huge black lotus appeared above everyone's heads out of thin air.

"Om! 99

It spun slowly, exuding a kind of deterrence that destroyed the world, and immediately stunned everyone present.

Even the indifferent young man was startled involuntarily, a black light appeared on the black lotus, and he vomited blood and flew out on the spot.

"Twelfth Grade Extinguishing Black Lotus? How is that possible?"

"Didn't this thing disappear for years? Why is it here?"

"Who is Your Excellency? Ao Lie in Xiaxihai Dragon Palace, please forgive me for offending! 35

The young man clasped his fists and roared in a panic, and he behaved respectfully, and this black lotus was hovering above his head, and it might kill him at any time, bringing him a huge pressure.

He experienced a death crisis he had never felt before!

He knew that if he disturbed, he was afraid that he would be killed on the spot. Although there were a large number of mortals with weak aura in this inconspicuous fairy palace, there was one person whose aura was as magnificent as the sun.

Feeling it from a distance, Ao Lie was shocked and his face was pale, and he didn't dare to make any changes.


Ji Han's cold snort came from far away.

The next moment, the black lotus disappeared out of thin air, and Zhen Mi Diaochan came quietly, bowing to everyone Yingying, and said, "Mr. is hosting a banquet in the backyard, please come with you."

"it is good!"

Ying Zheng, Chongzhen and the others, with ashen faces, walked away together, not bothering to look at Ao Lie again.

Ao Lie's eyes flickered, but he didn't dare to refuse, and he didn't dare to mess around.

He didn't know where he had come.

But he always felt that something was wrong.

In his opinion, the spiritual energy here is extremely thin, and he can't even see a trace of fairy energy. The buildings are remarkable, but why are the maids here so weak?

If you can find any bodyguard and maid from the West Sea Dragon Palace, you can hang and beat all the people here, okay?

But why is there such a powerful presence in such a strange place, and the other party has a 12th-grade World Exterminating Black Lotus?

One by one, Ao Lie was extremely puzzled.

He looked at this place subconsciously, looking at all the surrounding buildings, flowers and trees, and all kinds of busy maids.

Until he looked at the unicorn Xiaohei who was resting beside him, he suddenly trembled again and subconsciously exclaimed.

"Kirin blood? No no no! 99

"This seems to be the blood of Qilin ancestors? But why is it so weak? Is it still a cub?""

"Who in this world dares to grab the unicorn ancestral blood cub as a mount? Are you crazy?"

Ao Lie was stunned again.

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