At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

457 The future of the dragon family is miserable! 【Subscription】

Ji Han this small manor

It is destined to bring a great shock to Ao Lie!

When everyone came to a Linxi pavilion at the rear of the main hall, a large number of maids shuttled like a cloud, and many fairy fruit delicacies were already placed on the table.

Ji Han sat on the side and comprehended the chess game, raised his eyes expressionlessly and cast a glance at everyone, which immediately made everyone tremble.

Even Ying Zheng and others who are familiar with him can see that Ji Han has changed a lot. At this time, he is no longer the same as he was before, and his every move has a terrifying deterrent effect.

Maybe it was because of Ao Lie's dissatisfaction with his behavior just now.

There was a hint of coldness in his eyes, which made everyone feel even more frightened, even Ao Lie was stunned on the spot.

He is the third prince of the Dragon Palace of the West Sea, what almighty has not seen before?

However, Ji Han exudes the breath of the ancient ancestors of the Dragon Clan, which made him feel awe, and subconsciously became more respectful.

"Xiaolong has seen senior." Ao Lie clasped his fists and said, "I don't know that this place is the treasure of seniors, so I am so presumptuous, I also ask seniors to forgive me.


Ji Han's face softened a little, then nodded and said, "Sit down, since you are here, you are destined to come, but I didn't expect you to come here.

"Senior!" Ao Lie breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly asked, "Where is this? Who are you? Why did you call Xiaolong here? But what instructions?"

"Hehe! 35

Facing Ao Lie's doubts, Ji Han's face was full of weirdness.

He didn't know how to answer, because he never thought that the fifth gate of light was not the emperor, but Ao Lie.

However, Ao Lie was close to the emperor. After all, his father was the Dragon King of the Great Wild West Sea.

After this system upgrade, it is not actually connected to the major time and space of this world, but directly connected to the land of the prehistoric land, which Ji Han never imagined.

This Ao Lie is also interesting!

He is probably only at the cultivation base of Heavenly Wonderland now.

Ji Han can totally hold him down.

And if the operation is good, it may not be impossible to control Honghuang through him and achieve great things.

"This is Blue Star!" Ji Han thought for a while and said, "After the Lich War, the Great Wilderness collapsed, and many fragments were scattered all over the place, forming 3,000 big worlds and hundreds of millions of small worlds, this is one of the tiny worlds.


Ao Lie immediately understood when he heard the words.

It is no wonder that the spiritual energy here is so thin, and the people here are so weak, that any living creature from the Great Desolation can be hanged and beaten.

Ying Zheng and the others were stunned. They didn't understand what this meant.

Is the world still small?

"It's normal for you not to understand." Ji Han continued, "I once said that the world is very big, and the world we live in is just a small place."

"Pangu opened up the world, and Nuwa mended the sky, which is called the Great Desolation, and a Lich War led to the collapse of most of the Great Desolation, thus creating hundreds of millions of worlds.

"His name is Ao Lie, the third prince of the Dragon Palace of the Honghuang West Sea, also known as the White Dragon Horse in Journey to the West, do you understand?"

Ji Han explained, but everyone understood it, and they all showed a sudden realization.

Everyone is not surprised about Ao Lie's identity. They have seen so much around Ji Han, so everyone doesn't pay much attention to him, and they just look at him a few more times.

But Ao Lie was shocked, showing a hint of shock.

Journey to the West? White Dragon Horse? What does it mean?

The people here are a little weird, they are obviously so weak, but their bearing is quite good, and they are not shocked and in awe when they hear his identity, what is going on?

Could it be that his face as the third prince of the Great Desolate Dragon Clan is not enough?

"Sit down!" Ji Han waved his hands casually, beckoning everyone to sit down, and then continued: "I am here in an out-of-this-world place, and I don't know how many billions of light-years away from the Great Wilderness. reachable, you are lucky to be there.35

"This?" Ao Lie said in shock: "Is it a joke, senior? What means can make you travel such a long distance? What do you mean by Journey to the West and the White Dragon Horse?"

"It's nothing." Ji Han chuckled and said: "They just said that you will be turned into a horse in the future, and you will just follow the Tang monk to learn from the west.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Chongzhen laughed loudly: "I have read the book Journey to the West many times, Bai Longma, Sun Wukong, Sha Wujing, Tang Seng, Zhu Bajie, I didn't expect to see one of them here. Fortunately too.


Ao Lie was stunned again.

He was full of doubts, thinking that he had encountered a lunatic, because he did not understand what these words meant.

I have never heard of Monkey King and Pig Bajie.

"Senior, are you guys playing with Xiaolong?" Ao Lie asked with a slightly gloomy expression.

"It's not a joke." Ji Han snorted coldly and said, "Whether you believe it or not, the projection of time and space will come from somewhere, and our world is very closely connected with the prehistoric world, and many of your fates have finally been connected. Projected here.""

"Your Prehistoric Dragon Race bears the grievances of heaven and earth, and in the ancient times has committed boundless sins, so it is destined to be abandoned by heaven and earth.

"In the future, the dragons of the four seas are destined to bow their heads to the heavens and accept the trend of others, and even the dragons will suffer repeated disasters, and they will be forcibly transported by Western religions to serve as mounts. 99

"The dignified and ancient great clan has finally ended up with a puppet clan who can only obey orders and are forced to walk through clouds and rain, tsk tsk tsk, it is really miserable. 35

"Oh yes! Ao Bing, the third prince of the East China Sea, will be beaten to death by Nezha, a disciple of Chan Jiao, and you, Ao Lie, will be forcibly transformed into a horse, involved in a conspiracy of the Western religion, and will be ridden to the west. go. 99

Ji Han talked freely, with sympathy on his face.

Ao Lie's face suddenly turned pale.

He subconsciously thought it was a joke, but when he saw the seriousness on Ji Han's face, he couldn't help being stunned.

Is this true? This mysterious man really knows the future of their dragon race?

If this is the case, will their dragon race really become so miserable in the future? It's horrifying to think about it.

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