At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

463 Analysis of the pros and cons, Ji Han's scheming! 【Subscription】

After Ao Lie left, the small manor suddenly became much quieter!

Ying Zheng, Chongzhen and the others sat on their seats thoughtfully, as if they were hesitating to say something, as if they had something to say.

"Do you want to ask, why would I give such a precious thing to Ao Lie?" Ji Han said with a dumb smile.

"Yes sir, we are really puzzled.

"Aren't you being too kind to this Ao Lie? We only met him for the first time, and we are not very familiar with each other.

"Although we don't know what Pangu's blood essence is, all the fools know that this is a no-brainer treasure, so why is it cheap for him?"

Ying Zheng and the others are full of surprise when you say what you say.

They are not envious and jealous, but worried about Ji Han, for fear that his calculations will fail.

After all, if something so precious is given to someone so casually, it's too much of a loss, isn't it?

Ji Han doesn't feel distressed, Ying Zheng and the others can't help but feel distressed, this is a treasure that can make super masters.

"Ha ha!

Ji Han smiled with satisfaction.

He was very satisfied with the reactions of Ying Zheng and others. This is his own mentality.

"You don't have to worry." Ji Han said indifferently: "Don't worry, as long as he swallows this Pangu blood essence, he will never escape my control."


Everyone was surprised when they heard this.

Ji Han is so confident? Did he do anything with the blood of Pangu?

In fact, it wasn't. Pangu's blood was supreme, so he couldn't do anything, even Ji Han couldn't do it easily.

But this drop of Pangu blood essence came from his hand, and naturally it was stained with a trace of his breath and cause and effect. When he set foot in the prehistoric times in the future, this breath and cause and effect would become his weapon.

Ao Lie was like stepping on a pirate boat, and it was too late to get off the boat.

This kind of thing is too mysterious, and Ji Han is only making arrangements secretly, so he didn't say much to Ying Zheng and others.

"Don't worry~々!" Ji Han reassured again: "Ao Lie is our own sooner or later, what do you think of him?

Faced with this question, Ying Zheng and others all pondered.

They are all human beings. Although their cultivation is not as good as Ao Lie, their behavior and vision are definitely first-class.

After careful analysis of Ao Lie's performance, they each gained a lot.

"This son's character is somewhat indecisive! Ying Zheng took the lead in saying: "But he is also a person with a true temperament, and he is very concerned about his own people.

"Not bad!" Li Shimin nodded in agreement and said, "His strength is unfathomable, although I don't know what realm he is, but I can see that he is still a little immature when it comes to dealing with people.

"This person's character should not be bad." Cao Cao pondered for a moment and said: "Looking at his words and deeds, Mr. can invest one or two. 39

"Hahaha!" Chongzhen laughed loudly and asserted: "Don't worry, this son will definitely not escape the master's control. 35

Everyone, every word I said, quickly and clearly analyzed Ao Lie's character. In their eyes, no matter how strong they are, they have weaknesses.

Ao Lie is just a relatively strong individual, and with their savage eyes, they can easily analyze his strengths and weaknesses.

Ji Han nodded again and again when he heard the words, this was indeed what he thought.

"Ao Lie can invest, but he can't be trusted for the time being." Ji Han pointed out: "Of course he is also a smart person, and he will definitely try his best to collect all kinds of treasures and give them to you through trading rings.

"These things are nothing to him, but for you, the rare treasures that are indeed inaccessible, each of which is enough for you to obtain huge benefits."

"With his support, your four major dynasties will definitely become stronger, especially this Flood Dragon bloodline, all of which have cultivated dinosaurs for me. I believe that this will definitely be able to cultivate a large number of Flood Dragon mounts and greatly enhance your strength."

"As for other immortal fruits, spiritual materials, secret books, formations, etc., you need as many as you have. For my drop of Pangu's blood, it is not an exaggeration to exchange more of these things.

After Ji Han finished speaking, everyone couldn't help laughing.

There was a hint of excitement in the hearts of everyone.

"Thank you sir, you are so supportive, if we don't become stronger, it's really a waste!""

"Don't worry, sir, we will not disappoint you."

Everyone excitedly promised.

Everyone knew that Ji Han wanted to support them. Naturally, they would not fail to live up to their expectations. Once Ao Lie's various treasures were in place, they would definitely use them on their own people, greatly enhancing the national fortunes of the four dynasties.

Hmm!" Ji Han smiled with satisfaction, and continued: "This world is very big, you should take a long-term perspective, and the road of cultivation and the road of science and technology should go hand in hand.

"I won't intervene too much on how to do it, I just complete the enlightenment for you, and you need to decide how to develop next.

"If we can combine technology and cultivation, we will definitely be able to take a different path.

When everyone heard the words, they immediately groaned in shock.

Combining technology and cultivation? This is a path they never thought of.

During this period of time, everyone has been immersed in the refreshing feeling of personal strength improvement.

Technology is really convenient. Guns and guns can allow ordinary people to control the outcome of the battlefield. Electricity and various modern products have greatly changed the livelihood of the four dynasties.

But how can all this be compared with cultivation?

In everyone's opinion, the most convenient technology is nothing more than scum when compared to the cultivation method that can grow into immortals (money is good).

Therefore, when Ji Han proposed this idea, Ying Zheng and others immediately became secretly surprised.

"Don't be unconvinced." Ji Han chuckled: "The end of science is theology, and the combination of the two is even more powerful. When you go back, you can recruit craftsmen and some shrewd soldiers and scholars to conduct in-depth research on both.

"For example, how to cultivate scientifically, such as how to use scientific methods to enhance the power of magic, such as how to use methods of cultivation to enhance the power of cannonballs and bullets, etc."

"These are all things that you can try boldly. You can completely walk a path that others don't have. You must also believe that the people of the four dynasties have excellent creativity."

Ji Han's painstaking exhortation caused everyone to nod again and again.

"Don't worry, sir, I'll take it down."

"I'll let people study it when I go back!"

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