At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

464 Imperative, Ao Lie's creation! 【Subscription】

at the same time

Great Desolation , West Sea Dragon Palace

Inside a splendid luxury palace.

A door of light flickered, and after Ao Lie's figure passed through, it quietly disappeared into the void, as if it had never appeared before.


Ao Lie looked around at everything he was familiar with, and his mind was extremely shocked. He could never have imagined that he would return here in one step.

This method is simply divine.

Ao Lie almost thought he was dreaming when he felt the rich laws of the prehistoric heaven and the power of the surging fairy spirits in the Dragon Palace.

But he finally recognized the reality after repeated confirmation, he was not dreaming, because he really got a drop of Pangu blood essence.

"Ji Han? Immortal Master?"

"What kind of person is this person?"

"Pangu's blood essence and other treasures can be given away at will, could he be a demon god that existed in ancient times?

"Yes! Surely, what was he trying to do? 35

Ao Lie's face changed and his mind floated.

He is different from Ying Zheng and others. As the third prince of the Dragon Palace, he is not so easy to fool. He has no sense of worship for any immortal master at all. bye.

So he subconsciously pondered Ji Han's intentions.

The origin of this immortal master is mysterious and unpredictable, and there must be some ulterior motives for him to give him such treasures as the blood of Pangu, and teach him how to save the dragon clan.

Ao Lie believed Ji Han's words on the surface, but in his heart he only believed half of it.

It is the instinct of most monks to be vigilant about anything, and it is also the instinct of all living beings.

They don't worship immortals because they are immortals!

Anyone who wants to fool them will be more difficult than fooling mortals.

"No matter what the intention of this person is, we have not found out that he is hostile to me at the moment, so there is no need to be too cautious. 35

"His advice is also quite reasonable, according to the current development of our clan, decline is a matter of time, so I must establish my own door as soon as possible.

"If you want to stand on your own, you must improve your cultivation, so swallowing this drop of Pangu's blood is imperative. 35

After thinking for a moment, Ao Lie decisively swallowed the blood of Pangu.

Whether he likes it or not, Ji Han uses Yang Conspiracy, and he must follow the path set by Ji Han and keep going.


A terrible aura suddenly erupted from Ao Lie's body.

He couldn't help but let out a terrifying low roar. If he hadn't tried his best to suppress himself, he would have turned into a dragon in an instant.

This terrifying drop of Pangu blood essence began to melt into his body quickly, and Ao Lie didn't dare to make too much noise, because once he alerted outsiders, it was very likely that others would see the mystery in his body.

Therefore, he desperately forbears, gritted his teeth and ran his own blood, constantly absorbing the power of Pangu's blood essence, and comprehending the avenues contained in Pangu's blood essence.

In his mind, there seemed to be a giant who created the world, and all kinds of terrifying auras constantly echoed in his consciousness, almost drowning him directly.

Ao Lie was already at the peak of the Heavenly Immortal Realm. According to the tradition of the Dragon Clan, he only needed to activate his bloodline power when he became an adult, and then he could easily step into the Realm of Immortality of the Golden Immortal.

After swallowing this drop of Pangu blood essence, Ao Lie's breath continued to skyrocket, and he wanted to break through to the Golden Fairyland several times.

But Ao Lie is very smart!

He knew that the power of Pangu's blood essence consumed less than 1/10,000 now, and it would not benefit him to break through rashly, so he kept compressing and consolidating his cultivation.

Even in order to make his foundation better, he did not hesitate to continuously cast the secret technique and cut himself the Taoist foundation nine times in a row, making his Taoist foundation integrated and perfect.

Three months later (bbed)!

Ao Lie suddenly opened his eyes.

At this moment, he was floating cross-legged in the air, with the ninth-grade white jade refining and refining underneath, and the three-flowered top that emerged from the back was almost solid, which represented that his Dao foundation had reached the most perfect level.

At this time, Pangu's blood essence had been completely integrated into his body. Although he had only absorbed less than one percent, Ao Lie was no longer worried that he would be taken away.

And at this time, he had no choice but to transcend the tribulation.

"Roar! 99

In an earth-shattering roar.

Ao Lie transformed into a white dragon of 1000 feet as soon as he moved, and the next moment he rushed to the waters of the Dragon Palace and began to frantically stir the sea water.

The huge West Sea Dragon Palace covers a vast area and is resplendent. The spirit of the fairy is almost liquefied. All kinds of shrimp, soldiers and crabs will cruise around, and many tyrannical auras are faintly revealed.

Ao Lie's movement quickly startled everyone!

I saw the mountain-like dragon body constantly soaring around, and hundreds of millions of tons of sea water continued to impact the defense formation of the Dragon Palace.

"Golden Immortal Tribulation?"

"Why so fast?"

Inside the Dragon Palace, several old dragons whispered in shock!

Ao Run, the Dragon King of the West Sea, dressed in a dragon robe, domineering and majestic, with hideous horns on his head, was frowning at the little white dragon, and a trace of doubt flashed between his brows.

"Lie'er crossed the Golden Immortal Tribulation so quickly? Isn't it wrong? He hasn't officially reached adulthood yet, so his bloodline has been stimulated.

"What's the matter? Why is his Daoji so deep? Could it be that he has any good fortune recently?"

Ao Run was puzzled and pondered, with both surprise and joy in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the calamity descended!

Thousands of miles of calamity clouds appeared in the sky over the West Sea, with dense clouds, thunder and lightning, and a large amount of thunder and lightning smashed into the water, affecting hundreds of millions of lives.


Ao Lie roared out of the water and rushed into the sky, and began to fight against Tianlei. All kinds of means were used, and he put on a tough stance.

The robbery clouds in the sky continued to increase, and finally a robbery cloud of 100,000 miles appeared.

A large number of ancient qi refiners, monster clan, and sea clan powerhouses looked up at the sky in shock. When they found out that it was Ao Lie who was transcending the calamity, they couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Nine Nine Tribulations? How is this possible?"

"This is the third prince of the West Sea? This prince is really amazing! 99

"It's not easy for the dragon clan to have such monsters."

While everyone sighed, Ao Lie's reputation instantly increased a lot.

His light instantly suppressed the younger generation of the Dragon Clan of the same generation and became the representative figure of this new generation of Dragon Clan, making many older generation unable to bear secretly staring at him.

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