At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

465 Self-supporting portal, Baili but no harm! 【Subscription】

Ao Lie's catastrophe lasted for three days.

In the past three days, the robbery cloud has continued to expand, and the sky over the West Sea is even more dark clouds, lightning and thunder, attracting countless almighty onlookers.

Everyone has long recognized that this is the top three calamities in the prehistoric drought, and no one has survived it for thousands of years. Who knows that Ao Lie can actually trigger such calamities.

Many people subconsciously think that this child will surely die.

However, relying on the continuous power of Pangu blood essence, Ao Lie was not only safe and sound, but also used the power of heavenly tribulation to continuously temper himself, making himself stronger.

Three days passed in a flash, and after the last heavenly tribulation fell, golden light overflowed between heaven and earth, and immortal energy filled the air.

All kinds of fairy sounds and cranes surrounded Ao Lie.

After the calamity passed, massive amounts of pure energy continued to pour into Ao Lie's body, constantly consolidating his cultivation and making his aura skyrocket.

At this time, he is no longer what he used to be!

It is also a rare genius in the history of the dragon race to survive the nine-nine tribulations without using the power of the bloodline to achieve the position of the golden immortal.

Ao Lie's true combat power is definitely unfathomable, and breaking through Daluo in the future is almost a sure thing.

"Hahaha, okay, okay!

"My dragon clan has produced such a arrogance, and it is really the blessing of the ancestral dragon.

"Little San is good, as expected of my dragon bloodline."

The elders of the dragon clan laughed excitedly.

The dragon kings of the four seas, who had come from all over the world, were all pleasantly surprised, because no one thought that Ao Lie would have such a fortune.

On weekdays, he does not show off the mountains or waters, although he is not a playboy, but he is not a peerless genius.

Now his performance has really shocked everyone.

"Father, uncles."

Ao Lie opened and closed his eyes, and clasped his fists in salute.

"Okay, good Lie'er." Ao Run laughed loudly: "I didn't expect you to break through the Golden Immortal Tribulation faster than your elder brother. This is a great joy, and it is a decree to hold banquets all over the West Sea for three years! 35

"Hahaha, Lie'er is really good, uncle will reward you well!

"I have a lot of treasures in the East China Sea, and I will be sent to celebrate the breakthrough of Xiaosan.

Ao Guang and others also laughed.

Ao Lie didn't care about this, he said solemnly: "Father, Uncle, I have something to report.


Ao Guang and Ao Run were immediately surprised.

Ao Lie didn't have any surprises after his breakthrough, instead he looked like a matter of course, and he had to talk to them secretly?

There seems to be something going on here!

The four dragon kings are all mature and sophisticated, they looked at each other and nodded.

The group quickly returned to the West Sea Dragon Palace, backed away from left and right, turned on the formation, released his breath to prevent prying eyes, and then Ao Lie spoke in detail.

He explained in detail what happened some time ago, and personally exuded the breath of Pangu's blood essence in his body to prove that he did not lie.

All of this suddenly stunned the four dragon kings.

"Lie Er, are you kidding me?" Ao Guang asked in shock, "Are you sure what you said is true?"

"Uncle, why is this false statement? Ao Lie said with a wry smile: "Could it be that I can fake this Pangu blood essence? If I don't have this drop of blood essence, how can I survive these nine-nine tribulations?


The four dragon kings remained silent.

They don't want to believe that all this is true, because it's too much to talk about.

How could an unknown ancient powerhouse suddenly appear, not only possessing the 12th-grade Black Lotus, but also such treasures as the blood of Pangu, but also gifting it to Ao Lie?

All of this seems very crap.

But the fact is in front of everyone, even if everyone refuses to believe it, a fool can see that this Pangu blood essence is real.

This is a treasure that even the Dragon Clan has never owned, and it is impossible for Ao Lie to fake it.

That is, what he said was true.

"Who is this person?" Ao Shun, the Dragon King of the North Sea, frowned and said, "What is his purpose?

"Could it be that this great master is planning my dragon race?" Ao Qin, the Dragon King of the South China Sea, showed his vigilance.

"No matter what purpose he has." Ao Guang said solemnly: "His three strategies are indeed brilliant, and they can solve the difficulties of my Dragon Clan for thousands of years. You can try it."

"What? Brother, are you crazy?""

"The origin of this person is not yet clear. 99

"No, absolutely not. Years

・・For flowers...  

Ao Qin and the others were anxious to object, and they were all subconsciously vigilant, for fear of being caught in someone's calculations.

The dragon clan is getting weaker day by day. On the surface, they appear to be intoxicated, but in fact, they don't know how anxious they are, and they always want to restore the ancient glory of the dragon clan.

You must know that they are the grandsons of the Ancestral Dragon, who in this world can care more about the future of the Dragon Clan than them?

But the more this is the case, the more vigilant they are, what if they fall into someone else's calculations?

"What are you afraid of?" Ao Guang said with a sneer: "What this person said is reasonable, can you detect any calculations? Implementing these three strategies will benefit my Dragon Clan without any harm.

"And even if it has a plan for my dragon clan, it is also a conspiracy, so what are we afraid of? It's just mutual benefit and reciprocity, and the cause and effect owed will be repaid later."

"The most important thing now is to implement this plan and let Lie'er try to establish a business on his own, hoping to make this game of chess live."

Ao Guang's words immediately silenced everyone.

Everyone's eyes flickered, and after pondering for a long time, they nodded in agreement.

Ao Guang is the most virtuous and wily existence among them. His judgment is correct and everyone agrees.

Ao Lie was overjoyed immediately upon seeing this.

With the support of the four dragon kings, then his self-reliance will be much easier, and it will be justifiable.

"Uncle, how should I implement it?" Ao Lie asked excitedly, "Are you going to make a charge for me, and then falsely convict the Dragon Palace?"

"Yes, you can play a show with your father." Ao Guang smiled and said: "After you broke through, you were rebellious and asked for a reward, but your father did not agree, so the father and son had a big fight and the relationship fell into freezing point.""

"After that, not only did your father not reward you, but he also deliberately assigned you to attack the Shui tribe rebels. In your rage, you swore in public that you would never return to the Dragon Palace again. 35

"After that, we will secretly arrange a group of loyal and loyal elites to help you. All kinds of materials are readily available, and you can give as much as you want. So, what do you think?"

Everyone agreed with Ao Guang's arrangement!

"Thank you uncle.

Ao Lie excitedly clasped his fists and begged.

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