At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

466 Rapid development, Ao Lie's means! 【Subscription】

After the plan is made

Ao Lie and others quickly began to implement.

This is the first step for the Dragon Clan to change its decline for thousands of years, and it must not be lost. Therefore, no sixth person knows about this plan, only five of them know.

Ao Run followed the happy event of Ao Lie's breakthrough in the calamity, and held a large banquet and feasted guests. It was extremely grand and beaming.

As a result, at the banquet, Ao Lie was arrogant and arrogant, begging for a reward, and the father and son broke up on the spot.

In front of all the guests, Ao Run was furious and expelled Ao Lie from the Dragon Palace.

Half a month later, he ordered Ao Lie to lead troops to conquer the rebel Shui clan, and the meaning of distribution was beyond words.

Ao Lie pretended to be angry, propaganda that he would never return to the West Sea Dragon Palace after death, and went directly to the rebel sea area with 100,000 shrimp soldiers and crab generals to fight against the Shui clan.

This is a lot of uproar!

"Four Eight Three"

Not only did the hundreds of millions of dragon races from all over the world talk about it, but even the cultivators from all over the world heard about it, and it was often rumored as a joke.

But no one cares, because a small Ao Lie is really not worth mentioning to the Dragon Clan, and everyone will only think that this is a young man who is overly capable, challenging the authority of the ethnic group.

To outsiders, this is a farce worth mentioning.

After chatting and laughing, no one cares.

However, Ao Lie's next performance surprised many people.

He led the army in the diplomatic battles, not only victoriously, but also in the warring waters to build a large-scale construction, built his own dragon palace, directly recruited troops to the outside world, and assumed a self-reliant attitude.

Many people thought that Ao Run would be furious to attack, but Ao Run turned a deaf ear, not only did not respond, but just let it go.

As a result, Ao Lie naturally took advantage of the situation to develop, and his men quickly became strong and strong!

three months later

On the edge of the West Sea, a war is unfolding.

Millions of Shui Rebels, together with more than one million Ao Lie Shui Army, madly strangled together.

All kinds of shrimp soldiers and crab generals, Qianzhang Jiaolong, Baizhang Aquarium, madly fighting each other, stirring up the sea area of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles, all chaotic and turbulent.

Every moment, there are aquatic casualties.

A large number of corpses floated in the sea water, dyeing the surrounding area as miserable as a sea of ​​blood.

Ao Lie was dressed in black armor, exuding a strong golden light all over his body, holding a domineering Fang Tianhua halberd, looking majestic.

At this moment, behind him, surrounded by hundreds of strong men, all of them had domineering faces with horns on their heads.

These people are the results of Ao Lie's recent recruitment.

As a result, the four dragon kings secretly supported many elite soldiers and horses, and also supported a lot of wealth, so that Ao Lie could show his strength.

Second, Ao Lie also recruited a large number of unhappy Jiaolong subordinates.

Now under his command, no matter the bloodline, it depends on the ability.

No matter if you are a real dragon or a flood dragon, as long as you have outstanding skills, you can ascend to the top.

If you don't have the ability, even the ancestors of the dragon blood will have to sit on the bench.

Ao Lie's move immediately caused an uproar in the world.

No one expected him to make such a move.

This is definitely an unforgivable betrayal and sin for the arrogant dragon clan.

But for the Jiaolongs, this is definitely a glimmer of hope they see.

A large number of Jiaolong masters scrambled to join Ao Lie's command. They felt a little respect here. In order to be able to hold their heads high, they were all willing to swear allegiance to the death and fight to the death.

Are the rebellious navy their opponents?

Within a few months, Ao Lie had conquered a large area of ​​the sea, crippled more than a dozen rebels, and gathered millions of soldiers.

Today, he can be described as a large number of soldiers and generals, and his power has become a climate.

And with the absorption of Pangu's blood essence, Ao Lie's strength is also rising steadily, and he can try to break through the realm of Daluo within a few decades at most.

At that time, when he is in the Dragon Clan, he can be regarded as a top expert, and he can have the real right to speak.

"Report to the third prince!" One of the Jiaolong subordinates clasped his fists and shouted: "The chaotic army has been defeated head-on, killing more than a million enemies, and the enemy army is fleeing, do you want to pursue it?"

"Don't chase after poor thieves." Ao Lie waved his hand and ordered: "Clean up the battlefield and use a secret method to strip the blood of these enemy corpses for use."


The Jiaolong general clasped his fists and roared, and quickly went down to do as he did.

Over the past few months, everyone has long been taken aback by Ao Lie's strange order. After every war, he will definitely let people strip the blood of the enemy's corpse..

One after another, the corpses of huge aquatic dragons were continuously stripped of their blood, and finally stored in pieces of jade.

No one knew what Ao Lie was doing.

Because in everyone's opinion, what is the use of these bloodlines? At most, some ordinary aquatic monsters can be cultivated.

But in fact these bloodlines are of great use, at least they are of great use to the four great dynasties.

In the past few months, Ao Lie not only sent a large amount of materials and treasures to the four dynasties, but also sent a large amount of aquarium blood after each war.

These bloodlines are not only those of the Flood Dragon, but also many rebel true dragons, ancient great demons, or some bloodlines of the prehistoric alien species. They are not only numerous in quantity, but also of high quality.

He is using his own actions to prove his worth to Ji Han.

"Everyone!" Ao Lie's eyes flashed, he looked at the more than 100 subordinates behind him, and said, "You are all the humerus of my dragon clan. This time, you have done a good job in suppressing the rebellion, and this prince will keep it in mind. 35

"In the next day, I will ask for a Dragon Transformation Pond from the clan to improve your bloodline and make you a real dragon clan. I hope you will continue to work hard and kill all the old enemies for my dragon clan."

"Thank you Third Prince!"


The eyes of everyone present lit up with excitement.

The Dragon Transformation Pond, this is the most precious treasure of the dragon family, it can transform the Jiaolong into a powerful treasure of the true 4.3 dragon, and it cannot be used by those who are not of great merit.

Ao Lie made such a big wish, which naturally made everyone extremely happy.

Many Flood Dragon masters have cultivated for hundreds of millions of years. Although their cultivation is profound, they have been unable to raise their heads because of their bloodline origin. At this time, there is a chance to become a real dragon, how can they not be excited?

With a simple sentence, Ao Lie has conquered everyone's heart.

At the same time, he also eliminated the grievances of the Jiaolong clan being enslaved by the dragon clan for thousands of years, and turned this grievance into a fighting spirit that can be used for him.

With this method, Ao Lie had to sigh at Ji Han's horror.


Ao Lie suddenly narrowed his eyes, revealing a trace of doubt, and subconsciously looked up at the sky.

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