At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

469 Investment and standing, Ao Lie's acting skills are amazing! 【Subscription】

Ao Lie's dilemma released a strong signal, which once again made the Jade Emperor and Taibaijinxing excited.

Does this guy really want to enter heaven?

For Heavenly Court, this is a big happy event.

"Good! Hahaha!

"Ao Xiaoyou has such thoughts, it's really a great thing.

"Look, little friend, who am I?"

As the Jade Emperor laughed, his whole body overflowed with golden light.

He decisively exuded his powerful aura, the terrifying Dao Yun swept out, and a kind of light unique to the golden body of merit overflowed.

His avatar was actually made up of merits and virtues. This act of showing off his wealth immediately stunned Ao Lie and made Ji Han dumbfounded.

"Fuck you, big dog!

The two sighed in their hearts.

The Jade Emperor smiled and said: "Ao Xiaoyou, you and I have a good chat, I shouldn't hide it from you, now it's a showdown, I am the Haotian Jade Emperor, the Lord of the Three Realms in your mouth, this is my one. Avatar.

"Jade Emperor?"

Ao Lie pretended to be surprised, and quickly got up and clasped his fists.

"This? This? Xiaolong doesn't know His Majesty's identity, and he is so presumptuous. Please forgive me." Ao Lie loudly apologized.

483 "Hahaha!

"What's wrong with Xiaoyou Ao? It's my hidden identity that travels around the world, and it has nothing to do with you.

The Jade Emperor laughed and hurriedly helped him.

Taibaijinxing also smiled and said: "Ao Xiaoyou please get up, Taibai is an old minister next to Your Majesty.

"Have seen two."9

Ao Lie saluted again, and the atmosphere in the Dragon Palace became a little embarrassing because of the Jade Emperor's rash showdown.

Seeing this, Ji Han reminded: "The Jade Emperor is a little anxious. He said he was Tian Hao just now, but now he admits that he is Haotian, but the situation is still controllable, you can continue to guide the topic."

"Yeah!" Ao Lie nodded secretly and said with a smile: "Your Majesty's body of ten thousand gold has come to the West Sea, this is a blessing for my dragon clan, Xiaolong is terrified!"

"I won't say more polite words, the heaven is just established, and the prestige is not obvious." The Jade Emperor sighed and said: "I use my clone to travel around the world, trying to find a solution, but I didn't expect to meet you today, Xiaoyou Ao. , it is God's will."

"Yeah!" Taibaijinxing smiled and helped: "I just saw that Ao Xiaoyou (bbed) has a good impression of Heavenly Court, and the old minister thought that if the Dragon Clan joined Heavenly Court, it would definitely boost Heavenly Court's prestige. 99

"Not bad!" The Jade Emperor continued: "This matter is indeed feasible, I wonder if Xiaoyou Ao is willing to help me?

In a few words, the Jade Emperor revealed his true purpose.

Since he was enlightened by Hongjun, he has been cultivating hard, and he is not very proficient in the tricks of the world, so he has a little impatient in every move, but he seems very sincere.

"You can rest assured, Ao Xiaoyou." The Jade Emperor said solemnly: "If the Dragon Clan is willing to help me, then I will definitely treat your Clan kindly, and all kinds of gods and virtues can easily help your Dragon Clan to wash away the sins of the ancient times.

The Jade Emperor's solicitation heart is obvious.

Although his recruiting methods seem very immature, Ji Han and Ao Lie's goal has finally been achieved, aren't they just waiting for this moment?

"Don't promise him, hang on to his appetite! Ji Han pointed out:" Mingming the difficulties in the clan, showing his heart, giving him hope without giving any promises.

Ji Han's way of playing with people's hearts is extremely sharp.

Where is the slightly immature Jade Emperor his opponent?

When Ao Lie heard the words, his face was embarrassed and he said bitterly: "Your Majesty thinks highly of me? Xiaolong is only a junior in this dragon clan, and his right to speak is still too low. Most of the elders of the dragon clan are stubborn, so how can I dare to be the master? ""

"If it were me, I would naturally hope that I could seek refuge in the heavenly court, use the merits and virtues of this divine position to wash away my injustices, and do something for all sentient beings in the Three Realms."

"Can? This?"

Ao Lie was hesitant to speak, and his acting skills were outstanding.

The Jade Emperor was immediately itchy.

He could see Ao Lie's sincerity, but he also knew that the situation of the Dragon Clan was very troublesome, so this made him secretly cold.

"But don't worry, Your Majesty." Ao Lie hurriedly assured: "Xiaolong has already established his own door at this time, and he has accumulated strength in this remote sea area. One day, when I can influence the decision-making of the dragon clan, I will definitely push the whole clan to heaven!"

"Okay!" The Jade Emperor was shocked and said excitedly: "With the words of Xiaoyou Ao, this trip is worthwhile."

"Your Majesty!" Taibaijinxing bowed his hands and said, "Ao Lie has this kind of ambition, how about secretly canonizing him as the third-rank Zhenhai General of the Heavenly Court and rewarding him with tens of thousands of merits and treasures to help him?

"Okay, what Aiqing said makes sense. The Jade Emperor was overjoyed, nodded and said: "Go back and order someone to draw up a decree immediately.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Ao Lie clenched his fists in surprise and thanked him.

Although he does not care about these rewards, it is an attitude.

This means that he has completed initial contact with Heavenly Court, and the future relationship will only continue to deepen, which is also extremely beneficial for the Dragon Clan to go to Heaven in the future.

Heavenly Court is the power center of the Three Realms in the future.

For such a declining ancient ethnic group like the Dragon Clan, the benefits of standing in advance to gain the Jade Emperor's favor must be very great.

This is investment, but also standing in line!

Now that he has taken refuge in the Heavenly Court, the Jade Emperor has accepted Ao Lie's kindness, and will look at him highly, and he is also quite grateful to the Dragon Clan.

If you wait for the Heavenly Court to become more prosperous and then go to defect, it will be the icing on the cake, and it will be meaningless.

Moreover, the reward of this divine position and merit has a lot of benefits for Ao Lie's growth, and it is also beneficial for him to cultivate his own forces, so his mood can be said to be quite comfortable.

In this way, Ao Lie is like a branch of the Dragon Clan, and he has established his own door.

He secretly boarded the big ship of the heavenly court, and he can be said to be a steady darling of the heavenly way, and his future achievements are limitless.

"But this is not enough. You must increase your importance and bargaining chip in the Jade Emperor's heart, so that you can gain greater benefits in this team."

"Advice to him, saying that you have three strategies to increase the prestige of the heaven, and you are willing to dedicate it to the Jade Emperor. 99

Ji Han decisively interrupted and pointed.

Ao Lie's whole body was shocked and his eyes were full of brilliance.

Without any doubt, he decisively clasped his fists and said: "Your Majesty, since Xiaolong has decided to do things for the Heavenly Court, he naturally hopes that the Heavenly Court's sound will intimidate the Three Realms, so he has three strategies to offer, and I hope Your Majesty will judge."5


Jade Emperor and Taibaijinxing immediately became interested.

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